Phoenix Dance

Chapter 192 Heading to Nanyun City

Chapter 192 Heading to Nanyun City (2)

He felt an unprecedented strong aura flowing towards his seven meridians and eight meridians, which made him suddenly feel that he was about to break through.

However, now it is on the plane.If he wants to break through, the impact of the advanced stage will definitely destroy the entire plane.

Ouyang Huang felt that he could not break through no matter what at this time, so he forcibly suppressed the rioting spiritual power in his body.

At the same time, although he was still greedy for the glass of spirit fruit wine in his hand, he didn't dare to drink it anymore.He was afraid that if he took another sip, the spiritual power that had just been suppressed in his body would radiate again, and it would be impossible to suppress it.

As soon as Ouyang Huang's sudden strangeness happened just now, Feng Range also felt it.

After he noticed that Ouyang Huang took a sip of the spirit fruit wine, a strong aura emerged around his body. Feng Range is also a practitioner, so he knew it very clearly that Ouyang Huang was about to break through sign.

However, not long after the aura was condensed, Feng Range saw that Ouyang Huang suppressed the aura very quickly, and then the misty aura surrounding him also quickly disappeared. Disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Feng Range froze there.

Feng Range is a cultivator, and he also knows how difficult it is to advance in cultivation.Especially in such an environment where spiritual energy is scarce, it is even more difficult to break through.

But Ouyang Huang didn't even have the slightest hesitation because he estimated the safety of everyone on the plane, and directly suppressed the violent spiritual power in his body.

Feng Range was stunned, but at this moment, Ouyang Huang turned his head to look at Feng Range after suppressing the violent spiritual power in his body.

And it just so happened that Feng Range was absent-minded at the moment, so Ouyang Huang took a good look at it!
Ouyang Huang saw that Feng Range was looking at his direction and lost his mind, so he hooked the corners of his lips imperceptibly, and said, "Little Geer, your wine is not bad, it is brewed with spiritual fruit! The spirit is very strong, Can you give me an altar? Just the altar you took out will do.”

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden opening, and he was still staring at him, Feng Range immediately recovered after hearing the voice.

After looking at Ouyang Huang, she then looked at the small altar of spirit fruit wine in front of her. She plugged the wine jar without hesitation, and then threw the small wine jar to Ouyang Huang with a slight lift of her hand.

Seeing Feng Range's movements, Ouyang Huang immediately raised his hand to catch the small wine jar Feng Range threw over, and put it into the space ring in his hand.

Ouyang Huang discovered that Feng Range was full of treasures except for secrets.

Any artifact is the space ring.A jar of wine at hand is a spiritual fruit wine with rich aura.

This little woman not only has many secrets, but also many treasures!

However, although he knew that Xiao Ge'er had a lot of treasures, he didn't have the slightest thought of murdering Yue Bao.Because he felt that the biggest treasure in Feng Range was not those things, but her.Feng Range is the woman he values ​​most, how could he be willing to destroy it with his own hands!
After throwing the spirit fruit wine to Ouyang Huang, Feng Range turned his head away and didn't look at Ouyang Huang again.Similarly, Ouyang Huang also withdrew his gaze from looking at Feng Range, and picked up the glass of red wine again.

For a while, the three fell into silence again...

Because she didn't know how long it would take for the plane to land, Feng Range put her head on her hands again and fell asleep.

Ran Yu sat beside Feng Range, and after drinking a glass of spiritual fruit wine, she closed her eyes and silently recited what Feng Range taught her and her brother Ran Yun.

When Ran Yu was in the Shihuang space, Shihuang would let her meditate and practice whenever the aura in her body was abundant.After waking up from practice, he will fight against the puppets in the practice room.

Now, although she doesn't remember anything about the Shihuang space from the outside world, she still develops the habit of meditating and practicing after she has enough spiritual power in her body.

So, one fell asleep, one meditated and practiced, and the other held a glass of wine, sometimes flipping through magazines, and sometimes looking out the window.Until, after another three hours, the plane showed signs of landing, Feng Range opened his eyes again, and Ran Yu withdrew from meditation.

The three of them sat quietly like this until the plane landed completely, and then they unfastened their seat belts and stood up.

The three walked out of the cabin, Ouyang Huang walked in front, Feng Range pulled Ran Yu and walked behind him with Ran Yu.

Before that, Feng Range felt that the place Ouyang Huang brought them back might not be Jingbei City, but another city in Yanhuang Kingdom.Therefore, when Feng Range got off the plane, he intentionally followed behind Ouyang Huang instead of walking in front of him.

She was afraid that if she didn't know the way in this strange place, it would be a shameful thing.

After the three of Ouyang Huang got off the plane, because they didn't have checked luggage, the three went directly to the pick-up room at the airport.

After arriving at the pick-up room, Feng Range realized that the place they arrived at was Nanyun City, another city in Yanhuang Kingdom.

Compared with the geographical locations of Nanyun City and Jingbei City, one is west and the other is east, the difference between the two places is hundreds of thousands of miles.

Feng Range didn't know anything about why Ouyang Huang came here.So, she held Ran Yu's hand and just followed him closely. Wherever he went, she followed him without making a sound.

In the pick-up room, Ouyang Huang took Feng Range and Ran Yu around, and finally saw Erlang in a small room with his legs crossed, a cup of coffee in front of him, and a document in his hand. by Wen Chen.

Wen Chen raised his head unhurriedly when he heard someone coming in.

When seeing Ouyang Huang and Feng Range together, there was no doubt on his face.After looking at the three of them calmly for a while, he stood up directly.

After closing the document in his hand, he handed it to Ouyang Huang, "Let's take a look, it's here, the location is good! Next, shall we go directly to the hotel, or go to this place to have a look?"

After Ouyang Huang took the document, he didn't read it right away, so he said to Wen Chen, "Go back to the hotel first, and almost broke through after drinking something on the plane. Now the spiritual power is still suppressed. Now I have to Break through and go there to have a look!"

As Ouyang Huang said, he glanced at Feng Range.

Hearing Ouyang Huang say that he almost broke through on the plane, it was because of drinking something, Wen Chen showed a strange look at this time, and looked at Ouyang Huang suspiciously.

Especially when he saw Ouyang Huang talking about this matter, he glanced at Feng Range, and he knew that this matter was related to this woman.So, I became even more curious.

However, at this moment, Ouyang Huang didn't help him solve his doubts, but turned around and left the small room.

After walking out of the small room, Ouyang Huang said, "I'll tell you about this later! Now, you send me to the suburbs, and then you send Xiao Ge'er and this little girl back to the hotel. When I break through, when the time comes I'll go back to the hotel by myself."

Ouyang Huang said, regardless of the opinions of the three, he directly walked out of the reception room.

Seeing Ouyang Huang leave, the three people behind him followed obediently.

Facing a domineering and corrupt boss like Ouyang Huang, Wen Chen would never find a chance to refute whether he was his brother or a subordinate.

But fortunately, Ouyang Huang has never made a mistake in seeing people and doing things for so many years.

Wenchen and his other eleven friends are also willing to follow this big boss forever...

(End of this chapter)

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