Phoenix Dance

Chapter 193 Breakthrough, Magic Body

Chapter 193 Breakthrough, Magic Body (1)

After Ouyang Huang and the others found Wen Chen's car to pick them up in the parking lot, they got into the car directly.

Wen Chen sat in the cab, and after finding an empty and hidden place around Nanyun City on the map, he drove there directly and quickly.

After getting into the car, Ouyang Huang slowly opened the document that Wen Chen handed him earlier.

This document was a place that Fengrange asked Ouyang Huang to find when she was in Meijian country before, and it was used to establish her power.

After Ouyang Huang opened the document, he carefully read it word by word.

He took care of everything about Feng Range for her very seriously, without any mistakes, in case another mistake would bring unnecessary trouble to her in the future.

After reading the entire document, Ouyang Huang stepped forward and nodded in satisfaction.

Wen Chen's handling ability has always been top-notch, so over the years, he has become one of Ouyang Huang's most trusted people.

The place Wen Chen found for Feng Range was a place surrounded by mountains on three sides and water on one side.This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. There is only one tunnel to enter and exit. The area is about the size of a stadium, which is enough for Feng Range to establish an invisible small force.

This place was originally relocated by the country to build a playground.However, because of the remoteness of the place, although almost all the people here have moved out, the developer still has a comprehensive plan to deal with this place, so it has been procrastinating.

It is precisely because of this and other reasons that Fengrange is now cheap.Ouyang Huang asked Wen Chen to buy the land here at twice the original price, and gave it to Feng Range to establish her own power.

And this piece of land is the second gift that Ouyang Huang wants to give Feng Range!
While Ouyang Huang was reading the documents, Wen Chen had already found a secluded road, except for the urban area of ​​Nanyun City.

Coming to the suburbs outside the city, many places here are hills.For Ouyang Huang who wanted to find a random place to break through, it was very easy to find.

After getting out of the car, Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen looked around, trying to find an excellent place for Ouyang Huang to break through based on his years of accident experience.

Just as the two stood there for a long time, uncertain about the surrounding environment, Feng Range also led Ran Yu out of the car.

Feng Range casually pointed to the top of a hill, and said, "It's not bad there, Longjiao, the dragon's head is underground!"

Hearing Feng Range speak, Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen looked towards the hill Feng Range pointed at.A single hill is nothing to look at, but it is connected with the structure and location of the surrounding hills, as well as the land under your feet, and the rivers flowing around, isn't it just a crawling giant dragon!

The dragon's body is still crawling, but its head is still a little high, and the horns are the tallest, so that mountain peak is the best choice for Fengrange.

After Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen understood the location of the hill Feng Range chose and the profound meaning in it, they looked at Feng Range with strange expressions.

Although Ouyang Huang always knew that Feng Range was not an easy woman, Wen Chen didn't.

Wen Chen didn't know much about Fengrange, so he had a strange look towards her.But Ouyang Huang, he has always been curious about Fengrange, so after he discovered her other abilities, he couldn't help showing something strange.

The reason why Fengrange could see this treasure land at a glance was not only because she saw that it was a land of subduing dragons, but also because she had practiced "Yao Xing Jue", which made her see where it was. Growth Elixir.

Feng Range is an alchemist, and things like elixir are far more attractive to her than other things.

Ouyang Huang had been looking at Feng Range all the time, and after seeing the light in Feng Range's eyes, he knew that there must be something that attracted her there too.

Therefore, Ouyang Huang decided to go to that hill to break through according to Feng Range's intention!

He was curious, Xiao Ge'er was curious about what was there?

Due to his interest in Fengrange, Ouyang Huang almost forgot that he didn't come here to watch Fengrange to hunt for treasures, but to make a breakthrough.

"Then let's go to that hill! But it's a bit far from here to there, and cars can't drive there. It seems that we can only use special means in special times."

As Ouyang Huang said, he took out a long black sword about two feet long and two inches wide.Throwing it casually, it was thrown into the air and stopped there.

Ouyang Huang leaped lightly again, onto the sword, and stood on it heroically.

Seeing this scene, Feng Range was fine, but Ran Yu, who had never seen such a situation, was shocked!

"Wow..." Then he was stunned.

Not a while after Ouyang Huang stood on the sword, he saw Wen Chen follow Ouyang Huang's example, ran out of a soft sword, jumped on it lightly.

Then, together with Ouyang Huang, they looked down at Feng Range and Ran Yu on the ground.

"Xiao Ge'er, come up with the little girl!"

Ouyang Huang said softly to Feng Range, but after hearing his words, Feng Range didn't move at all.

Isn't it Yujian flying!She was a pill god in her previous life, so does she still need someone to take her?

Just when Ouyang Huang thought that Feng Range was still hesitating, he saw Feng Range picked a leaf from the side and injected a ray of spiritual energy into the leaf.

After the leaf was injected with spiritual energy by Feng Range, it gradually became bigger.And it didn't stop getting bigger until it got bigger, until it could seat two people.

Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen saw the enlarged leaves floating in front of Feng Range and Ran Yu, and then Feng Range hugged Ran Yu on the leaves and sat down.

After Ran Yu sat down, Feng Range tapped her toes again, jumped onto the leaves, and sat down cross-legged.

After doing these actions, Feng Range glanced at Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen, and then drove the leaves to fly to the hill.

As soon as Feng Range left, Ouyang Huang reacted immediately, and then chased after her at the fastest speed.

And Wen Chen, after seeing Ouyang Huang leave, immediately followed.

After a while, Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen caught up with Feng Range.

Feng Range didn't even look at the two people who were chasing up, but now she is more interested in the elixir in that hill, and the elixir has completely captured Feng Range's attention.

Wen Chen, who was catching up, didn't respond to Feng Range's ignorance, but Ouyang Huang resented.

"Xiao Ge'er, I'm going to break through later, do you think I can break through smoothly?"

In order to attract Feng Range's attention, Ouyang Huang asked Feng Range in a resentful tone.

Wen Chen was stunned when he saw Ouyang Huang's behavior as if he had changed suddenly.

Is this Ouyang Huang?Is this his friend plus BOSS?Why is it different from before?

Ouyang Huang didn't react at all to Wen Chen's puzzled and stunned expression.

(End of this chapter)

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