Phoenix Dance

Chapter 195 Breakthrough, Magic Body

Chapter 195 Breakthrough, Magic Body (3)

While the three of them were chatting one after another, they reached the sky above the hill.

Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen landed slowly, and then when they were two meters above the ground, they jumped lightly and jumped off the sword.

After seeing the movements of the two, Feng Range quickly controlled the leaves to fall down.

However, she didn't stop until she was less than half a meter from the ground. She walked down by herself first, and then led Ran Yu down again.

After all four of them got down to the ground, Feng Range didn't plan to be with Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen.

The top of this hill is a flat and concave terrain, it is enough to break through here, they don't need to find other places.

However, Feng Range came here not to watch them break through.Instead, she wanted to find the genius medicine that she had discovered long ago.

Ran Yu's current cultivation base is still shallow, and she will have to face more serious breakthroughs in the future.

Ever since Ouyang Huang's breakthrough in the open suburbs, Feng Range knew clearly that Ouyang Huang's breakthrough was bound to be accompanied by visions.

And for such a breakthrough, for a new practitioner like Ran Yu, it will be of great benefit for her to see more when she breaks through in the future.

Ran Yu's physique is special, once he is faced with a breakthrough vision in the future, it will definitely be earth-shattering.

Thinking of this, Feng Range planned to hand over Ran Yu to Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen, let Ran Yu follow them, and see how they break through.

Feng Range pushed Ran Yu forward, and said, "You guys can break through here. I'll leave Xiaoyu with you and let her watch you break through. I still have something to do, and I'll be back in a while!" "

With that said, Feng Range pushed Ran Yu forward again.

However, Ran Yu didn't want to leave Master and follow others.So, when Feng Range pushed her in front of Ouyang Huang, she turned around and looked at Feng Range fixedly.

"Master, what are you going to do? Can I come with you too, I don't want to be with them!" Ran Yu said, pursing her mouth in aggrieved manner.

However, after seeing her expression, Feng Range didn't soften her heart.

She reached out and touched Ran Yu's small head, and said, "Xiaoyu, you are now a cultivator like us, and you will inevitably face breakthroughs in the future. And you and your brother have special physiques. When you break through in this way, your breakthrough must be earth-shattering. Now that they are about to break through, you stand aside and watch carefully, which will be good for your future breakthrough! Few people can stand by in this situation Witness, so, you have to be obedient! Master will come to you later, okay?"

After hearing Feng Range's persuasion, Ran Yu finally nodded reluctantly.

After seeing Ran Yu's promise, Feng Range said to Ouyang Huang again, "I'll leave Xiaoyu to you! Also, drink less spirit fruit wine, one more glass per person is enough!"

As Feng Range said, he glanced at Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen, then turned and left.

Seeing Feng Range leave, Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen looked at each other, a little puzzled.

When Feng Range turned around, he told them not to drink too much spirit fruit wine. Is there any meaning in that?

But, after all, the spirit fruit wine was obtained from Feng Range, so she must have a reason for saying this.So neither of them dared to drink too much.

After Ouyang Huang took out two small altars of spirit fruit wine, the two drank a couple of sips each, and then began to sit cross-legged.

They closed their eyes, circulated the aura in their bodies, and circulated one cycle after another in their bodies.

Gradually, after drinking two sips of spirit fruit wine, it transformed into rich and pure spiritual energy, which flowed into the seven meridians, eight channels and dantian of the two of them.

At the same time, the spiritual energy of the outside world was gradually affected by the two of them, and it continuously surged towards the surroundings of the two of them, forming a dense spiritual mist.

Ran Yu stood beside the two of them, and when he saw this scene, he couldn't stop taking a few steps back.He stopped only three meters away from the two of them.

Because she heard from her master before that it would be good for her to see their breakthrough, so even though she really wanted to leave here to find her master, she still endured it and stood quietly watching.

Just when Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen were trying their best to break through, Feng Range's figure had already appeared in the middle of the hill.

Guided by the second level of "Seeking the Green Field" in "The Art of the Stars", she gradually approached the place where she had seen the treasures and medicines of heaven and earth before.

She leaned forward and approached that place cautiously.

As she got closer and closer, she discovered that the heaven and earth spirit treasure and elixir were actually moving, and the movement was very fast.

However, Feng Range didn't chase after her in a hurry, because she found that the treasure of heaven and earth was coming towards her.

What kind of heaven and earth spirit treasure is this?It is still alive and can move by itself!
Now that the Lingbao of Heaven and Earth is approaching her, she doesn't need to go any further.She just needs to stay where she is and wait for the Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure to come to her door.

Anyway, the speed of this heaven and earth spirit treasure is very fast, if this heaven and earth spirit treasure does not want to follow her, no matter how hard she tries today, she will not be able to catch her.

However, since it is coming towards her now, and there has been no movement before, it can be seen that this heaven and earth spirit treasure must be coming towards her.

Feng Range was a little curious about the heaven and earth spirit treasure that would come towards her!
However, not long after becoming curious, Feng Range saw the front view of the Heaven and Earth Spirit Treasure.

That thing turned out to be... a 'ginseng' that can move by itself?
Feng Range looked intently at the 'ginseng', but after a few glances, the 'ginseng' fell into Feng Range's arms and rubbed against it.

Use your spiritual sense to transmit a sound to Feng Range, "Master, master! You have a secret treasure on your body, Nini likes it very much! Can Nini go in?"

Feng Range caught 'ginseng' and held it in her hand, and then heard a tender and soft male voice appearing in her mind.

Is this 'ginseng' talking to her?Feng Range was taken aback in surprise.

"Your name is Nini? How do you know that I have secret treasures on me?" Feng Range asked without saying no to the words of 'Ginseng'.

Hearing Feng Range's question, 'Ginseng' Nini looked like a human being, with a small red flower on her head, she shook it immediately, as if she was nodding.

Its immature and soft voice appeared in Mad Ranger's mind again, "Yes! Yes! Master, I am Nini! I can feel the secret treasure on Master's body, Master, I can..."

"Boom... boom..."

Just when 'Ginseng' Nini kept flattering Fengrange, Fengrange heard several uninterrupted thunderclaps. This is...

Only then did Fengrange turn her attention from 'ginseng' Nini to the sky.

She realized that the sky was covered with layers of thick dark clouds without her noticing, and thunder calamities were constantly rolling in the dark clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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