Phoenix Dance

Chapter 196 Breakthrough, Magic Body

Chapter 196 Breakthrough, Magic Body (4)

After seeing this situation, Feng Range's expression suddenly changed!Could it be that Ouyang Huang's lightning calamity when he broke through!
She felt that the power of the thunder tribulation was so powerful that it overwhelmingly pressed down.

At this time, she couldn't help but think of Ran Yu who was left on the top of the mountain by her. This girl must be very scared when she saw such a situation!
So, she didn't care about what to say to 'ginseng' Nini, and directly threw this 'ginseng' into the Shihuang space, and at the same time notified Shihuang, and then rushed to the top of the mountain at the fastest speed up!

She knew from the very beginning that Ouyang Huang's breakthrough would not be easy, but she never expected that the movement would be so big!
Thinking of Ran Yu who was still on the top of the mountain, Feng Range couldn't help but think that if the thunder calamity fell, Ran Yu would definitely be affected, and how dangerous it would be!

At this moment, Feng Range rushed to the top of the mountain recklessly.He didn't even notice that his cheek was scratched by the branches along the way.

It wasn't until she reached the edge of the mountain and saw Ran Yu's figure that she gradually slowed down.

Fortunately, there is still time, Lei Jie hasn't fallen yet!

When he found Feng Range appeared, Ouyang Huang opened his eyes and looked at Feng Range, and then at Ran Yu.

After Feng Range noticed Ouyang Huang's eyes, he realized that it was Ouyang Huang who had been suppressing Lei Jie's fall, so that Feng Range had time to take Ran Yu away from here.

After understanding what Ouyang Huang meant, Feng Range quickly ran to Ran Yu's side, took out a few spirit stones, and quickly set up a defensive formation.

Now they are in a special place, and it will not be safe to go anywhere, so it is more important to strengthen the defense.

After seeing Feng Range arrange the defensive formation, Feng Range saw Ouyang Huang glance at Wen Chen who was sitting cross-legged beside him.

Wen Chen's current state is not very good, probably because of the influence of Ouyang Huang's thunder calamity, the spiritual power in his body was completely suppressed.

After seeing Ouyang Huang's eyes, Feng Range immediately understood what he meant.

She left Ran Yu in the formation, and went out of the formation alone.He walked to Wen Chen's side with extra care, took out a dozen silver needles and injected them into several acupuncture points on Wen Chen's body.Sealing the spiritual power and spiritual energy in his body, he stretched out his hand and dragged him into the formation he had arranged.

As soon as he entered the formation, Wen Chen immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and then fell to the ground.

Seeing Wen Chen's appearance, Ran Yu was worried and frightened, and said in a trembling voice, "Master, he vomited blood!"

When Feng Range heard Ran Yu's voice, he glanced at Wen Chen, and said lightly, "Xiao Yu, he's fine! Spitting out this blood is good for him. Now look at Ouyang Huang!" "

Hearing Feng Range's words, Ran Yu and Feng Range stared blankly at Ouyang Huang.

After Feng Range helped him deal with his worries, Ouyang Huang was finally able to break through without further suppressing Lei Jie.

So, as soon as he relaxed, the pressure of the entire Thunder Tribulation came overwhelming.

What a powerful force!Feng Range was shocked!

She found that the formation she had arranged trembled a little, but after shaking it a few times, it did not shatter.

After seeing that there was nothing wrong with the formation, Feng Range turned his gaze to Ouyang Huang.

At this time, Thunder Tribulation was almost brewing.

Seeing that the bombardment was about to come down, Feng Range saw something strange in Ouyang Huang's body.

And this strangeness made Feng Range's eyes widen.

His body... that is... that turned out to be devil energy!
A trace of black magic energy was mixed in the spiritual energy imperceptibly.If it weren't for Feng Range's sensitive facial features and sharp eyes, she would not have noticed.

After discovering that Ouyang Huang's body was overflowing with a trace of demon energy, Feng Range couldn't help guessing Ouyang Huang's physique.

Unexpectedly, he actually had a demon body!
How could there be a person with a demon body in this world?What is his identity?
At this time, Feng Range will definitely not be absolutely sure that he will still be just a member of Ouyang's family, an ordinary practitioner.

Just because he was carrying a demon body, Feng Range believed that he must not be just an ordinary cultivator.Then what identity would he have?

Just when Feng Range was shocked and confused, the thunder disaster above Ouyang Huang's head was finally brewing.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" One after another, three lightning tribulations fell in a row.

But this is not over yet, before Feng Range could see clearly Ouyang Huang after being struck by the thunder disaster, the thunder clouds in the sky were condensing the thunder disaster again.

And this time the condensation was faster than the one just now.But in 1 minute, the condensation was completed again.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" Three more lightning tribulations fell in succession.

This is not over yet, the thunderclouds in the sky once again condensed into a thunder calamity.

But this time it was faster, and it condensed again in less than half a minute.

Then, "Boom! Boom! Boom!"

After three more thunderstorms fell in a row, the thunderclouds in the sky gradually dissipated.

After the thunder cloud dissipated, Feng Range saw that Ouyang Huang, who was within the range of the thunder calamity, was carrying a whole body of electric current, which was actually the power of thunder and lightning.Slowly walking out of a puff of smoke, looking directly at Feng Range, with an evil smile that looked like a smile but not a smile.

At this time, Feng Range didn't know if after learning that Ouyang Huang was a demon body, he realized that Ouyang Huang had a trace of the evil spirit of the demon nobles in his body.

Seeing Ouyang Huang like this, Feng Range was a little dazed for a moment.

"Little Geer!" Ouyang Huang called out softly, and walked to Feng Range's defensive formation.

Feng Range stood in the formation in a daze, without any reaction for a while.At this moment, Ouyang Huang's fingertips condensed a wisp of aura, but Feng Range took a closer look, and found that there were a few traces of demonic energy mixed in the aura.

Ouyang Huang tapped Feng Range's formation lightly with his fingertips, and the protective light film formed by the formation shattered.

"Xiao Ge'er, have you seen it all?"

After the formation was shattered, Ouyang Huang walked up to Feng Range in a few steps, put his hand around her slender waist, and said with sexy thin lips.

The current Ouyang Huang's aura and behavior are much different from those before the breakthrough.The current him, I don't know if he was affected by the evil energy in his body, which made him evil, bewitching, without the coldness of a god, but with the evil charm of a demon.

At this time, Feng Range was hugged by him, and his eyes met. Such a situation made her blush and hot.

"You...can you let me go first?" Feng Range blushed, reached out and pushed Ouyang Huang back, but Ouyang Huang still hugged her and remained motionless.

Seeing Ouyang Huang at this moment, not only did he not let go, but he lowered his head and moved closer to her cheek.

Because when Ouyang Huang was taking Chun medicine before, the two of them kissed unexpectedly again.

Now that Ouyang Huang approached her so ambiguously, Feng Range thought that he wanted to kiss her again, so he tensed up nervously.

"Ouyang't do this..."

"So? How is this?" When Feng Range nervously rejected Ouyang Huang intermittently, Ouyang Huang was very interested in teasing her.

Such a shy little song is so funny!He couldn't help but really want to kiss Fangze.

(End of this chapter)

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