Phoenix Dance

Chapter 197 Breakthrough, Magic Body

Chapter 197 Breakthrough, Magic Body (5)

However, he knew that Xiao Ge'er hadn't fully accepted him yet, and he couldn't do anything that would make Xiao Ge'er hate him, in case this little woman would accidentally run away from him.

When Feng Range heard Ouyang Huang's sudden rhetorical question, she was stunned for a moment, unable to react.

How is this?How does he know?She looked at Ouyang Huang and was speechless immediately.

Seeing that Feng Range lowered his head suddenly and remained silent, Ouyang Huang twitched the corner of his mouth and revealed an evil smile.

Putting his mouth close to Feng Range's ear, he said in her ear, "Little Geer, you gave me a big gift! When I go back later, I will return it to you!"

After Ouyang Huang finished speaking, he let go of Feng Range and pushed her away from his embrace.

Then, Feng Range saw Ouyang Huang go around her, took two steps, walked to Wen Chen's side, and reached out to help Wen Chen who was sitting on the ground with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth.

Seeing such a weak Wen Chen, Ouyang Huang's deep eyes revealed a hint of apology.

It was rare for him not to be indifferent to his subordinates, but he said kindly, "Achen, I'm sorry this time!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's apology, Wen Chen raised his head with difficulty, and said in a weak voice, "Young Master Huang, I'm fine. You made such a big noise just now, someone should come later. Let's leave first Let's talk about it here!"

"Okay!" Wen Chen has been assisting Ouyang Huang with some affairs like an assistant.

Both of them are practitioners, and they are much more familiar with this world than Feng Range.Therefore, they are quite sensitive to the wind direction of the practice world in this world.

With regard to the commotion caused by Ouyang Huang just now, if someone has a certain status in a sect, he will definitely know that the vision just now must have been formed by someone's breakthrough.

And there will be such a movement in the breakthrough, then this person's talent and cultivation must be excellent!

As the core personnel of a sect, they would never give up on including such a character into their sect.

However, just when Ouyang Huang was about to support Wen Chen and leave immediately, Feng Range reached out to stop the two of them.

"Wait!" Ouyang Huang saw Feng Range bypassing them and walking behind them.

Then, I saw her condense a wave of spiritual power, and slapped Wen Chen on the back with one blow.

Wen Chen was hit by Feng Range, and immediately saw more than a dozen silver needles coming out of his body.

Seeing the silver needle shot out from Wen Chen's body, Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen looked at Feng Range, a little surprised!

Before, one of them was busy breaking through, and the other was suppressed by coercion. Although he vomited blood, he was already unconscious, so he didn't notice that Feng Range had given Wen Chen the needle.

Now seeing these shot silver needles, Ouyang Huang felt that Fengrange had greatly helped him.As for Wen Chen, he felt that his body became much better instantly after the silver needle was shot out.

He didn't need Ouyang Huang to support him anymore, he could stand by himself.At the same time, his heart was shocked!
At this moment, he also deeply felt that this woman Fengrange is not simple!
Just when the two of them looked at her in surprise, Feng Range picked the leaves again to input spiritual power, and then the leaves turned into a leaf boat big enough for four people.

Regardless of the two men who were staring at her in a daze, Feng Range picked up Ran Yu, put her on Ye Zhou, and then jumped up herself.

"Let's go!" After she stood up, Feng Range looked at the two of them again and urged.

Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen heard her voice at the same time, looked at the Ye Zhou under her feet, and then jumped up lightly.

After the four of them got on Ye Zhou, Feng Range controlled Ye Zhou and flew to the place where they parked before.

However, they didn't know that after they left, five groups of people came to this hill to see what happened...

(End of this chapter)

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