Phoenix Dance

Chapter 198 Survey Base

Chapter 198 Survey Base (1)

After the four of Feng Range returned to the parking place, because Wen Chen's body had not fully recovered, Ouyang Huang drove the three of them back to the city.

After returning to the city, because Wen Chen came here half a month ago.Therefore, he booked a room in the best hotel here long before Ouyang Huang and Feng Range came.

The four of them have just arrived here, and because of Ouyang Huang's breakthrough, they have nothing else to do now.

Regarding the fact that Ouyang Huang wanted to take Feng Range to see the place that he had chosen for her to build his power, he decided to go later.

Although Wen Chen's current situation looks weak on the surface, it shouldn't be a big problem.

But the actual problems are only clear to them, the cultivators themselves.

When breaking through, once it is backlashed by the breakthrough force, not only will the cultivation base not advance but retreat, but it may also not make any progress in the cultivation base for the rest of its life.

Now they have Feng Range by their side, and Ouyang Huang also saw that Feng Range had dealt with Wen Chen's situation before, so he knew that it would not happen that he would not improve his cultivation in his lifetime.However, I still don't want to delay it for too long, so as not to affect Wen Chen's future cultivation progress.

Because Ouyang Huang was anxious about Wen Chen's situation, he drove relatively fast.

He only drove for 10 minutes from the suburbs to the largest hotel in the city center.

At the entrance of the hotel, although Wen Chen didn't need anyone's support now, Ouyang Huang went around to the front of the co-pilot and helped Wen Chen out of the car.

After the four of them handed over the car to the security guard at the door, they went straight upstairs.

The four of them did not go back to their respective rooms, but all went to Feng Range's room.

Because Wen Chen had to deal with his internal injuries and the impact of the breakthrough force, Ouyang Huang felt that it would be better to take Wen Chen to Fengrange's room.

Although Ouyang Huang doesn't like other men getting too close to Feng Range, he is still very lenient when dealing with the injuries of his good brother and partner.

He knows that Feng Range is a doctor, he can't stop her, never let her hang the pot to help the world, use her medical skills to treat others!

Not to mention that he hasn't turned Xiao Ge'er into his person yet, even if Xiao Ge'er becomes his woman in the future, he won't dare to do so!
Xiao Ge'er looks cold and harmless, but only those who know her know that this little woman is also a cold, cruel woman!
If one day he pissed him off, I'm afraid that no matter how good their relationship is now, this little woman will definitely turn her face and deny anyone.

As for Fengrange, no matter how courageous Ouyang Huang was, he would not dare to take risks on her.And the price of the adventure, he was afraid that he would not be able to afford it!

After the four of them came to Feng Range's room, Ouyang Huang helped Wen Chen sit down on the sofa, and Feng Range walked into the bedroom with Ran Yu.

Because Feng Range didn't know how long she was going to stay here, and she didn't want to waste Ran Yu's training time, so she wanted to tighten Ran Yu into Shihuang's space again.

Because there were Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen outside, it was difficult for Feng Range to send Ran Yu in in front of them.He had no choice but to take Ran Yu into the bedroom and send her in.

After entering the bedroom, Feng Range said to Ran Yu, "Xiao Yu, you have seen Ouyang Huang's breakthrough before, and with your intelligence, you must have gained some insights from it. Now Master has other things to do. To do it, I will send you to find Xiaoshi. During the time here, you can follow Xiaoshi to practice! Also, after you go in, tell Xiaoshi about Ouyang Huang's breakthrough before, it knows how to help You practice."

After hearing Feng Range's instructions, Ran Yu nodded obediently.

"Yes, Master! Just get busy, Master! I will be obedient."

Although Ran Yu forgot what happened in the Shihuang space, he vaguely remembered the name Xiao Shi.She didn't know where Master was going to send her, but she never disobeyed Master's arrangement.

After hearing Ran Yu's promise, Feng Range sent Ran Yu into Shihuang space with a direct thought.

After doing this, she walked out of the bedroom as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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