Phoenix Dance

Chapter 279 Packed Up Together

Chapter 279 Packed up together (2)

Just because she seldom smiles on weekdays, now Kayina is very charming when she smiles.I don't know if Xiaoyu was attracted by her charming smile, and when he moved two steps away from Kayina, he threw himself into her arms.Then, leaning against each other, she looked at Feng Range with teary eyes.

"Master, you have to come back quickly!"

Hearing Ran Yu's urging, Feng Range nodded solemnly again.Then, he stood up.

Feng Range stroked Ran Yu's little head, then stood aside, planning to watch Ran Yu and Ka Yina leave first, and then go in to do their own business.

Because Kayina and the others came in Wenchen's car, so now that they left, Feng Range asked Yi Shaojun to drive away in her car.

When taking Feng Range's car keys, Yi Shaojun suddenly had to tremble.

"That's great! I was not allowed to touch Huang Shao's car before, but now I finally have the opportunity to experience Sarna's modified car!"

Hearing Yi Shaojun's dejected exclamation, Ouyang Huang narrowed his eyes.

"Ah Jun, after sending them back, remember to wash Xiao Ge'er's car inside and out. Remember, don't send them to a car wash!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden devilish voice, Yi Shaojun, who was originally terrified, felt my back go stiff.Then, the whole person feels bad.

"Young Master Huang! Boss..."


Seeing the rare way of getting along with Ouyang Huang and Yi Shaojun, everyone was dumbfounded.

It turns out that Ouyang Huang, who has always been indifferent, also has such moments of bickering with others!

Seeing Ouyang Huang being so tyrannical and autocratic, Yi Shaojun obediently took Kayina and got into the car.

However, after getting in the car, Ouyang Huang, who was still muttering, was brutal.

As for Yi Shaojun's playfulness, Ouyang Huang simply ignored him.

Then, he walked to Feng Range's side and said, "Let's go!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range nodded.Then, I also saw Yi Shaojun start the car, and in a flash, he was 100 meters away from them.

After seeing them leave, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang turned around and prepared to walk inside.

The two walked in front, and Wen Chen followed behind.

Because the medical school is similar to other universities, there are several grades on weekdays, and students in some classes rarely have classes.

And because Ouyang Huang, Feng Range and Wen Chen, the three handsome men and beautiful women are all very outstanding in appearance, so they have attracted many people's attention all the way in.

"Wow! Who are they? Those two guys are so handsome!"

"Yes! Yes! They are not students of our school, are they? They are all about the same age as us!"

"I hope it is! I hope it is! In this way, we will have handsome guys watching it every day! I am really happy..."

Ouyang Huang and the three of them frowned upon hearing the lamented voices of many girls.

However, frowning is a frown, but there is no reaction.The three of them continued walking forward.

However, after walking for a while, when they were about to reach the teaching building, some of the passers-by recognized Feng Range.

"Huh? That girl looks familiar! It seems to be... Fengrange..."

Hearing someone call out her name suddenly, Feng Range also heard that voice was familiar, so she also looked at the girl.

And after looking at it, Feng Range really saw a girl he also knew.Wen Xue, who used to be in the same dormitory!
Since Feng Range was reborn, she knew who was in the dormitory, but the only person she had contact with was not Wen Xue, but Wen Xue.

After seeing Wen Xue who had no friendship at all, Feng Range only took one look, then looked away again.Then, continue walking with Ouyang Huang Wenchen.

However, just a few steps after the three of them walked out, they were stopped by a person in front of them.And the person who stopped them was Wen Xue.

Seeing that Wen Xue stopped them suddenly and was still staring at Ouyang Huang, Feng Range narrowed his eyes, a little displeased!

Just when Feng Range was about to speak to let Wen Xue get out of the way, Wen Xue spoke first.

She looked straight at Ouyang Huang, pointed at Feng Range's face, and said sarcastically, " you know? She, Feng Range, is said to have stolen several jewelry stores and Antique shop. A few days ago, people from Dongying Kingdom came to the academy to look for her, and she was also reported on the news. How can you be with her? She will kill you! She is a bad woman, you should leave her ! Don't be with her!"

Just when Wen Xue stared straight at him, Ouyang Huang's expression turned ugly.However, when Wen Xue slandered Feng Range in front of him, especially when she said that Feng Range was a bad woman and asked him to leave her, a storm swept over Ouyang Huang's face. His face was terrifyingly indifferent!
However, Wen Xue was a nympho woman who was fascinated by male sex, and she didn't realize that Ouyang Huang was already displeased at all.

She continued, "Did you know? Feng Range was expelled from the academy before, because she gave DU to students from other countries when she was in Dongying country. When she was still in the academy, I heard that she also sent Xu Wenna A few people were injured. If Feng Range hadn't been fired at that time, Xu Wenna and the others would have made her compensate..."

"Shut up! Get out!"

When Wen Xue kept slandering Fengrange, she talked about the bad things his little Geer had done.Although Ouyang Huang was very interested in hearing about Xiao Ge'er, he really hated this chattering woman making noise in front of him.So, he just gave a cold drink to stop the chattering Wen Xue.

However, although Wen Xue was silenced by Ouyang Huang, she still stood in front of them.

Seeing Wen Xue like this, not to mention Ouyang Huang, even Feng Range seemed to wave her away.

However, adhering to the principle that practitioners do not casually attack ordinary people, Feng Range spoke.

"Step aside!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden opening, especially her cold tone.Wen Xue's body trembled.

Just when she wanted to let go, she realized that the person who spoke to her was Feng Range.So, she stopped again and continued to stop them.

After being stopped by Ouyang Huang just now, she felt a little uncomfortable.She felt that the reason why this handsome man treated her like this must be because of Feng Range!It must be because Feng Range said something bad about her to this man, that made this man treat her so coldly!
And just because of her morbid understanding, she went hysterical to Fengrange and went crazy.

"Fengrange! You bitch, just because you are worthy of this male god, you must have deceived him by some means! I will tear off your hypocritical face now and let him take a good look at you true colors!"

As she said that, Wen Xue really rushed towards Feng Range like crazy.

(End of this chapter)

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