Phoenix Dance

Chapter 280 Packed Up Together

Chapter 280 Packed up together (3)

Facing Wen Xue who suddenly rushed up, Feng Range looked at her with colder eyes.

The expression on her face didn't change a bit, but five Qi needles condensed on her fingertips.

This Wen Xueyuan had no relationship with her other than living in the same dormitory.Just now, when Feng Range saw Wen Xue staring straight at Ouyang Huang, she knew that she liked Ouyang Huang.

It's just that she likes it and likes it, and even slanders her, and wants to do something to her at this moment, it's really impossible to treat her as a virgin!

Just when Wen Xue's outstretched hand was about to touch Feng Range, Feng Range played "Misty Steps", and staggered Wen Xue by two steps.

At the same time, she took the opportunity to inject the five Qi needles condensed from her fingertips into Wen Xue's limbs and abdomen.

Wen Xue didn't notice this at all.

After Feng Range got out of the way, Wen Xue still rushed forward with inertia, and almost fell down the steps and fell.

It was only at this time that Feng Range kindly put a hand on her arm, which saved her from the disaster.

After helping Wen Xue, the three of them found that there was no one in front of them.So, after glancing at the onlookers, he continued walking forward.

As for those people behind him and Wen Xue, Feng Range didn't bother to care about them at all!
After that, the three of them walked for four or five minutes before reaching the door of a classroom.Before, when he was in the car, Ouyang Huang had contacted the follower who was following Qin Wei, and said that Qin Wei was teaching in this classroom.

However, after they delayed for a while, Qin Wei was still here.

None of the three of them followed the rules. They watched the class inside and waited outside.

Ouyang Huang's patience was of little use to anyone except Feng Range.

So, after standing outside for less than a minute, Ouyang Huang ordered Wen Chen to kick the door.

The door of the classroom was kicked open, and all the people inside looked at Ouyang Huang and the others.Some people were surprised, some were puzzled, and many girls saw that Ouyang Huang and Wen Chen showed nympho looks.

Ouyang Huang and the others ignored the expressions of those people, and just looked around inside. After not finding Qin Wei's existence, they turned around and prepared to leave.

"Qin Wei is not here, where did she go?"

After Feng Range left the door of the classroom, she asked suspiciously.

After hearing her question, Ouyang Huang took out his mobile phone and contacted the person who followed Qin Wei again.

However, this time the contact was unsuccessful.After discovering this situation, Ouyang Huang frowned and hung up the phone.

He shook his head towards Feng Range, "I can't get in touch, maybe something happened."

Hearing Ouyang Huang's judgment, Feng Range raised his head and looked around the academy.

Then without further ado, he closed his eyes, and then searched for Qin Wei's location with his consciousness and mental strength.

As long as Qin Wei is still in the academy, she will definitely be able to find her whereabouts.

Because the scope of the academy is not very large, Feng Range found Qin Wei's location after searching around for 3 minutes.

At the same time, she also found the location of the tracker that Ouyang Huang hadn't contacted.

Since Feng Range sent out both his consciousness and spiritual power at the same time, after finding the location of the follower, he also had a preliminary understanding of his situation.

Feng Range didn't know what Qin Wei, a woman who used to be scheming but would not hurt others, did to the person who was following her.Unexpectedly, the person was seriously injured and unconscious, and his breath was still weak.

After discovering this situation, she told Ouyang Huang about it.

Although Ouyang Huang was a cold and arrogant lord before, he was quite protective of his comrades and subordinates.Now after hearing what Feng Range said about the serious injury, his complexion is not good.

He asked Feng Range lightly, "Where is the man?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question and the indifference in his tone, Feng Range knew that he was not fighting against her.So, he talked about the current position of that person.

After hearing Feng Range tell the location, Ouyang Huang asked Wen Chen to deal with that person first.Let him and Feng Range handle the rest of the matter!
Wen Chen didn't object to Ouyang Huang's arrangement.After nodding his head, he left directly.

After seeing Wen Chen leave, Feng Range told Ouyang Huang where Qin Wei was again.

As soon as Ouyang Huang heard this, he decided to find her immediately with Feng Range, in case she slipped away again.

As for Qin Wei, Ouyang Huang didn't take her seriously at all.However, this woman is always making trouble for Xiao Ge'er for no reason, so as Xiao Ge'er's man, he must always act!

Feng Range found out just now that Qin Wei is currently in the dean's office.She saw that Qin Wei was talking to the dean. Among the people present was a Dongying native whom Feng Range also knew, Director Sanchuan.

Feng Range was still a little puzzled when he unexpectedly saw Director Sanchuan.

However, after seeing those files on Ouyang Huang's computer, and seeing Qin Wei talking to San Chuan from time to time when talking to the dean, Feng Range understood a little bit.

At this time, Feng Range also admired Qin Wei a little, he is a very skillful person!

Now that she knew where Qin Wei was and no matter who was around her, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang went to the dean's office side by side.

And the way forward, when he still came, was watched by many people.

At first, Feng Range still had a cold face when he heard that others were being nympho to Ouyang Huang.But later, it gradually became numb.

These people were just expressing their feelings, and had no influence on Feng Range at all.

After walking for three or four minutes, the two arrived at the door of the dean's office.

However, before the door was opened, the dean's hearty laughter came from inside.

"Okay! Mr. Sanchuan, our academy will definitely cooperate with your Dongying Kingdom's request. As long as Fengrange comes to the academy, our academy will definitely arrest her and send her to Mr. Sanchuan in person. What do you think?" ?”

Hearing the dean's suggestion and cooperating very closely, Director Sanchuan also laughed heartily, "Okay! Very good! Very good!"

Seeing that she had successfully encouraged the dean to help them arrest Feng Range, Qin Wei, who was sitting by the side, sneered.

Feng Range, see if I can kill you!Your man will eventually become my man!

Qin Wei originally targeted Feng Range in various ways, just because she couldn't understand Feng Range and wanted to bully her.But now, after meeting Ouyang Huang, she was fascinated by that ridiculously handsome man.As a matter of course, she wants to take everything Feng Range has, including that man.

The three of them were discussing what they thought only they knew, but unexpectedly, Ouyang Huang and He Fengrange who were standing at the door also heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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