Phoenix Dance

Chapter 281 Packed Up Together

Chapter 281 Packed up together (4)

After hearing their plans, it seemed that they were about to come out.

Feng Range and Ouyang Huang looked at each other, ready to change their original plan.

Didn't they want to kidnap Feng Range?Then they will reciprocate courtesy!
When it comes to the means of kidnapping, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang are more proficient than the few people inside.

You know, when Feng Range was in the United States, he kidnapped many members of the Smith family and a birdman from the Holy See.When she was in Nanyun City, she not only tied up Zuo Zhuan of the Zuo family, but also tied up an evil cultivator Zhao Zhong and some of his subordinates.

If you want to move her, let alone Ouyang Huang.Even if Ouyang Huang wasn't around, just relying on Feng Range's endless hidden hands and newly improved strength, she would be enough to knock down the three of them by herself.

However, when the two of them appeared here, they attracted many people's attention.In order to prevent these three people from disappearing later, track them down.

The two decided to leave here first.When they were outside, the two ambush again.

As for the dean who stayed in the academy, it would not be too late to send them over to find him after they cleaned up Qin Wei and Director Sanchuan.

Having decided so, the two quickly left the place.After leaving the administrative building, he walked directly out of the gate of the college.

To be on the safe side and to prevent accidents, when Feng Range walked out of the academy, he let his spiritual consciousness cover the entire academy.

After finally finding Qin Wei this time, she didn't want to let her slip away again.

When the two got outside, they got into the car driven by Wen Chen and waited.

With Feng Range's spiritual monitoring, the whole college seems to be equipped with wireless monitors, and all the scenes in the college are exposed to Feng Range's eyes.

At this moment, I suddenly had a moment of free time, and it just so happened that, under the supervision of the divine sense, Feng Range saw a few familiar people.

Xu Wenna, Pan Shaoqun, and Li Sisi, I didn't expect these three people to get together!

In other words, the reason why Qin Wei wanted to deal with her in the first place was because of Pan Shaoqun!

And when Qin Wei 'slandered' Feng Range, Li Sisi also had a little selfishness to fuel the flames!
As for Xu Wenna, she even killed the original body, how could she let her go!

Pan Shaoqun, but Xu Wenna and Qin Wei's initial target for her, so he can't escape.

Since she is here now, she might as well make a move and understand all the cause and effect of the world here!
Thinking this way, just as Feng Range was about to get out of the car, Ouyang Huang suddenly reached out and grabbed his arm.

"Where to go?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, Feng Range suddenly realized that they had something to do now and they couldn't leave here yet.

After realizing this, Feng Range retreated to the passenger seat.

Seeing Feng Range sitting back, Ouyang Huang let go of her hand.At the same time, he looked at her suspiciously.

After receiving Ouyang Huang's gaze, Feng Range pursed her lips and spoke.

"Huang, I should have mentioned Jishen Continent to you?" After speaking, Feng Range looked into Ouyang Huang's eyes.

When he met Feng Range's eyes, Ouyang Huang nodded slightly towards her.

After seeing Ouyang Huang nodding, Feng Range told the relationship between Xu Wenna and her.

"Huang, the thing is like this..."

After hearing Feng Range tell what Xu Wenna had done to the original body, Ouyang Huang's face darkened.

"She treats you like this?" Ouyang Huang asked coldly.

From Feng Range's words, although Ouyang Huang knew that what Xu Wenna hurt was not her, but Feng Range's original body, but he was still very angry.

In particular, Xu Wenna also troubled Xiao Ge'er later.Although he was taught a lesson by Xiao Ge'er at that time, it still made him very unhappy.

Seeing Ouyang Huang's indifferent handsome face, it was the same as when we first met.Hearing his angry words again, Feng Range twitched the corner of her mouth and smiled faintly.

"Huang, it's okay! Let's wait for Qin Wei and Sanchuan to come out first, and then when we are looking for the dean, let's take Xu Wenna, Pan Shaoqun, and Li Sisi along with us!"

After hearing Feng Range's suggestion, Ouyang Huang's face softened a little.

After that, the two of them waited quietly in the car.

Because Feng Range's spiritual consciousness is always covered in the academy, Qin Wei and Director Sanchuan knew about it in advance when they came out.

However, the two got out of the car, Ouyang Huang, while Feng Range sat in the car without moving.

Because this is a gathering place with a lot of people, when dealing with these two people, they adopted a hands-on approach of standing still and moving.

Feng Range's acupuncture skills are very superb, and she can refine various pills and medicines, so Ouyang Huang asked her to give Qin Wei and Director Sanchuan a dark needle.And he was ready to catch the two of them at any time and lift them into the trunk of the car.

With this plan in place, the two are ready to sit on the sidelines at any time.

Feng Range was sitting in the car, holding two drugged silver needles between her fingertips, and then her eyes were fixed on the school gate.

Just when he saw the two were about to step out of the school gate, Feng Range quenched the drugged silver needle with his fingertips, and shot it out with great force.

When the silver needle entered Qin Wei and Director Sanchuan's body in an instant, they fell backwards without even making a sound.

Seeing this, Ouyang Huang immediately teleported to their side, carried them back to the back of the car one by one, and threw them inside.

As for Feng Range, when he saw Ouyang Huang mentioning the two of them, he even put on his gloves, obviously not wanting to touch them.

When the person had just been thrown into the trunk, Ouyang Huang immediately raised his right hand and put the two of them into the life training ring on his hand.

This world is a country ruled by law. What the two of them are doing now is completely unreasonable. Therefore, it will be much more convenient to put people into the ring of life cultivation.

After solving the matter of these two people, Feng Range got out of the car again.

Next, they have to deal with the dean, Xu Wenna and others, so they don't have much time to spend here.

Because Feng Range knew where those people were now, after getting off the car, the two rushed there directly.

However, when the two went, they did not go through the main entrance, but climbed the fence.

Because the two are cultivators, if they deliberately use their own strength, then no one will notice them when they move among the crowd.

After the two entered, they went to the dean's office first.After dealing with the dean, go and deal with Xu Wenna and the others.

When they reached the door of the dean's office, the two of them pushed open the door and broke in without knocking.

After entering, just as the dean showed a surprised expression, Ouyang Huang went around behind him, knocked him out, and put it into the ring.

After easily solving the dean, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang got acquainted, and then left the administrative building...

 Ah Xi has a fever and aches all over, Chapter 2 will be updated later!

(End of this chapter)

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