Phoenix Dance

Chapter 284 The Assassination of the Yamaguchi-gumi

Chapter 284 The Assassination of the Yamaguchi-gumi
Feng Range walked out of Gao Ying's room and went outside, but did not see Ouyang Huang.

So she went to the first floor again.After walking around on the first floor, she saw Ouyang Huang in the restaurant.

She walked to his side, pulled the chair next to him and sat down.

Seeing her appearance, Ouyang Huang also looked up at her and said.

"Wait! I have asked my people to investigate, and there should be news soon."

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, since they chose to take them away, they definitely wouldn't kill them right away. Otherwise, they wouldn't have to take such trouble to take them away." Speaking of this, Feng Range paused pause.

Then, his eyes were condensed, and he continued, "When we find them, as long as they are still breathing, then I will make them recover! Similarly, everyone who shot at them, I They will also let them bear it well, what kind of consequences will be waiting for them after they touch my people!"

Seeing Feng Range's calm face and the same indifferent tone, Ouyang Huang felt strong anger from her words.

At this time, he clearly understood that Dongying Kingdom and the Holy See's actions against Xiao Geer's people this time really offended her.I'm afraid, taking this incident as a whistle, they will inevitably have a war with the Yamaguchi-gumi of Dongying country and the Holy See of Meijian country.

And this battle, based on Ouyang Huang's understanding of Fengrange, although he doesn't know how much of her attack will be, but it is doomed that the Yamaguchi-gumi and the Holy See will suffer a lot!

Thinking this way, Ouyang Huang didn't respond to Feng Range, but gave orders to his subordinates to prepare for battle at any time.

Xiao Ge'er is his woman now, and if his woman has something to do, it is only natural for him to help her.

And when he heard Ouyang Huang give orders to his people, Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang's lips and smiled slightly.

Ouyang Huang's 100% maintenance and support for her, as a woman, if she dared not move, it would be a lie.However, although Feng Range was moved, she didn't say thank you.Because, she kept Ouyang Huang's kindness in her heart...

And when the two were silent in this moment of warmth and silence, Feng Range's keen spiritual sense suddenly felt a dozen people coming towards them agilely and quickly.

The skills of these people are much stronger than the mercenaries Zuo Xiong sent to deal with her.

When she realized this, Feng Range winked at Ouyang Huang, and then quickly took up "Missing Steps" to go upstairs, preparing to protect Gao Ying who was still asleep.

When she saw Gao Ying lying on the bed, she didn't think about where to take her safely.

And just when she was hesitating, she heard the movement below.

So, after thinking it over and over again, she decided to put Gao Ying into the space bracelet.

Although the Space Bracelet is not as good as the Shihuang Space, it is still an artifact. It has a space and can store living objects.

Similarly, a small medicinal field was also cultivated inside. Although the medicinal materials in it were not as good as those in Shihuang Space, they were good enough to add some aura to the space bracelet.

After making this decision, Feng Range sent the sleeping Gao Ying in.

Afterwards, she took out a not-so-high-grade long sword from the weapon room in Shihuang Space, and then quickly went downstairs.

Just now, when she heard the movement below, Feng Range also heard the sound of weapons colliding.Therefore, Feng Range, who had never used any other weapon except the silver needle since coming here, took a long sword as a spare.

When they reached the stairs, Feng Range saw Ouyang Huang blocking the stairs by himself, making it impossible for all the dozen or so people who came to invade him to step up the stairs.

Although there were many people on the other side, the expression on Ouyang Huang's face was as calm as ever, without any sense of panic.

Seeing Ouyang Huang like this, Feng Range smiled with satisfaction.Then she set off too.

Before, when she was practicing in seclusion, she also took advantage of a free time to learn the "Nine Profound Sword" that she had given to Ran Yu earlier.

Because Feng Range's cultivation base was originally much higher than Ran Yu's, so when Feng Range practiced "Nine Profound Swords", he was much faster than Ran Yu.

She had mastered the sword intent of "Nine Profound Sword" after she had practiced it about seven or eight times.

At this moment, someone broke into her territory recklessly, and it was an undeserved offense. It was a coincidence that he could send it up for her to practice.

In her previous life, Feng Range had never tried face-to-face close combat with people, but now that she had this opportunity, she couldn't help but feel a little eager to try.

Seeing Feng Range's chic appearance and the long sword in her hand, Ouyang Huang looked at her with an evil smile.

This little song is so charming!

Just when he was sighing in his heart, he heard Feng Range speak lightly.

"Huang, you played for a while just now, then leave it to me to play!"

Hearing Feng Range's words, Ouyang Huang narrowed his eyes, and then did not answer, but answered Feng Range with actions.

He stepped back, and then put on a satisfied expression on his face, ready to see a good show.

Seeing Ouyang Huang's reaction, Feng Range hooked the corners of her lips, ready to strike.

Because he had already settled in Gao Ying, Ouyang Huang didn't need to worry about it, so Feng Range was able to deal with the dozen or so enemies who broke in with ease after he had no worries.

She picked up "Misty Steps", and with a swaying figure, she broke into the middle of the enemy.Then, with agile steps, she swung her long sword.

Seeing every movement of her swinging the sword, Ouyang Huang felt extremely beautiful.

And every time she swung her sword, one person fell to the ground immediately, and a blood hole was pierced in the abdomen.

Seeing this situation, instead of thinking that Feng Range was cruel, Ouyang Huang felt that her methods were admirable!
Just after Feng Range knocked down seven or eight people with bloody means in succession, the rest of them became a little flustered.

They surrounded Feng Range, but Feng Range clearly saw that their encirclement was full of loopholes.

The reason for this situation is that Feng Range's tricky hands before made some of them feel timid.

Although these people are ninja warriors of the Yamaguchi group, they are also normal people.

They have flesh and blood, respect the Yamaguchi group, and belong to the Yamaguchi group, but they are still themselves, and when they are more important than themselves, they will still feel timid between life and death.

Just when Feng Range found their weakness and was about to attack again, suddenly a black wind blew by, and all the people surrounding Feng Range were knocked down.

Moreover, it's not like Feng Range shot and left his life behind.Those people can't die anymore...

(End of this chapter)

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