Phoenix Dance

Chapter 285

Chapter 285

After all the remaining members of the Yamaguchi group were exhausted, Feng Range finally realized who it was that made the attack just now.

In other words, this 'person' is not a person at all.He is a species unique to this world, and it is also a species that Feng Range accidentally learned about. It is called a blood race, also known as a vampire.

Regarding their formation, almost everyone in this world only has some guesses, but they don't know the real answer.

After seeing through the identity of the visitor and seeing that all the members of the Yamaguchi-gumi had been dealt with, Feng Range stared at the visitor, holding a long sword, and retreated to Ouyang Huang's side.

Feng Range remained vigilant against this blood clan who suddenly barged in, dressed in black classical aristocratic costumes and a black cloak with only half of his face exposed.

Seeing that Feng Range seemed to be wary of him, the blood clan with a half-hidden black cloak suddenly laughed.

"Hahaha... Dear Miss Feng, you are so interesting! Let me make this trip worthwhile!"

Hearing the praise of the blood gentleman, Feng Range did not let down his vigilance, but was on guard against him as before.

Who told him that when he attacked the members of the Yamaguchi group just now, his means were too great.Moreover, when one looks at his strength, anyone with a discerning eye will know that it is not low.In order to prevent him from attacking, Feng Range did not dare to relax her vigilance.

But at this moment, Ouyang Huang patted her shoulder lightly to let her relax.

Then, he opened his mouth to that Mr. Blood, "Mr. Saranno Vampire? May I ask what is the reason for your sudden visit? I think it's not just to help us get rid of these Yamaguchi-gumi people!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, the half-covered mouth corners of the blood clan man whom he called Saranno turned up slightly, revealing a flamboyant smile.

He said, "Mr. Ouyang, oh no! It's Mr. Huohuang from the Yanhuang Guolong Group, hello! I'm not here to help you get rid of these scumbags. Instead, I want to cooperate with you! "

Saranno said, in order to show his sincerity, he finally reached out and took off the cloak hat on his head after he came in for a while.

Seeing his sudden face, Feng Range was slightly surprised.

She really didn't expect that the appearance of this blood gentleman, Saranno, was also rare and handsome!His appearance was comparable to that of the equally outstanding Ouyang Huang, but the two had different temperaments.

Ouyang Huang is relatively quiet and introverted, while Saranuo is much more flamboyant.

When Feng Range saw his appearance, he was slightly surprised.

Sarano just smiled like his face, even more ostentatious.

He said to Feng Range, "Miss Feng, do you think I look better than Mr. Ouyang next to you? Would you like to try to abandon this one next to you and date me? Yes A beautiful lady like you, as a nobleman, I will love you in every possible way!"

For Saranuo who suddenly confessed his love to Xiao Ge'er in front of him.Whether it was true or false, Ouyang Huang was a little displeased at this moment.

"Sarano, is your real purpose here to fight me?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden cold voice, Sarano narrowed his beautiful eyes.

He knew that Ouyang Huang was really angry at this moment.However, he didn't care at all, but he didn't intend to anger Ouyang Huang, so enough was enough.

Seeing Saranuo's sudden silence, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range stopped talking.For a moment, the entire small villa fell into a brief silence...

And this silence lasted for several minutes before it was interrupted by Sarano's hearty laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Hearing Saranuo's sudden burst of laughter, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang couldn't help but frowned.

Then, Feng Range put away the long sword in his hand, walked to the restaurant with Ouyang Huang and sat down.

Since the appearance of Saranuo until now, Feng Range can see that he has no malicious intentions, so he relaxes his vigilance.

However, because he didn't know the purpose of his sudden arrival, he planned to give Saranno a chance to explain his purpose.

Seeing Feng Range and Ouyang Huang walk into the restaurant side by side, Saranuo twitched his lips and followed.

Walking into the restaurant, the three of them sat in a triangle.After Feng Range and Ouyang Huang sat down, they glanced at Saranuo.

After Saranuo noticed the eyes of the two of them, he knew something about them.

So, he twitched the corner of his mouth again, and then told the reason for his visit.

"Mr. Ouyang, Miss Feng, I want to cooperate with you! Of course, I will cooperate with you with the most sincerity!"

Hearing Saranuo's first words, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang looked at each other.Then he looked at Sarano again and asked him to continue talking.They are very interested and want to hear his sincerity!
Then, Saranno continued, "The only thing I want to discuss about cooperation with you is to deal with the Holy See and destroy the Vatican together! As for my sincerity... I know that Miss Feng and Ouyang Huang's three Where is this friend being taken by the three angels, Mr. and Miss, of the Holy See."

Speaking of this, Saranuo paused, and glanced at Feng Range and Ouyang Huang.

However, he saw that the expressions of the two did not change at all, as before, indifferent.

Facing such two people, Saranuo couldn't see through them.

He originally thought that Feng Range and Ouyang Huang would definitely cooperate with him as long as he mentioned this bargaining chip.But now, it seems that they are not very interested in cooperating with him!

At this time, Sarano, who was still somewhat self-confident, began to doubt his own conviction.

Looking at Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, after hesitating again and again, Saranuo spoke again.

"Actually, no matter whether I come to cooperate with you this time, you will definitely go to the Vatican. Because your people have been arrested to the Vatican now. And, Mr. Ouyang, you should be clear! Those in the Vatican People are not as good as they preach, just like those hypocritical angels, they can be false! Your people are caught there, do you think they will be okay? Will you let them go?"

Hearing Saranuo go on, the faces of Feng Range and Ouyang Huang became uglier.

When Ouyang Huang understood the three words, Vatican, he knew what Kayina and the three would experience when they were brought there.

And Feng Range, based on Saranuo's words, knew that the situation and situation of the three of Kayina being taken away were not bad, but would be very bad!

After having this awareness, Feng Range couldn't help but want to go to the Vatican to rescue Kayina and the others immediately.

However, Ouyang Huang, who was relatively calmer, held down the trembling back of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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