Phoenix Dance

Chapter 293 Battle!war!battle

Chapter 293 Battle!war!battle (1)

Seeing Ouyang Huang and Feng Range's sudden move, the bird man and the cardinal of the Holy See also immediately moved.

They quickly realized what Ouyang Huang and Feng Range were thinking.Therefore, when Fengrange rushed towards several birdmen, he did not grab the rest of Kayina and the other birdmen, but protected them behind him.

At the same time, he shouted shamelessly at Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, "Stop, put down the weapons in your hands! If you dare to move, I will cut off one of their arms or legs!"

Hearing the threat from one of the birdmen, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range who were rushing towards them stopped immediately.

Now the three of Kayina were in their hands, and they were seriously injured, neither of them dared to risk them.

After they stopped, they saw those birdmen and cardinals laughing flamboyantly!

"Hahaha... Don't you think you are strong? Do you really want to attack us? Come and beat us! Come! Hahaha... If you dare to fight, I will strangle her to death!"

The birdman, who was laughing arrogantly at Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, suddenly grabbed Ran Yu's slender neck with a distorted expression, and lifted her up from the ground.

Ran Yu was already on the verge of dying from this wipe, but suddenly she was strangled by the neck, and when she was lifted up, she struggled violently.

However, that birdman's physique and strength were far superior to Yu Ranyu's. She was stunned to struggle. In the eyes of that birdman, she was like a dilapidated rotten doll.

Seeing Ran Yu being tortured suddenly, and still facing her, Feng Range's pretty face was tinged with anger.A ball of anger was burning in her chest, even more angry than when she was killed by Feng Ranqing and Feng Ranyue!
However, although she was angry, she still resisted the urge to do something. She watched Ran Yu being strangled by the birdman, and with only one breath left, she was thrown to the ground and trampled under their feet.

Just now, she knew that if she dared to make a rash move, Ran Yu would be strangled to death by him.

But now, she held back her hands, and Ran Yu was left breathless and thrown aside.

Seeing Ran Yu lying motionless on the ground, if it wasn't for Feng Range's spiritual power to detect that she still had breath, but it was faint and imperceptible, Feng Range really felt like he was going crazy!

She withdrew her gaze from Ran Yu, and then looked at the bird man who was choking Ran Yu's neck just now.Her eyes were cold and full of killing intent!
She said coldly, "Damn you!"

Hearing her speak, the birdman was not only not timid at all.Instead, when he saw Feng Range's elegant and uncommonly beautiful face, he revealed a frivolous lust.

"Ouch! I didn't realize just now that there is a beauty among the people who came here to save people! Beauty, do you want to play with the old man? If you make the old man happy, maybe the old man will let you and the old man go." Your people! How are you?"

Hearing the provocative words that popped out of the bird man's mouth, not to mention Feng Range's face was dripping with ink.

Even Ouyang Huang looked at him with cold eyes, just like looking at a dead bird!
Just now, when Feng Range was confronting the birdman, Ouyang Huang secretly winked with Yi Shaojun who had woken up from a coma.

When he and Xiao Ge'er start fighting, Yi Shaojun must protect Ran Yu and Ka Yina!
And he and Xiao Ge'er must have rushed to support him immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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