Phoenix Dance

Chapter 294 Battle!war!war!

Chapter 294 Battle!war!war! (2)

Just after the two of them exchanged glances, Ouyang Huang came back to his senses.He couldn't help but get angry when he heard that bird man provoke and molested Xiao Ge'er!

However, the war will break out soon, and he is not in a hurry.

So, he reached out and grabbed Feng Range, and then whispered his plan to her.

And after hearing Ouyang Huang's plan, Feng Range also wanted to do it a long time ago, so he nodded immediately.

After the two agreed, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range glanced at the situation of the people surrounding them.

Then Feng Range sent a sound transmission to Ouyang Huang's spiritual sense, "Huang, you defend against the enemy, and I will go to support Ah Jun. The bracelet in my hand is also a magic weapon of life. When I get to them, I will send the three of them in first." .Then, we will fight what we should fight, and get rid of what we should get rid of, so it will be easier!"

Hearing Feng Range's sound transmission, Ouyang Huang nodded without objecting.

At the same time, he also decided that after this matter was completed, Xiao Ge'er must teach him how to transmit sound with divine sense.In this way, it will be convenient for them to communicate when they encounter such a thing in the future.

Afterwards, the two looked at the situation again, and then shot again.

Seeing them attack again, the people of the Holy See originally wanted to use the previous method to restrain Ouyang Huang and Feng Range.

However, this time it was completely useless.

"You guys! You guys... stop! Or we'll kill the three of them!"

Just when the bird man who had offended Feng Range before threatened them again, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range's eyes froze, and then they rushed towards him.

Because he is standing next to Kayina now, and when he saw that he was about to attack Kayina, Yi Shaojun, who was restrained, suddenly broke free from the bird man who was holding him, and moved towards Kayina In the past, to protect him.

Seeing Yi Shaojun move, but also clearly seeing his weakness, as if his strength was suppressed.

Ouyang Huang and Feng Range flashed towards them more quickly. Facing the bird man and cardinal who rushed to stop them, Feng Range handed these people over to Ouyang Huang.

She made a shot once or twice occasionally, and at the same time also played "Misty Step".

After two dodges, he arrived at the place where Ran Yu fell to the ground.Looking at Ran Yu who fell on the ground, Feng Range felt very distressed.But now that the situation is tense, Feng Range took out a bottle of water of life, poured it into Ran Yu's mouth, and put her into the space bracelet with a single thought.

After seeing Ran Yu's sudden disappearance, the bird man and cardinal who had originally focused on Ouyang Huang, Yi Shaojun and Kayina noticed her.

Originally, they thought that a young girl like Feng Range would have no means at all.But just now, Feng Range suddenly lost Ran Yu, and they realized that this young girl is also hiding her secrets!

After discovering this, several birds and cardinals left the area besieging Ouyang Huang and Yi Shaojun, and rushed towards Fengrange.

Facing the sudden rush of people, Feng Range looked at Yi Shaojun and Kayina.

Then, she didn't care about anything else, let's fight!
She also picked up "Misty Steps", waved the long sword in her hand, and rushed towards the two people who separated from Yi Shaojun and Ka Yina to deal with her.

Feng Range will never show mercy to enemies, especially those who hurt her!
(End of this chapter)

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