Phoenix Dance

Chapter 300 The Pope's Appearance

Chapter 300 The Pope's Appearance (1)

But at the moment when Saranuo was contemplating for a long time, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range suddenly noticed that the coercion in the sky seemed to be a little different.

The two looked up one after another, and then saw a bright red area. The leader in front was a middle-aged majestic man wearing a white papal suit, a crown on his head, and a scepter in his hand.

Behind him were three birdmen, and behind the birdmen were hundreds of cardinals.

Seeing this group of people suddenly appearing, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range's expressions turned serious.

He clearly felt that whether it was the coercion he felt in the pope's palace before or the coercion he felt now, it all came from the leading man.

And this man is the Pope of the Holy See!
For the pope's sudden appearance, especially when they arrived here, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range's thoughts became even heavier.

Because they found that their current strength, even if they joined forces, they would probably be on the second level of the Pope.

This predicament is undoubtedly the first time that Feng Range came to this world and Ouyang Huang ran around in this world.

The two of them were suddenly at a loss for the next battle.

Just when Ouyang Huang and Feng Range were slightly uneasy, Saranuo suddenly felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere.

He looked up at Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, and saw that they were looking up at the sky.Then, he followed them and looked up into the sky.

After seeing it, Sarano also frowned.

He really didn't expect that the Pope, who never left the Pope's palace, would leave there today.

Moreover, not only that, he even chased them here!

Earlier, Saranno and Pope Vatican had already fought once.However, that fight ended with Sarano's embarrassing escape from Sichuan.

Now, seeing Pope Vatican again, Sarano restrained himself from his usual idleness.Now, it's getting a little serious.

At the same time, he moved a few steps imperceptibly, and came to Ouyang Huang's side.

He said softly to Ouyang Huang, "Pope Vatican, he is very strong! Much stronger than me!"

Hearing Saranuo's sudden opening, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range looked away, and then glanced at him.

Ouyang Huang said, "Then what about the three of us working together?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, Saranuo was stunned for a moment!

How could he forget it!He saw that Pope Vatican was afraid because he could not deal with him alone.

But now, isn't there two people beside him, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range?

Sa Lannuo didn't think that Ouyang Huang's strength would be lower than his. Even Feng Range, he didn't see through her strength.

With the two of them now, maybe they can really overthrow the entire Holy See!
Ouyang Huang and Feng Range didn't know about his belief.

And while they were silently paying attention to these, the pope and his party in the air quickly spotted them on the ground.Then, it slowly landed on the ground.

At the same time as they came down, Feng Range suddenly reached out and grabbed Yi Shaojun behind them, and then sent him into the space bracelet with one thought at the same time.

Next, let's not get involved in their battle with Pope Vatican, with a strength like Yi Shaojun's.Otherwise, it will only cause them more trouble!
Although there are many people coming from the other side, but according to the strength of Ouyang Huang, Feng Range and Sa Lannuo, the distribution is proper, it may not be impossible to win, isn't it!

After Pope Vatican led his people to the ground, his face was flat, and his eyes swept towards Ouyang Huang and Feng Range...

(End of this chapter)

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