Phoenix Dance

Chapter 301 The Pope's Appearance

Chapter 301 The Pope's Appearance (2)

"It was you who broke into the emperor's palace and captured the emperor's six... no, the nine angels?"

Suddenly, Pope Vatican questioned Ouyang Huang and Feng Range sharply.

Faced with Pope Vatican's question, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range raised their eyebrows, but did not answer.

Seeing Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, when faced with his questioning, they showed contemptuous and uncooperative expressions, and Pope Vatican narrowed his eyes slightly.

This kind of him is completely opposite to the plain and quiet him just now.

If he was said to be holy before, then he can only be said to be holy on the outside but dark on the inside.

For such a duplicity person, Ouyang Huang and Feng Range decided not to put on a show with him.boring!
Therefore, Ouyang Huang winked at Feng Range and asked her to deal with the remaining three angels and the cardinal.And he and Saranno went to deal with Pope Vatican.

Feng Range did not object to Ouyang Huang's arrangement.Similarly, Saranuo, who was also winked by Ouyang Huang, did not object.

After the three of them made a consensus, they were ready to strike first and take the lead.

Ouyang Huang and Saranuo rushed to Pope Fandi first, and under their cover, Feng Range also rushed to the three birdmen behind Pope Fandi.

If earlier, Feng Range had been allowed to deal with three birdmen with one enemy and three as she is now, and had to deal with two cardinals with 300 people at the same time, it would have been difficult for her to escape, let alone confront the enemy.

But now, after she has improved her strength, when she faces such a scene, although she will be very passive, the situation will be much better.

Because she has more than one enemy, Feng Range is not going to fight them openly this time, but, like in her previous life, use dark hands.

She condensed ten of them with both hands, and at the same time secretly tempered a little powerful drug, and then she was ready to release it at any time.

In order not to be easily caught by the enemy, she also used "Misty Steps" to sneak through the crowd while hiding from XZ.

While coping with these people with ease, Feng Range used his spiritual sense to search for their breakthroughs, and then looked for an opportunity to shoot the qi needle in his hand that was quenched with a powerful drug.

Fengrange has practiced acupuncture for more than a hundred years, and her use of hidden weapons is absolutely invincible.Almost every shot hit the target, and soon, after she fired dozens of stitches, half of the cardinals were gone.

Just when Fengrange's battle was stable and fierce, Ouyang Huang and Saranno joined forces, and the battle with Pope Vatican became more intense.

Feng Range took a few glances occasionally, and found that, don't look at Pope Vatican's upright and holy appearance.But when his own strength is one or two floors higher, he is tricky and ruthless in his attacks on Ouyang Huang and Saranuo!
At the same time, Feng Range also discovered that the methods of the Pope Vatican were not at all like those of the birdmen.On the contrary, his method looks a little familiar, like the insidious method of some people in the dark forces.

In this regard, Fengrange retained his guessing thoughts about Pope Vatican.

Because at the same time, she also saw that Ouyang Huang and Saranuo were obviously at a disadvantage, and each suffered some injuries, so Feng Range decided that she should fight quickly here.

After getting rid of her people earlier, go to help Ouyang Huang and Sa Lannuo.

For this reason, Feng Range also became tricky in the next attack.

After another hundred moves in a row, Feng Range only faced three birds.

(End of this chapter)

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