Phoenix Dance

Chapter 302 The Pope's Appearance

Chapter 302 The Pope's Appearance (3)

The remaining three birdmen, after seeing Feng Range for more than an hour, solved the cardinal who shot with them, and became wary of Feng Range.

At the beginning, when they saw someone suddenly fell to the ground, they also took advantage of someone to hold her back and went to see the situation of those people.

And after seeing it, it made them frown.Because, they all found that those people didn't have any scars at all, as if they were asleep, and they couldn't wake them up no matter what.

Because there was no wound, they couldn't see how Feng Range shot.For this reason, when they fought against Feng Range, they secretly kept an eye on it.

However, Feng Range is also a reborn soul from the Continent of God, and Feng Range didn't pay attention to the narrow-mindedness of the three birdmen.

In the next shot, Feng Range also felt that he could no longer just shoot in the dark.So, she took out her long sword again, and concentrated on dealing with the three birdmen with sword moves.

Because Feng Range is a dual cultivator of spirit and martial arts, in order to enhance the power of her sword moves, when she attacked the three birdmen, she also injected the attribute of thunder into her long sword.

Compared with the light attribute of the three birdmen, Fengrange's thunder attribute is more aggressive.

Because the birdman has the cooperation of three people, occasionally a few bright energy balls will be sent out instantly.However, when encountering Feng Range's absolutely aggressive thunder attribute, he gradually lost his battle.

Seeing that the three of them were gradually losing the ease they had at the beginning when they were fighting her, Feng Range simply swallowed several Yuanling Pills in one go.Then, taking advantage of the victory to pursue, the three birdmen were directly knocked down to the ground, unable to move anymore.

Seeing this situation, Pope Vatican, who was fighting against Ouyang Huang and Saranno, turned his eyes darker when he looked away from Feng Range.

After finishing the three birdmen, Feng Range took out the life training ring that had taken Hedeli, and took the three birdmen in.

Then Feng Range did not immediately join Ouyang Huang and the others in their battle with Pope Vatican, but watched from the sidelines.

Now Ouyang Huang and the others are fighting fiercely with Pope Vatican, Feng Range is afraid that if he joins in rashly at this moment, it will cause trouble for Ouyang Huang and the others.

Feng Range stayed aside and saw their figures moving quickly, punching and kicking, punching and closing their moves, all they saw were only afterimages.

Feng Range decided that she should not join in.

Their current battle situation is extremely tense every second, if she breaks in, I'm afraid something bad will happen by accident.

While thinking this way, she watched the three people in the battle intently from the sidelines.

Although she couldn't join the battle, she didn't say that she couldn't help Ouyang Huang and Sa Lannuo and give them a bargaining chip to reverse the situation.

So, she condensed ten Qi needles on the fingertips of both hands.

At the same time, she had discovered the danger of Pope Vatican before, so she put some soft fragrance on the tips of some Qi needles.

She doesn't think there is anything wrong with Feng Range's black belly.After all, Pope Vatican is now an urgent opponent for them.

Because each of them moved very fast, Feng Range hibernated aside for a while, but did not find a chance to make a move.

And just when she was about to run out of patience, Ouyang Huang suddenly glanced at her.

Then, he seemed to know her plan and created an opportunity for her...

(End of this chapter)

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