Phoenix Dance

Chapter 316 Fighting the Eight-Different Orochi

Chapter 316 Fighting Yamata no Orochi (9)

Once outside, Feng Range also released Mo Xuan from the space bracelet.

After getting outside, Feng Range found that Mo Xuan was the same as her, and the injury from the shock of Yamato no Orochi had almost healed.However, when Mo Xuan saw her, his eyes were a little dignified.He kept staring at her intently for several minutes.

Feng Range also noticed Mo Xuan's strangeness.However, she didn't pay much attention and didn't ask any questions.

Because Yamato no Orochi came here suddenly before and walked around here a few times, Feng Range felt that he must have come here looking for something.

So, she imitated Yamato no Orochi's previous movements and turned here twice.

However, after two laps, nothing was found.On the contrary, after seeing her behavior, Mo Xuan showed a puzzled expression.

"Have you lost something? What are you looking for? I'll help you find it!"

Hearing Mo Xuan's sudden opening, Feng Range, who had lowered her head, raised her head and looked at him.

She said calmly, "Before I saw a silver-haired man in his 20s walking around here a few times. From his breath, I felt the breath of a divine beast. I think that man should be Yagi no Orochi himself. Already!"

Hearing what Feng Range said, Mo Xuan showed a surprised expression!
"You met him? Did he shoot you? How are you doing now?"

As soon as he heard that Feng Range had seen Yamato no Orochi, Mo Xuan became worried.

Now neither Ouyang Huang nor he and Fengrange can be opponents of Yamato no Orochi.Even if the three of them joined forces, it would be difficult to tie with Yamato no Orochi.

For this reason, after hearing that Feng Range saw Yamato no Orochi alone, he thought that Feng Range met him alone, so he became worried about her state.

Hearing his nervous and worried concern, Feng Range was taken aback.

Then he shook his head slightly, "I'm fine, very good! I didn't meet him directly, but hid, leaving a ray of consciousness to see outside!"

Hearing Feng Range's explanation, Mo Xuan breathed a sigh of relief from his originally nervous mood.

Then, he talked about serious matters with Mo Xuanshang.

"You said that he followed us here, so is it possible that he is looking for us?"

When Mo Xuan said this suddenly, Feng Range was stunned when he heard it!
This possibility... maybe also...

However, if this is the case, then Yamato no Orochi should come to chase them down?

For this kind of sentimental conjecture, let alone Mo Xuan, even Feng Range had such a guess.

However, as to whether this is actually the case, they have no way to ask the Yamato no Orochi.

After that, Feng Range and Mo Xuan wandered around here for a while, but without finding anything, they simply went back to the hotel first.

Back at the hotel, Feng Range released Ouyang Huang and Yi Shaojun as well.

At this moment, Ouyang Huang has also woken up, and his injury is almost healed.As soon as he saw Feng Range, he rushed to her with a worried expression on his face, and clasped her shoulders.

"Little Geer, are you okay?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's worried question and seeing his nervous expression.Feng Range pursed her lips and smiled, then shook her head.

"I'm fine, if you don't believe me, take a look!"

With that said, Feng Range pushed away Ouyang Huang's hold on her shoulder, and turned around in front of him.

After turning around in a circle, Ouyang Huang was relieved to see that there was indeed nothing wrong with her.

Then, the four of them sat around in Feng Range's room, ready to discuss the next thing...

(End of this chapter)

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