Phoenix Dance

Chapter 317 Fighting the Eight-Different Orochi

Chapter 317 Fighting Yamata no Orochi (10)

However, before getting down to business, Feng Range also said what he had said to Mo Xuan before.

After hearing what she said, Ouyang Huang and Yi Shaojun became confused.

"What is he looking for?"

"Is it really possible that he is looking for you and Mo Xuan? When we went there before, he hurt us, but we didn't see him chasing us out!"

Regarding the reason for Yamato no Orochi's sudden appearance, whether it was Fengrange and Mo Xuan, or Ouyang Huang and Yi Shaojun, they were all somewhat puzzled.

However, since they couldn't find out at this moment, the four of them stopped thinking about it.Instead, get ready to get down to business!
Among the four, Ouyang Huang did not speak first, so Feng Range did.

She opened her lips lightly and said, "Mo Xuan and I approached there this time. I checked with my spiritual sense and found that there is an invisible barrier protecting the entrance. Moreover, the strength of Yamato no Orochi is very strong. Powerful, even if the four of us work together, we may not be able to deal with it. I think we should outsmart it!"

Regarding Fengrange's analysis and proposal, Ouyang Huang and the others did not object after hearing it.

Therefore, Ouyang Huang asked a key question, "Then how can we outwit it?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, both Mo Xuan and Yi Shaojun fell silent, and then looked at Feng Range.

After receiving their gazes, Feng Range took the Shenrenzui he had previously refined from the space bracelet and handed it to Ouyang Huang.

At the same time, he also opened his mouth and said, "The thing in it is called God's Drunk, and it's a powerful magic drug that can knock down the gods. This kind of thing, as long as you inhale a little, it will have its effect! When the time comes, Huang, The three of you lure him out, and then hold him back. I will find another opportunity to sneak attack and let him inhale this god-man drunk. In terms of strength, if we confront him directly, we will definitely be crushed. But sneak attack It’s different, we can win by surprise, and it will only depend on our cooperation at that time. What do you think?”

Now I heard Feng Range say this again, apart from Ouyang Huang, Mo Xuan and Yi Shaojun's attention was attracted by the magic drunk in Ouyang Huang's hand.

"Can this thing really knock down even the gods? Is it that powerful? Also, is there really a god in this world?"

Regarding Yi Shaojun's sudden question, Ouyang Huang raised his eyelids and glared at him without raising his head.

"Ah Jun, you are also a cultivator! Do you know that there is a sky beyond the sky? There are other worlds besides the world we are in now..."

Having said this, Ouyang Huang's gaze shifted to Feng Range again.

He has always kept what Feng Range said in his heart, so he has always believed in everything Feng Range said!

Because, Xiao Ge'er has always been a magical woman in his heart!
After hearing that Ouyang Huang also helped Feng Range, Yi Shaojun didn't dare to be suspicious anymore.

Anyway, Young Master Huang is the big boss, and Miss Feng is Young Master Huang's woman, so he can do whatever they say!

In the end, none of the three objected to Feng Range's arrangement.

So, the four of them decided to stay here for another night and act together tomorrow night.

As for tonight, they will rest here for another ten thousand!

In order for their actions not to affect the normal mortal society, it is still necessary to postpone this necessary action.

After making such a decision, Feng Range drove the three of Ouyang Huang out of his room and let them go to his room to rest...

(End of this chapter)

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