Phoenix Dance

Chapter 330 Calling the Hidden Door

Chapter 330 Recalling the Hidden Door (2)

Thinking of what happened back then, Ouyang Huang smiled slightly.And when he thought of Elder Meng's methods and that he would be forced to part with Xiao Ge'er immediately, the smile on the corner of Ouyang Huang's mouth turned into a sneer again!
This Elder Meng is really good!If you dare to use tricks on him, you must bear his next anger!
Just wait for him to go back and take a good look at what the old man wants to do?If it makes him unhappy, he doesn't mind refusing the face of the old man who is the head of the sect, and then Elder Meng will give him a whole bunch of repairs!Let them deeply distinguish between him and their identities!

Ouyang Huang's gloominess and indifference, Feng Range who was sitting by the side could see it.She knew that Ouyang Huang's behavior was not aimed at any one of them, but at some people they had never met.

Therefore, Feng Range grabbed Ouyang Huang's hand that was on the sofa behind her, and comforted her softly.

"Huang, don't worry too much, we'll wait for you to come back! If you don't like some people, just beat them up!"

Hearing Feng Range's soft but domineering relief, Ouyang Huang looked at her, and suddenly his gloomy mood improved.

She nodded towards Feng Range, "Okay, just listen to Xiaoge'er! When I go back, I must make that troublesome old man look good!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's angry words, Feng Range pursed his lips and smiled.

"Then when will you leave?" Feng Range asked.

"Two days later!" Ouyang Huang replied, "However, Xiao Geer, I want to merge my forces with your ghost gate, what do you think? If you agree, then I will let Kaifeng and Ah Chen to arrange, let them summon the main people to report to the ghost gate in a few days. Next, you should not stay in Jingbei City, right?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's arrangement, Feng Range was slightly taken aback.Then he nodded again to his last question.

"Yes, now that Ran Yun is back, I originally planned to go to Nanyun City in two days. The ghost gate should be almost completed now, and I still need to arrange some things inside the gate! Since you want to go back Hidden Gate, when you come back, why not come to Ghost Gate to find me!"

Feng Range didn't object to Ouyang Huang's proposal, nor did he mention it, so let him arrange it as he likes!However, she still talked to Ouyang Huang about her follow-up situation, so that Ouyang Huang would not be too troublesome to find him.

After hearing Feng Range tell him her next arrangement, Ouyang Huang also nodded and said.

"Okay! Then you wait for me at the ghost gate. When I come back from the sect, I will go to the ghost gate to find you!"

After the two agreed, they fell into a moment of silence for a short time.

And after a while of silence here, Ouyang Huang asked Kai Feng to arrange what she had just discussed with Feng Range.

Regarding Ouyang Huang's decision, Kai Feng naturally has no right to object.Even if there was, he might not object to Feng Range's conviction.

Therefore, Kai Feng immediately left with high spirits, ready to do well what Ouyang Huang told him.

After Kai Feng left, Feng Range didn't plan to stay any longer, but wanted to deal with some of her matters.So, she also pulled Ran Yu and Ran Yun to stand up.

Seeing her standing up, Mo Xuan, who had been sitting silently since she came in, also stood up.

Seeing him standing up, Feng Range said to Ouyang Huang, "Huang, then I'm leaving too. I still have some things to deal with here. After finishing, I'll go directly to Nanyun City!"

Seeing Feng Range and the others standing up, Feng Range said this again.

Ouyang Huang also stood up and said, "I'll see you off!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang speak, Feng Range shook his head and refused.

"You still have things to deal with, we can go back by ourselves. You should do your work first!"

After all, without waiting for Ouyang Huang to speak again, he pulled Ran Yu and Ran Yun away.

They walked in front, and Mo Xuan silently followed behind them...

 I have a backache recently, and I have been seeing a doctor. The doctor said that I have to stay in bed for recuperation. I originally planned to ask the editor for a leave of absence, but seeing that some people support me, I am sorry to stop, so I will try my best to keep writing!Thank you for supporting my little friends, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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