Phoenix Dance

Chapter 331 Chapter Nanyun City

Chapter 331 Returning to Nanyun City (1)

Seeing Feng Range and the others leave, Ouyang Huang's eyes followed their figures in a daze.

Originally, he could insist on following, but because he had been away for a few days, the business here is busy now, and because he will go back to the sect, so there is no room for further delay.

Ouyang Huang frowned when he saw the figures of Feng Range and the others disappearing around the corner.

During this period of time, he was always with Xiao Ge'er, except of course, except for the time when Xiao Ge'er was in retreat.

Now he is used to having this little woman by his side, but at this moment, he will not be able to see this little woman again for a while.It made him feel very irritable, very irritable!

And the reason for all this is attributed to that old man, Elder Meng!
When he returns to the sect in a few days, he must settle a score with that old man!

But at the same time of resentment, when Feng Range and the others walked to the gate of Ouyang's house, they were stopped by someone.

"Miss Feng, I haven't seen you for a long time, don't come here without any problems!"

It was Ouyang Huang's mother, Han Qin, who stopped Feng Range and the others!
However, after seeing Han Qin's appearance last time, Feng Range feels strange when he compares Han Qin's appearance with Ouyang Huang's appearance...

Ouyang Huang is handsome and extraordinary, like a banished fairy, and his facial features are as delicate as a monster.And the one in front of them, Ouyang Huang's...mother Han Qin, although she also looks beautiful and noble, but what does Feng Range think...why do you think Ouyang Huang has nothing in common with her?
Guessing like this, when Feng Range looked at Han Qin, there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth.However, this smile is not bottomless.

"Mrs. Ouyang, what's the matter?"

Before knowing what was going on with Han Qin, from Ouyang Huang's point of view, Feng Range was quite polite to her.

Hearing Feng Range's words, Han Qin put on a haughty and self-conscious look.

Facing Feng Range, he said contemptuously, "Miss Feng, although you saved the old man of our Ouyang family, you also fell into A Huang's eyes. However, as A Huang's mother, what I want to tell you is that you are an orphan An orphan born in the hospital, no matter how good her medical skills are, she is not worthy of our Ouyang family. I hope you, Ms. Feng, will be more self-aware in the future, and stop pestering our family A Huang. You are not welcome in our Ouyang family !"

Hearing Han Qin's final words, his tone was full of disgust, and Feng Range frowned.

Then, when she spoke to Han Qin again, her tone became cold.

"Finish? Please let Mrs. Ouyang make room!"

After speaking, he took Ran Yu, Ran Yun and Mo Xuan and walked straight forward, leaving Ouyang's house.

When passing by Han Qin's side, Feng Range glanced at her coldly, and then drove away.

Facing Feng Range's indifferent attitude and contempt for her, Han Qin turned around and looked at Feng Range's back, his beautiful face was distorted.

Last time she wanted to attack Feng Range, but she didn't expect that she went somewhere with Ouyang Huang, so she escaped.

But this time, she must let her people deal with this little bitch who seduced Ouyang Huang!

Ah... If you don't deal with her, A Huang will definitely be snatched away by her!that bitch's face...

Feng Range didn't know anything about Han Qin's reaction behind him, but even if she knew, she wouldn't care.

After all, it is impossible for an ordinary person to jump up and down in front of her, a cultivator!
(End of this chapter)

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