Phoenix Dance

Chapter 338 Witch Gu Clan Girl

Chapter 338 Witch Gu Clan Girl (2)

After telling someone about his request, the armed man in black left behind four guards, and left before himself.

For those who were laughing and crying, the remaining four armed men in black ignored them.

Seeing this situation, Feng Range lay dormant for a while, and then looked towards the girl who smelled of Gu insects.

She looked at the four armed men in black who didn't seem to be controlling them very much. She wondered if she would be noticed if she moved to the girl's side at this moment.

Thinking of this, she decided to give it a try.Anyway, she was not an ordinary person, so if the four armed men in black made any moves, she was confident that she would be able to deal with them in an instant.

However, before she left, in order not to hurt anyone beside her because of her actions, she took the initiative to use her spiritual power of control to be very conscious, and secretly and carefully walked between them and the four men in black. A simple defensive formation was arranged.

Although this formation cannot block a cultivator's attack, it is very fragile.However, it is still possible to block these mortal weapons.

After doing this, Feng Range cautiously moved towards the girl.

Although her movements looked slow, they were actually not slow at all.

After she moved for about two or three minutes, she moved to the girl's side.

When the girl saw Feng Range suddenly approaching her, she was taken aback for a moment.

After all, under the control of those armed men in black, most of them dare not make small moves.Therefore, they could still see Fengrange's actions clearly.

Feng Range moved to her side, and when she noticed that she was looking at him, she also raised her eyes to look at her.

While looking at her, Feng Range gently opened her red lips, and asked lightly, "Do you have Gu worms on your body?"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden question, the girl showed a look of shock, and then became defensive towards Feng Range.

Seeing her defensive appearance, Feng Range didn't take it seriously at all.

Then, he said again, "I don't mean anything malicious, don't be afraid! I just asked about the smell of Gu insects, what's your name?"

As Feng Range spoke, a kind look appeared on his face.

And just when she showed this look, the girl who was guarding against her slightly relaxed a little.

Then he replied softly, "My name is Mai Ya."

"Maiya? What a good name!" Feng Range praised, "You should have just become a voodoo master not long ago, right?"

Hearing Feng Range asked sensitive questions about her identity, Mai Ya looked at Feng Range more defensively.

Seeing Mai Ya like this, Feng Range smiled slightly.

She just reached out to help Maiya's shoulder, but Maiya dodged it.Then, her hand stopped in mid-air awkwardly.

And this stop, after a full minute of stop, she took it back calmly.

Then, the eyes looking at Maiya deepened.

She introduced herself to Mai Ya, "My name is Feng Range."

After she finished speaking, she didn't care about Maiya's reaction, and then turned her head away.

She stared forward, then frowned slightly.

Just now, when she was introducing herself to Maiya, she seemed to hear a series of footsteps. It should be that a group of people came to them.

It's just that I don't know what's the reason for so many people coming here suddenly?

(End of this chapter)

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