Phoenix Dance

Chapter 339 All down

Chapter 339 All down (2)

The armed man in black who was pointing at Feng Range with a QIANG saw that Feng Range was pointing at Feng Range without any reaction, so he felt that she was really scared!

However, they don't care if she is really stupid or fake, what should be done must be done.

So, the man said coldly, "Report your information truthfully, or don't blame us for being rude!"

Hearing his urging, Feng Range only reacted slightly at this moment.

She raised her eyes lightly, and glanced at the armed man in black who threatened her.

Then he said lightly, "Ghost Gate, Fengrange!"

Hearing her sudden utterance without beginning or end, the armed man in black holding a notebook and pen paused.

Then he raised his head, gave Feng Range a cold look, and warned again, "Tell me your information truthfully, or I will blow you up!"

Hearing his threat, Feng Range's eyes suddenly turned cold.

Then, he also asked coldly, "Oh? How are you going to break me? You might as well try!"

As soon as Feng Range finished speaking, he took out his long sword directly.Then, he took the initiative to attack and knocked down the armed man in black holding the book and pointing at her with a QIANG.

After finishing the two of them in an instant, Feng Range quickly moved his body and ran towards the leader.

When the leader saw Feng Range's extremely fast speed, he was shocked for a moment.

Then, he picked up the QIANG in his hand and shot at Fengrange.

However, Feng Range didn't care about this kind of trick weapon, she went straight to meet it!

Whether it's the phantom neon clothes she wears or the "Vajra Body" she cultivates, these sons who shoot at her will not hurt her in the slightest.

Besides, Feng Range also used "Missing Steps", and it was a breeze to avoid the trajectory of those bullets.

And when he saw Feng Range successfully avoiding the Zi Dan he shot over and reaching Feng Range in front of him at the same time, the leader immediately looked at Feng Range with wide eyes.

However, his flash of consciousness didn't last long, and he regained consciousness in a moment.

After regaining consciousness, he shot Feng Range with his bare hands.

This leader's legs and feet are good, as if he has undergone special training.

However, his not-so-good skills are really not enough for Feng Range, a cultivator!
In order to make a quick decision, Feng Range attacked him so directly and fiercely for the first time.

Therefore, after five or six minutes of fighting between the two, the leader was powerless to fight.Several ribs in the chest were broken by Feng Range, and then lay on the ground vomiting blood, unable to move.

After finishing him, Feng Range looked at the remaining armed men in black again.

When Fengrange dealt with their leader before, they actually wanted to attack other people.However, with the protection of Feng Range's formation, they were directly blocked.

Seeing that Feng Range had killed their leader, he looked at them again. At this time, the remaining armed men in black who originally wanted to deal with other people aimed their fire at Feng Range.

In this organization, except for the leader, not all of them have good legs and feet.What's more, it surpassed Fengrange.

At this moment, the fear when facing Feng Range is just like the fear that Feng Range and others had towards them before.

Facing this result, those who used firepower to face Feng Range became uneasy...

(End of this chapter)

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