Phoenix Dance

Chapter 341 Wen Chenlai

Chapter 341 Wen Chenlai (1)

Feng Range's method of treating these people is relatively simple, because her initial diagnosis found that these people were just as she expected, suffering from heatstroke and fainting from shock.

So, she pinched the Renzhong acupoint for these people, and after realizing that these people had some signs of something, she took out a little water from the space bracelet and poured it into these people.

The water source in the barren space, and the water of life later.However, there is an ordinary stream that is clear and drinkable in the space bracelet, which can provide Fengrange with an ordinary water source.

However, to say that the water of this small stream is ordinary, it also contains a little bit of aura, and the taste is sweet.

After drinking the water that Feng Range took out, those people who had fainted gradually woke up one by one.

Seeing them waking up, those who had been standing on the sidelines all showed surprise at this moment.

But after a while, a few more courageous people approached Feng Range.What's more, someone strikes up a conversation with Feng Range.

"Little girl, seeing how young you are, your skills and medical skills are really amazing! Seeing how noble you are, which family's daughter is it?"

The person who took the initiative to talk to Feng Range was the president of a small group in Jingbei City, Yanhuang Kingdom, second only to Zuo's Group.The age is only around 30 years old, and he is also a rare romantic president.

Before, when he saw Feng Range deal with the armed man in black, he became interested in Feng Range.

After seeing Feng Range's extraordinary medical skills now, when she saw that she was temporarily idle, he took the initiative to strike up a conversation.

Hearing his words, Feng Range slightly raised her eyes and gave him a faint glance.

Then, he also replied indifferently, "Gate of hell!"

"Ghost gate?" The romantic CEO was slightly taken aback by Feng Range's answer.

Before, he had heard Fengrange tell those armed men in black that she was from the gate of hell, and her name was Fengrange.But what is that ghost gate?
Feng Range didn't pay much attention to the man's dazed reaction.

Seeing that he stopped speaking and temporarily treated the people who passed out before, she looked for Maiya in the crowd.

After finding Maiya's figure, she walked towards Maiya.

Mai Ya was originally squatting on the ground beside her, drawing circles with her fingers on the ground boredly.

Suddenly, I realized a pair of feet standing in front of her.Then, her mind was attracted by these feet.

Following these feet, she looked up all the way, but when she looked up completely, she saw Feng Range's face.

Seeing that the person standing in front of her was Feng Range, Mai Ya was shocked at first, and then stood up quickly.

"Feng...Feng Range? Do you have anything to do?"

Seeing Mai Ya's surprised expression and hearing her question, Feng Range pursed her lips, and then said.

"It's okay, I'm just bored waiting for someone to come, I just want to chat with someone!"

Hearing what Feng Range said casually, Mai Ya was stunned again.

"Chat? What do you want to talk about?"

Before seeing Feng Range's skill against the armed man in black, Mai Ya was a little cautious when she saw Feng Range before.

But now, when she saw that she was still very easy-going, she relaxed slightly.

She looked at Feng Range and asked suspiciously.

Hearing her question, Feng Range took another step, came to her side, and stood shoulder to shoulder with her.

Then, he stretched out his hand to hold her and squatted down again. At the same time, he opened his mouth to explain her doubts.

"Maiya, I know that you are a voodoo master. Actually, you don't have to hide this from me. As long as I want to know something, generally no one can hide it from me. Really!"

Hearing that Feng Range opened her mouth about her identity, Mai Ya immediately frowned, somewhat resisting her directness.

When she noticed Mai Ya's disgust, Feng Range raised her eyebrows, and then continued to speak.

"Actually, Mai Ya, you don't have to feel disgusted with me. It's unnecessary! I told you before that I'm from the ghost gate, and my name is Feng Range. Actually, I didn't want to do anything to you. , I just took a fancy to your ability to raise and control Gu, and I want to ask you, besides your clan, have you ever thought about entering other hidden sects or something. For example, my ghost sect?"

Feng Range suddenly said another long paragraph, and after hearing her finish this long paragraph, Mai Ya's expression changed from disgust to slightly dazed.

Although it is not difficult for her to understand what Feng Range said, she still finds it inconceivable.

Hidden sect!What is that, as being born in a special tribe, Mai Ya knows more about such things as there are special hermit sects in this world than other people in this mortal world.

She knew that although this kind of hidden sect was not displayed in reality, it still existed.

Especially when the person in front of her actually said that he was a member of the hidden sect.If it was before, before Fengrange fought those armed men in black, Maiya would not believe it at all.

But now, she was somewhat doubtful.

"Are you really a hidden door?"

Hearing that Mai Ya opened her mouth to the two people of 'Hidden Gate', Feng Range knew that Mai Ya had indirectly admitted that she was a voodoo master.At the same time, she can say the word 'hidden door', which proves that she knows that there are such things as hidden sects in this world.

In this case, the next conversation between her and Maiya will be much easier.

She shook her head at Mai Ya, and said, "No! My ghost gate is somewhat different from the hidden gate you know. My ghost gate is also considered a hidden world sect, but it is newly established. The base is in Nanyun City. Originally, I was going to go back to the ghost gate of Nanyun City when I took the plane this time, but unexpectedly, what happened now."

Speaking of this, Feng Range paused for a while, and then continued.

"Originally, what happened this time made me feel bad! But I didn't expect to meet such a special person like you. If you are willing to join my ghost gate, then after you arrive in Nanyun City, go to Gao Let’s find someone named Gao Jin from the group! I will greet him well. And you, after getting started, I will teach you cultivation and medical skills!”

After saying this, Feng Range suddenly fell silent, then looked at Mai Ya who was already in a daze, and then stood up after looking at it for a while.

When she walked to the side, she sat up cross-legged on the ground again.

Mai Ya noticed Feng Range's sudden getting up and leaving, but she didn't respond.

Afterwards, Feng Range began to meditate on the spot, while Mai Ya kept looking at her without turning her eyes.

Similarly, many other people also looked at the strange Feng Range.

However, Feng Range didn't care about this, she didn't think there was anyone here who could disturb her cultivation...

(End of this chapter)

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