Phoenix Dance

Chapter 342 Wen Chenlai

Chapter 342 Wen Chenlai (2)

After this practice, two hours later, Feng Range, who had excellent hearing, heard the sound of a fight outside.

Hearing this movement, she immediately opened her eyes, and then stood up suddenly.

Seeing her sudden reaction, everyone's eyes turned to her.

After noticing their gazes, Feng Range said calmly, "My people are here! It's very chaotic outside, don't wander around here, I'll go out and have a look!"

Hearing what Feng Range said, before everyone could react for a while, they saw her Shen Ting quickly swept away, and her figure disappeared into the cave where they were imprisoned.

Feng Range picked up the figure of "Missing Steps" very quickly, and arrived outside in a short while, and then saw the scene outside.

She saw that Wen Chen was leading fifty or sixty people to fight with those armed men in black.

When Feng Range suddenly appeared, Wen Chen seemed to sense it, raised his eyes slightly, and then glanced at her.

After watching this glance, it seemed that after confirming that she was fine, he started to fight the enemy with all his strength.

And because of his subtle eyes, when he retracted his eyes, the armed men in black in the local area also noticed Feng Range.

Then, a dozen or so armed men in black who were originally dealing with Wen Chen and the people he brought separated and rushed towards Feng Range.

Seeing these enemies rushing towards him, Feng Range's eyes narrowed, and he took out his long sword.

Then, he pre-emptively rushed towards the enemy who was rushing towards her.

In the recent constant battles, Feng Range's current "Nine Profound Sword" has become more and more proficient.

To deal with those slag and weak armed men in black, Feng Range each took one or two moves, and quickly dealt with the dozen or so enemies rushing towards her.

Seeing how ferocious Feng Range was, Wen Chen frowned.

He suddenly asked, "Miss Feng, your strength has improved. You have the ability to deal with these people alone, why did you let us come?"

Hearing Wen Chen's rare initiative to ask a question, Feng Range glanced at him, then hooked the corners of his lips and said, "There are still a lot of people in there, it's too troublesome to solve it alone! Also, I want to meet Nan To go to Yunshi, we need a plane!"

Hearing Feng Range's answer, Wen Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then a little speechless.

He continued to fight against the enemy with all his strength, but he slandered in his heart, isn't Miss Feng a practitioner?If you want to go to Nanyun City without a plane, you can also use the sword and fly the boat!
Wen Chen didn't say anything about his slander, so Feng Range naturally didn't know about it.

But after that, Feng Range saw that Wen Chen and the others were slow to fight against the enemy, and she was in a hurry. After I stood aside for a while, I took the initiative to enter the battle between Wen Chen and the men in black, Shot against those enemies.

With Feng Range's attack, the battle that would have dragged on for a while soon sped up.

And just 10 minutes later, all the enemies were eliminated.

After that, Wen Chen asked his subordinates to sit for him, and then he walked up to Feng Range.

Seeing Wen Chen standing in front of her, Feng Range looked up at him.

Then he asked softly, "When will you send me to Nanyun City? You shouldn't have to deal with the next thing, right?"

Hearing Feng Range's question, Wen Chen's eyes froze.

Then he opened his mouth and replied, "If you need it, I can send you to Nanyun City right now!"

Hearing Wen Chen's answer, Feng Range was slightly taken aback.

Then nodded, "Then let's go!"

With that said, she went out.Seeing her turn and leave, Wen Chen was also slightly taken aback, and then immediately followed.

(End of this chapter)

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