Phoenix Dance

Chapter 343 Back to Nanyun City

Chapter 343 Returning to Nanyun City

After walking in the underground passage for a while, Feng Range and Wen Chen walked out of the underground cave.

After arriving outside, Feng Range paused, then turned to look at Wen Chen.

"Where is the plane?"

"Over there!" Wen Chen pointed in a direction.

Then, the next task of leading the way was given to Wen Chen.Wen Chen walked in front, and Feng Range followed behind him.

After walking for five or six minutes, Feng Range saw a helicopter and two ordinary planes.

After that, after walking for another three or four minutes, Wen Chen brought Feng Range to the helicopter.

He got on the helicopter first, and after getting up, he winked at Feng Range.Then, Feng Range also jumped up lightly.

And just after she went up, Wen Chen started the engine of the plane.

As soon as the engine was started, the propellers spun quickly, and the plane gradually got up and left the ground.

I was used to flying in ordinary civil aviation planes before, but now I suddenly got on a helicopter, Feng Range felt a little novel.

She feels that there are so many strange things in this world!

Just after the helicopter reached a certain height from the ground, Wen Chen controlled the handle, turned the nose, and prepared to return to the direction of Yanhuang Kingdom.

Seeing Wen Chen's operation, Feng Range not only admired the scenery below, but also paid attention to Wen Chen's manipulation techniques.

Previously, Feng Range's sudden ability to drive was learned by watching Ouyang Huang drive.

But at this moment, she also has some interest in flying airplanes.Therefore, he paid a little attention to Wen Chen's manipulation techniques.

After Wen Chen successfully turned the nose of the plane, he knew that Feng Range was in a hurry to return to Nanyun City.Just step on the accelerator and prepare to fly back to Yanhuang Kingdom at the fastest speed.

Due to Wen Chen's sudden acceleration, Feng Range's body leaned forward slightly due to inertia.However, she soon stabilized her figure.

At the same time, he also pulled back his eyes from looking at the scenery below, and turned all his attention to Wen Chen.

"Achen, at the current speed, how long will it take to reach Nanyun City?"

Hearing Feng Range's question, Wen Chen didn't turn his head to look at her.

Looking ahead, he replied quietly, "Two hours."

two hours?Soon!

Hearing Wen Chen's answer, Feng Range nodded, and then said, "Then send me directly to the ghost gate!"

"Okay!" Hearing Feng Range's request, Wen Chen responded.

After that, the two fell into silence for a while...

And during this relatively silent time, after Feng Range watched Wen Chen fly the plane and learned how to fly the helicopter, she looked down at the scenery below again.

While looking at the scenery below, Feng Range also looked at the terrain below.

While looking down from the top, Feng Range unexpectedly saw a lot of treasures of dragon veins in the house inspection.

Especially when approaching Yanhuang Kingdom, Fengrange saw countless treasure lands of dragon veins on the territory of Yanhuang Kingdom.

Especially in the division of the entire Yanhuang Kingdom, Feng Range seemed to see two crawling giant dragons.

This is……

Feng Range was shocked by her sudden discovery!
She found that this world lacking spiritual energy and the Yanhuang Kingdom with two giant dragons crawling prostrate, seemed a little bit complicated.

As for what is not simple, Feng Range couldn't see through it for a while.

However, she had a vague feeling that there seemed to be hidden secret treasures that practitioners were crazy about under the territory of Yanhuang Kingdom.

This secret treasure...

Feng Range frowned, she really wanted to know.But he felt faintly that he must not touch this thing, otherwise, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble.

For this reason, with these thoughts, Feng Range fell into silence for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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