Phoenix Dance

Chapter 344 The Ghost Gate Establishment

Chapter 344 The Ghost Gate Establishment (1)

And just after Feng Range had been distracted for some time, she suddenly felt that the helicopter seemed to have a downward trend.

After feeling this situation, Feng Range immediately came back to his senses, and then looked at Wen Chen.


Hearing Feng Range's question, Wen Chen glanced at her, then nodded, "Look below, we're here!"

Hearing Wen Chen's answer, Feng Range immediately looked down.

Looking at it, sure enough, I saw the cave entrance that I was familiar with.At the same time, she also felt the array that she had arranged before.

Seeing the situation below, Feng Range looked at it for a while, then withdrew her gaze.

She looked at Wen Chen and said, "Send me down!"

Hearing Feng Range's request, Wen Chen, who had already lowered his height, immediately reacted and moved again.

He pulled up the landing gear, while still looking down at the terrain below, ready to find an open place to descend.

After scanning the surrounding terrain, he chose the place where the group of people Ouyang Huang sent to help her build the ghost gate lined up earlier.

The place is vacant and flat, and it's perfectly fine for a helicopter to land there.

Thinking in his mind like this, Wen Chen controlled the helicopter and flew low towards that place.

At the same time, he slowly controlled the plane and gradually landed.

The landing of a helicopter is much simpler than that of a civil aircraft.No need to glide, just a gentle landing.

After Wenchen carefully controlled the helicopter to land for three to four minutes, the plane finally landed steadily on the ground.

As soon as the plane landed, Feng Range jumped off the plane immediately.

After falling to the ground, she looked at Wen Chen who was sitting in the driver's seat.

Seeing that he was still sitting motionless, he asked, "Ah Chen, won't you come down?"

Hearing Feng Range's question, Wen Chen also turned to look down at her, then shook his head.

"No, I still have a lot of things to do in Jingbei City, I'm going back to Jingbei City first!"

As he said that, he controlled the helicopter and was about to take off again, Feng Range immediately stopped him.

"and many more!"

Hearing Feng Range's stop, Wen Chen looked at her with doubts, "Is there anything else?"

"Yes!" Feng Range said, "Before the people from Heizhou brought them back, except for a little girl named Mai Ya, everyone charged me a certain rescue fee according to their economic conditions. I am a doctor. , You won’t save people for nothing! Especially, there are a few people who have passed out before, and they will have to pay an additional medical fee, remember?”

Hearing Feng Range's sudden confession, Wen Chen was stunned when he heard it.

This Miss Feng... Has she gotten into Qian's eyes at this time?Wen Chen was puzzled, but soon his attention was attracted by the excluded name that Feng Range said.

Maya?Who is this?How could Miss Feng be given special treatment suddenly?
Wen Chen didn't ask Feng Range about the doubts and curiosity that arose in his heart.Instead, he nodded and took off and left. He was preparing for the next thing, so he went to investigate by himself!

After watching Wen Chen leave, Feng Range stood there for a while, and then stepped up to enter the cave.

After walking through the [-]-meter tunnel, Feng Range soon walked inside.

However, at the exit of the tunnel, when Feng Range saw the huge changes inside, he was shocked!

In just a few months, the people sent by Ouyang Huang actually turned her ideas and designs into reality!It was such a shock to her!

Feng Range stood there blankly, motionless, and soon someone found her.

The person who discovered Fengrange was mainly in charge of Yefeng, Yelei, Yedian, Yeyu and Yefeng in Yexing.

Seeing Feng Range's sudden airborne landing, Ye Feng showed excitement on his face.Then he didn't care to call his other little friends to come together, so he ran to Fengrange first.

"Miss Feng! Are you back?"

Hearing Ye Feng's voice, Feng Range gradually recovered from the shock.

She turned her head to look at Night Breeze, because Feng Range's memory had always been excellent, so she recognized Night Breeze almost immediately.

"Well, I just came back! Night Breeze, where are the others?" Feng Range looked at Night Breeze and nodded, then scanned for another week and found no one, so he asked him suspiciously.

Hearing Feng Range's question, Night Breeze turned his head and pointed behind him and said, "Everyone is over there, we happen to be in a meeting!"

"A meeting?" Feng Range was even more confused about Ye Feng's answer.

Seeing that Feng Range was still puzzled, Night Breeze grinned and said, "Miss Feng, why don't you go and see it too? You'll know if you see it!"

Hearing Ye Feng's instigation, Feng Range raised his eyebrows.Then, without much thought, he nodded in favor of Night Breeze's proposal.

After seeing Feng Range nodding in agreement, Night Breeze walked in front of Feng Range to lead her.

As the two walked one after the other, Feng Range and Ye Feng chatted casually.

"Night Breeze, when did you finish this place?" Feng Range asked.

"The basics were completed half a month ago, and everything inside was completed within this half month." Hearing Feng Range's question, Night Breeze told Feng Range what he said casually.

Feng Range narrowed her eyes when she heard his answer.

Then he asked, "Did Huang ask you to hurry up and finish it?"

"Yes! Every three days, BOSS will ask Wen Chen and Kai Feng to urge us and arrange for us to do something. At the same time, he also asked other people to prepare all the internal things in advance. Half a month ago , we just go directly to pick up the goods, so we can complete these things that take two months to complete in this short period of time. BOSS is very caring about Miss Feng's affairs!"

Hearing Ye Feng's brief description of the affairs here, Feng Range realized that during the period of her retreat, Ouyang Huang arranged the affairs here in great detail!

For his hard work, Feng Range was deeply moved...

The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, revealing a happy smile.

While she and Night Breeze were chatting first, they arrived at their destination without knowing it.

In the center of the entire base, there is an entrance to the north.

At the entrance, Night Breeze said, "Miss Feng, they are all on the second floor, let's go up too!"

Hearing Ye Feng's words, Feng Range nodded and followed him up.

On the second floor, Feng Range was stunned again when he saw the scene at a glance.

This really the same as what she imagined!

He was stunned by Fengrange, but Night Breeze also noticed it.However, he stood by her side, not bothering her at all...

(End of this chapter)

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