Phoenix Dance

Chapter 346 Five Lines of Spirit Formation

Chapter 346 Five Elements Spirit Array (1)

For Ouyang Huang's people, Feng Range subconsciously maintained some protection.After all, when she left from Ouyang Huang, Ouyang Huang intentionally said that he wanted his subordinates to be merged into the ghost gate.

Now, Kaifeng has already started to deal with this matter over there.She believes that after all the arrangements for her place are settled, it's time for Kaifeng to bring someone here!

Ouyang Huang's people have always been well-trained, and Feng Range is very clear about this.

Just like Ye Xing, Ye Feng and the others.Of course, Yelei was among them.

For Ye Lei's boldness, Feng Range had a deep feeling before!

Feeling so emotional in his heart, after listening to what Ye Xing said before, Feng Range felt that it was almost time to set up that formation now.

As far as the formations Feng Range set up here before, whether it is the spirit gathering formation, the defensive formation, or the hidden formation, they are not particularly advanced.

If it is used in this world, it should not be obvious to people.However, once this formation is used on a higher plane continent, it will definitely be seen by others.

Although Feng Range felt that she would stay in this world for a short time, she wanted to stay in the ghost gate forever.

Especially before, I vaguely selected a successor in my heart here.

Although she can't give all her abilities to that person, because she is not her disciple.However, he will still teach that person all the foundations of the ghost gate.

After having such an idea, Feng Range woke up from the daze.

Then he glanced at Ye Xing and the others.After that, he glanced at everyone in the room.

She said slowly, "Ye Xing, since you guys want to practice now, go ahead! Let Ye Feng follow me and take me to see every place here, and then I have some things to do."

Hearing Feng Range's words, before Ye Xing could answer, Ye Feng was the first to grab the voice.

"Okay! Okay! Miss Feng, I'll follow you! If you need me to help you, please just ask me, and I will obediently do it!"

Night Breeze said in a very doggy manner, leaving Ye Xing and the others standing beside him speechless for a while.

Seeing Ye Feng's obedient look, Feng Range also raised his eyebrows, a little speechless.

"Let's leave here now! Ye Xing, you continue! Also, Ye Xing, have you compared your strength growth before you came here and now?"

Feng Range asked like this, then turned around and took Night Breeze away after asking.

Hearing Feng Range's sudden question, Ye Xing and the others were taken aback for a moment.After reacting for a while, he immediately checked his current strength growth.

After a check, everyone was stunned again.

Their strength has grown unknowingly in the past few months, and their foundation is even more solid than before.

After realizing this, everyone's surprised expressions deepened.

However, the only people who didn't know about their situation here were Feng Range and Ye Feng who had already left.

After Ye Feng left with Feng Range, he also heard what Feng Range said before.So, while walking around with Feng Range, he looked inside to check his strength growth.

And after looking at it, Night Breeze was stunned!He froze in place, not even walking.

After Feng Range took a few steps forward, she sensed Night Breeze's reaction.He also paused, then turned to look at Night Breeze.

"Night Breeze?"

Hearing Fengrange's voice, Night Breeze reacted suddenly.Then looking at Fengrange, she smiled brightly and flatteringly.

"Miss Feng! Hehe...Miss Feng, what's the matter with my strength increase? Did you sit on something when you left last time?"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, Feng Range narrowed his eyes slightly.

Then he replied lightly, "I didn't do anything, it's just that the spiritual power here is stronger than that of the outside world, which has improved the original foundation in your body. And because you've been here for a long time, your body has absorbed it spontaneously. Just some aura here!"

Hearing Feng Range's words, Night Breeze was shocked!
"Ah! So good? I really want to stay here forever and practice, and go back to the boss's base for training, that would be terrifying!"

As soon as Night Breeze mentioned Ouyang Huang and his base, his expression changed quickly, revealing a look of horror.

Seeing the speed at which his face changed, Feng Range narrowed his eyes again.She was a little puzzled, is Ouyang Huang's base really that scary?

However, regarding Night Breeze's good idea, Feng Range was still willing to do as he wished.

So, she told Ye Feng what Ouyang Huang had given Kai Feng to do.

When Night Breeze heard this, his expression changed again, and he jumped up for joy.

Seeing Feng Range excitedly asked, "Really? Miss Feng!"

Seeing his excited and expectant expression, Feng Range couldn't let him down, so she nodded.

"Well, in a few days, Kaifeng has arranged the affairs over there, and the affairs on my side are almost done. Kaifeng should bring people over!"

Hearing Feng Range's words, Kai Feng was still a little nervous, but immediately relaxed.Then he looked at Fengrange again, and laughed like a dog.

He flatteringly asked Feng Range, "Then Miss Feng, where are you going next?"

Hearing Ye Feng's question, Feng Range raised his eyebrows.Then, regardless of Night Breeze's reaction, he turned his head and continued walking.

Seeing Feng Range leave, Night Breeze paused and immediately followed.

The two continued to wander around, looking around, and after going around in circles, Feng Range had a general understanding of everything here.

After gaining a certain understanding, Feng Range stopped in her tracks.

Seeing her stop, Night Breeze, who was following her, also stopped immediately.

Feng Range paused, and began to frowned in thought.

When she first wanted to build a ghost gate here, she wanted to set up a five-element emanation array here.

The Five Elements Spirit Formation is an ancient formation, and the arrangement of this formation is quite difficult.However, once the formation is set up, in the millions of years, as long as the foundation of the formation is not destroyed by internal personnel, the formation will continue to run continuously.

The Spiritual Expansion Formation, as the name suggests, is a formation for deriving spiritual energy.With the five elements, this formation is even more difficult.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, these five attributes are inherent in nature. If they are integrated into the aura here, the practitioners who practice here will gradually become attribute practitioners.

Cultivators with attributes, whether it is talent, cultivation progress, or strength, will far surpass other ordinary practitioners.

It is precisely because of this that Ouyang Huang's strength is much higher than those around him...

(End of this chapter)

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