Phoenix Dance

Chapter 347 Five Lines of Spirit Formation

Chapter 347 Five Elements Spirit Array (2)

Regarding the composition of the Five Elements Expansion Spirit Formation, Feng Range already had a certain calculation in his heart.

However, she decided to wait for the specific arrangement.

Among all the people in her ghost gate base, some belonged to Ouyang Huang, and some were former enemies captured by her and Ouyang Huang.

Because of the special nature of the five-element emanation array, it is related to the future survival of the ghost gate, so she decided to wait until later and arrange it secretly by herself.

Bringing Night Breeze now was just a step in advance.

Here, in addition to arranging the Five Elements Evolution Formation, she also plans to arrange many other formations.

The place where she and Night Breeze are now is still in the central building that she originally planned to be the martial arts arena.

Feng Range and Night Breeze had checked the layout here before, and decided that from now on, it's better to start now, right here, on each floor, and arrange the corresponding formations.

Thinking of this, Feng Range suddenly raised his head, and then directly took out hundreds of pieces of spirit stones from the Shihuang space, and placed them on the ground.

Ye Feng, who was standing beside him, was stunned when he saw fist-sized spirit stones suddenly falling to the ground and forming a small hill in a short while.

He asked suspiciously, "Miss Feng, what are you doing?"

Hearing Night Breeze's question, Feng Range replied flatly, "Later, we will arrange the formation. Night Breeze, don't call me Miss Feng from now on, call me Sect Master!"

Door owner?Night Breeze was a little puzzled by Feng Range's sudden request, but he nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Miss Feng... oh, no! It's the sect master!"

Night Breeze's door owner didn't care too much about his shout. Hearing Fengrange who was dealing with the Lingshi on the ground, he suddenly looked up at him.

Being stared at suddenly by Feng Range, Ye Feng, who was originally calm and composed, became restless at this moment.

"Feng... door, door master, what's wrong with you? Why are you looking at me like that all of a sudden?"

For Feng Range, especially Feng Range who was serious, Night Breeze was very respectful to her.After all, it must not be easy for their boss to give the woman they fancy!

However, most of the time, they are still not too afraid of her, because after all, she is not their vicious and black-bellied boss.

But now, being stared at by Feng Range suddenly and intently, Night Breeze suddenly became a little scared.

He shrank his neck, and Feng Range saw his reaction.

She said lightly, "The ghost gate will be my base in the future. If you want to stay here, you must abide by my rules! Treat the gate master with respect! When doing business, you must be more serious! If you can’t do it, leave the ghost gate!”

As she said that, she continued to lower her head to deal with those spirit stones.

And Night Breeze, after hearing Feng Range's sudden and serious words, he didn't understand what Feng Range meant now.

Wasn't it fine before?Why now, Miss Feng, who has always been indifferent, suddenly became serious?
Night Breeze was puzzled in his heart, but now that Feng Range was working seriously, he didn't dare to disturb her.

He stood by her side blankly, and after standing there for a while, he couldn't stand anymore.

He looked at Feng Range, who was still squatting with his head down, picking out the spirit stones, and then squatted down too.Then the attitude becomes much more respectful than before.

He asked Feng Range, "Master, door master, the ones you selected from him you need my help?"

Hearing Night Breeze's sudden opening after being quiet for a long time.Feng Range picked out the Lingshi and looked up at him.

He replied lightly, "You don't know how to pick and choose the formation stones for setting up positions, so just stay quietly by the side!"

After speaking, she lowered her head again.

Ye Feng froze when he heard that he was suddenly rejected by Feng Range.Then, with a hurt expression on his face, he stood up.

After standing up, because of Feng Range's previous blow, Ye Feng really stayed aside quietly.

After Ye Feng stood there bored and Feng Range had been busy for an unknown amount of time, Ye Feng suddenly heard Feng Range's voice.

Feng Range was busy with the things in hand, and suddenly said, "Ye Feng, didn't Huang teach you how to count every second in cultivation? Now that the aura is strong here, you have to be free. Why did you waste such a good opportunity to practice?" Woolen cloth?"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden opening, Night Breeze was taken aback for a moment, and then showed a belated expression.

Then, without responding to Feng Range's words, he immediately sat down cross-legged, and then began to practice exercises to absorb the spiritual energy around him.

Regarding Ye Feng's sudden behavior, even if Feng Range didn't raise his head, he could feel his behavior.

Then on the drooping face, the corners of the mouth turned up slightly.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with Night Breeze's unconscious Feng Range before.However, it is still very important for him to correct his mistakes now.

After feeling that Night Breeze had entered into cultivation, Feng Range arranged a small spirit gathering array along Night Breeze's body while picking out the spirit stones to further concentrate the spirit energy he had absorbed.

Ye Feng, who had already devoted himself to his cultivation, didn't notice Feng Range's little tricks.

After arranging the array around Night Breeze, Feng Range concentrated on picking out the spirit stones.

Although all the spirit stones in her hand are the best, she still has to choose the most qualified formation spirit stone among them.

Because Guimen is Feng Range's base here, and it is also the first organization she founded, so she still attaches great importance to everything here.

Because of this importance, Feng Range is very serious about all the planning and planning here.

Hundreds of pieces of spirit stones were slowly divided into two piles after Feng Range picked them out for three hours.

Feng Range collected the spirit stones suitable for setting up positions into a space ring, and she took the other pile back into the Shihuang space.

After she finished her work, she looked up and stood up.

After getting up, she saw that Night Breeze was still immersed in her cultivation, so she decided not to disturb him.

However, she felt that even though she was in her ghost gate base, everything here was not perfect.In order to ensure that no one would disturb Ye Feng's cultivation after she left first, Feng Range took out a few more Lingshi from Shihuang space, and set up a simple defensive formation around him.

Although this defensive formation is very simple and tasteless, at least it can ensure that Night Breeze will not be injured because of being interrupted to practice!

After helping Night Breeze with this, Feng Range looked around, ready to do her own thing...

(End of this chapter)

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