Phoenix Dance

Chapter 354 The Growth of the Ghost Gate

Chapter 354 The Growth of the Ghost Gate (1)

After seeing that Ouyang Huang agreed, because Ouyang Huang and Feng Range haven't been together for a while, they are a little tired now!

Under Ouyang Huang's order, Ye Xing and the others are still in charge of their temporary cultivation.

As for Ouyang Huang and Feng Range, they went to the side, found a corner where there was no one, and had a chat to relieve their boredom.

After they moved at both ends, Ouyang Huang hugged Feng Range in his arms, and then walked like flying, stepping up the mountain wall like walking on the ground.

Where did Ouyang Huang suddenly want to go?Feng Range directly looked up.

At the place where the mountain wall was approaching the top, Feng Range vaguely saw a building.

Before, she didn't notice it when she casually set up the Five Elements Evolution Formation underground. I really don't know when Ouyang Huang had someone build it.

It shouldn't be easy to build this thing on this mountain wall!

With Ouyang Huang's strength stable, the two quickly climbed up to the building on the mountain wall.

This is a small bamboo house similar to a watchtower. It is very delicate, and Feng Range fell in love with it immediately after seeing it.

Feng Range looked around here for a week, but the more she looked at it, the more she liked it.

Then he turned his head to look at Feng Range and asked, "When did you have someone build this? Why didn't I see it before?"

Hearing Feng Range's post, Ouyang Huang pursed his lips and smiled slightly, and said, "It was built a long time ago, but you didn't pay attention."

Hearing Ouyang Huang's answer, Feng Range was taken aback for a moment.

Then think back to the scene when I just came back here and went around.It seemed that she had indeed been focusing on the cultivation tower all the time, and didn't pay much attention to other places.

When setting up the Five Elements Evolution Formation before, she only set up the eight lower formations, and hadn't set up the formation eyes, so she didn't have a chance to notice it at all.

It was also because of not realizing it before that Fengrange was pleasantly surprised at this moment.

At the same time, it also made Ouyang Huang feel that Ye Xing and the others secretly added this building was really the right choice!

The two stood together in the small bamboo hut, overlooking the entire base of the ghost gate below. Feng Range felt that this feeling was much better than the feeling of looking up at the cultivation tower from below.

And at this moment, Feng Range suddenly had an idea.

Isn't the formation eye of the Five Elements Evolution Formation not yet set up?Feng Range thought, why not set it here!
At that time, if she set up a few defensive formations around the small bamboo house, then no one but her and Ouyang Huang would be able to find the small bamboo house here again.

With such an idea, Fengrange is not going to waste time procrastinating.

With one of her thoughts, she took out a middle-grade spiritual weapon, a long sword, from the primordial space.

The sword is the gentleman in the weapon, Feng Range uses the sword as the most important formation eye of this ghost gate base, just hoping for all the disciples in the ghost gate.After she leaves this world in the future, she will still be able to remain an upright gentleman.

They will not rely on their own strength to bully others one by one, and do all kinds of evil.

For the future development of Guimen, Fengrange is still quite optimistic.But what about hundreds of years from now?Because of the special nature of this world, Feng Range is still quite worried about the character of the disciples in the ghost gate in the future.

After all, after she leaves here in the near future, she may not be able to come back.

For the ghost gate here, she may not be able to take care of it for a long time.

Even Ouyang Huang should leave here with her by then!It is also impossible to take care of here for her.

Therefore, in the next time, Feng Range will build the ghost gate base into an iron wall, and no one can break into it.

And Ouyang Huang also wanted to help her improve the strength of her disciples as soon as possible.

Only when the comprehensive strength of the entire ghost gate and its disciples has improved, they will have a strong background when they face the legendary hidden gate one day.

However, Feng Range still doesn't know at this moment that the day when she and Yinmen will face each other is not far away.

Soon...she will go to the ghost gate...

Seeing Feng Range suddenly take out a long sword, Ouyang Huang was only slightly taken aback, not too curious.

Seeing Feng Range's posture, he knew she had something to do.

So, I consciously stood aside, paying attention not to disturb her.

As for Feng Range, Ouyang Huang held her in the palm of his hand and loved her to the core.

As long as it is what Fengrange wants to do, then she will support it 100%!Absolute pampering!
Ouyang Huang looked at her figure, his eyes narrowed slightly, deep and charming.

Holding the sword in his hand, Feng Range didn't choose a specific place, but directly placed the spirit sword on the table in the center of the small bamboo house.

Then, she took out a few more spirit stones, and prepared to arrange several defensive formations, phantom formations, hidden formations and attack formations around the location where the spirit sword was placed.

The attack formation is the first formation that Feng Range is going to set up after he has been here for so long.

Because the existence of the spirit sword is not only related to the operation of the Five Elements Spirit Formation, but also related to the longevity of the ghost gate.

For this reason, Feng Range had to work harder on the defense of the five-element emanation spirit formation's spirit sword.

Singer Fengran took the Lingshi and prepared to set up a battle with a concentrated expression.

This time, Fengrange chose the superimposed mode in order to arrange the formations, one formation plus another formation are stacked together.

The attack array is at the innermost, and the rest go out one by one, which is the defensive array, the hidden array, and finally the phantom array.

The method of overlaying is a bit complicated and energy-intensive.

Feng Range concentrated on what she was doing, not paying attention to the things around her.

When she finally dealt with the foundation of the formation in her hand, the time of the day passed so quickly.

In the middle, Fengrange regained consciousness once.That time, she asked Ouyang Huang to train others first!When she is here, she will go directly to him.

Originally Ouyang Huang was unwilling to leave, but due to Feng Range's insistence, he went down alone ahead of time.

Before leaving, he took another two steps and paused a little bit uneasy, then turned his head and glanced at Feng Range again.

He saw Feng Range focus on doing her work again, didn't notice his turning around, so he frowned.

Then, maintaining this state, with a light leap, he jumped down from the door of the small bamboo house.

After Ouyang Huang left, Feng Range became more focused on setting up the formation.

The Lingshi changed its trajectory on her white and slender hands, forming beautiful arcs one after another.

After she went through a whole day and night, this superimposed formation was finally completed.

Next, the only thing left is to input spiritual power and activate the entire Five Elements Spirit Formation!

(End of this chapter)

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