Phoenix Dance

Chapter 355 The Growth of the Ghost Gate

Chapter 355 The Growth of the Ghost Gate (2)

Feng Range had already set up the formation of the Five Elements Spirit Formation long before.

Now if she wants to activate this formation, all she needs to do is input her spiritual power into the formation's eyes
Thinking of this, Feng Range began to condense his own spiritual power on his fingertips.Then, after the power of the spiritual power reached a certain level, he directly threw the spiritual power ball at the spirit sword.

Just when the spiritual power hit the blade of the spirit sword, not only the entire Five Elements Spirit Formation was fully activated.Even the several formations next to the spirit sword were activated in this instant.

After seeing this result, Feng Ran was quite satisfied.

At the same time when the Five Elements Evolution Array was fully opened, Feng Range could clearly feel it even in the small bamboo house.Now the entire ghost gate, the aura here is becoming more and more intense.

At the same time, because of Feng Range's special physique, she could clearly feel the five elements in the aura.

These attributes were absorbed by the Five Elements Spirit Formation. After waiting for a while, Feng Range believed that under the transformation of the Five Elements Spirit Formation, it would not be long before all of her ghost disciples would have disciples with attributes.

With the improvement of her physique, Feng Range felt that the strength of her ghost disciple must be greatly improved by then!At the same time, it is also possible that the strength will directly far exceed any sect in the hidden sect within ten years.

This is estimated in the bottom of my heart, but Feng Range feels that this situation will definitely be realized in advance!
Who let her ghost gate have her, the alchemy god!She has a way to improve the strength of her disciples.

Even if you just use pills, you can still produce many peerless masters!
However, she is unwilling to use this method to enhance their strength.

Because she knew that if she really used the pill to hit a few masters.Then their strength, even if it is improved, is very vain, and it is not useful.

Just because she knew this truth, Feng Range didn't take out her own elixir for them.

In the small bamboo house, Feng Range saw the entire formation, and after more than ten minutes, it was completely activated.

Feng Range hooked the corners of her lips, and with a satisfied smile, she was about to leave the small bamboo house.

She walked to the edge of the door of the small bamboo house, and just when she was about to jump down, she suddenly thought of hiding the whole small bamboo house so that no one could see that there was a small bamboo house here.

Under such thoughts, Feng Range's footsteps that were about to leave immediately stopped.

She turned around and jumped lightly, onto the roof of the small bamboo house.

Then she took out a few more spirit stones, and she was going to set up a hidden formation first, and then a phantom formation on the roof.

Thinking of this, Feng Range immediately started to move.

The formation that hides the small bamboo house, Fengrange, is relatively simple, but at the same time it is very delicate.

After finishing the arrangement quickly, Feng Range immediately activated the two formations.

After the formation was activated, Feng Range watched the little bamboo house disappear in front of her.

Seeing the small bamboo hut disappear, if it is not still on the roof of the small bamboo hut, she set up the hidden array and phantom array herself.If it wasn't so, maybe she might not find something here if she didn't pay close attention.

After dealing with the matters here, the layout of the Five Elements Evolution Array is also completed.Feng Range now felt that it was time for her to go down to find Ouyang Huang.

I put him aside so casually before, I'm afraid he is not happy!

Thinking of this, Feng Range jumped lightly and jumped down from the roof of the small bamboo house...

(End of this chapter)

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