Phoenix Dance

Chapter 356 The Growth of the Ghost Gate

Chapter 356 The Growth of the Ghost Gate (3)

Feng Range lightly jumped down from the small bamboo building, picked up "Missing Steps", and then walked with the wind, and fell to the ground very lightly.

When she landed, just below the mountain wall, there were a few ghost disciples who were working.

Seeing her suddenly falling from the sky, everyone was stunned.The boss with his mouth open, his eyes were blank, but he kept looking at her with eyes of admiration.

"Sect Master..."

Hearing their voices in unison, and seeing their blank expressions, Feng Range realized their existence.

At the same time, I also realized that my behavior was a little shocking to them who have not yet become practitioners.

He smiled awkwardly, and then said casually, "Hehe, I just practiced the newly learned exercises a little bit, and it's very useful. You should also step up your practice in the future, and you will reach the level I just had. That... I'm going to find Huang first..."

As he spoke, he didn't care about waiting for their response, so he played "Missing Steps" again, and it disappeared in a flash.

Feng Range and the people around him, as well as those around Ouyang Huang, are generally very familiar with each other, so there is no difficulty in communicating.

But suddenly, she wanted to communicate with the new ghost disciple who didn't appear in her memory at all, who was completely unfamiliar and admired her endlessly, and her heart was completely flustered.

He almost fled away, leaving those Song Guimen disciples a long way away with a single dodge.

After staying away from them, Feng Range settled down with some nervousness, and then went to the cultivation tower.

When she asked Ouyang Huang to help her train the disciples of the ghost gate, she didn't tell him where to train them.

However, in the entire ghost gate base, there are only two places where people can be trained, one is the open space outside, and the other is the cultivation tower.

Outside, Feng Range's keen hearing didn't detect any movement, so it is natural to guess that the place where Ouyang Huang trained her ghost disciples should be in the cultivation tower!

She quickly went straight to the cultivation tower, and just as she walked up the stairs on the second floor, sure enough, she heard movement on the second and third floors.

Especially on the third floor, Feng Range could vaguely hear Ouyang Huang's voice admonishing others.

His voice was not loud, but full of sternness and coldness.

He scolded the disciples of the ghost gate in front of him, "If you want to be lazy and don't follow the training I said, I will get out of the ghost gate! Anyone who wants to stay in the ghost gate, follow the training that I said. Do what you say! If you can’t do it well, don’t blame me for being rude! If you are lazy, if you leave unconsciously, don’t blame me for throwing you all out! Give me training!”

As soon as Ouyang Huang's voice fell, Feng Range had already walked up to the third floor.Immediately afterwards, she heard the sound of everyone still running.

Facing Ouyang Huang's sternness, Feng Range narrowed her eyes slightly, admiring him very much.

For the disciples of the ghost gate who believed him, Feng Range only felt that they were only hindered by the special circumstances of their entering the ghost gate, which forced them not to leave the ghost gate.

Now they can't get away from the ghost gate at all, who made them compete against Feng Range and Ouyang Huang back then!

If they want to propose to leave the gate of hell now, the only way left for them is destruction!

Feng Range and Ouyang Huang are not good people, and they will not easily let go of the existence of an enemy who may cause them, or even the entire ghost gate, to be unstable and destroyed in the future.

Even if they think it is impossible for such a young man to do this, after all, ghost gates and hidden gates have their own uniqueness.

In this world, it is still impossible to be completely exposed to the eyes of everyone.

When Feng Range walked slowly to the door of the Martial Arts Field where Ouyang Huang and the others were located, Ouyang Huang inside seemed to have sensed her appearance.

Just as Feng Range was about to open the door, Ouyang Huang who was inside opened the door from the inside at the same time.

The door was opened by Ouyang Huang first, and Feng Range met Ouyang Huang's eyes.A person was stunned, a little surprised!The other eye is smiling, and the corner of the mouth is slightly smiling, contented!

Ouyang Huang asked Fengrange gently, "Is everything all right now! The aura here is much stronger than the outside world!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range looked at him, pursed his lips and nodded.

"Okay! But next, we have to deal with all the martial arts training grounds in this training tower. I have dealt with the accident before except for the martial arts training ground and the alchemy room on the top floor, and I haven't dealt with the rest. Now, Everyone's training is also starting, Ye Xing and they should have taught them the basic cultivation, right? I think next, finish the rest of the work quickly, and then you will go up with me, let the brothers and sisters Ran Yun and Mo Xuan and the others also came out together. You are practicing in closed doors, and I will teach Ran Yu and Gao Ying to learn alchemy and medical skills together! In the future, I may not stay here. After leaving, there is almost no possibility of returning. The strength of this ghost gate will be like flying in the future, and it will not be a problem to be able to protect itself one day! In this way, if I leave, I won't worry about the situation here anymore..."

Hearing Feng Range suddenly mentioned the further development of Guimen and her future plans, Ouyang Huang couldn't help frowning.

He asked softly, "Little Geer, since you are leaving here, why did you establish this ghost gate in the first place? Why didn't you work hard to improve your own strength and establish such a force?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden question, Feng Range was stunned by his question.

why?Why did you want to build a ghost gate in the first place?

Feng Range stared blankly at Ouyang Huang at this moment, a little confused...

At the beginning, she just wanted to build another force like the Feng family here.Just like the existence of the cultivation tower, it is similar to the cultivation tower of the Feng family.

Because, in her previous life, she and all the elders and elders of the family built the cultivation tower on the Jishen Continent together.

For the obsession with the establishment of the ghost gate, Feng Range never thought about the further meaning of existence.

Now being asked suddenly by Ouyang Huang, Feng Range didn't know how to answer at all.

Seeing Feng Range's sudden stupefaction, Ouyang Huang also realized that his little Ge'er hadn't considered his purpose of establishing this power at all.

Just want to do it, just do it.

So, in order not to make trouble for her anymore, Ouyang Huang stretched out his hand to wrap her in his arms.

Then he gently comforted her, and said, "Little Geer, the reason you built this ghost gate is probably to take me and my people in! Those bastards like you very much! From now on, I and I Those people are also disciples of your ghost gate. Do you still remember that I said that when your ghost gate is established, I will be the deputy sect master of your ghost gate. You are the sect master and I am the deputy. "

(End of this chapter)

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