Phoenix Dance

Chapter 357 The Growth of the Ghost Gate

Chapter 357 The Growth of the Ghost Gate (4)

Hearing Ouyang Huang's comforting words, Feng Range's delicate body in his arms was shocked.

Then after reacting, he responded softly, "En!"

Hearing Feng Range's slight voice, Ouyang Huang hooked the corners of his mouth and smiled.

After that, Ouyang Huang lightly patted Feng Range's back twice, and then pushed her away from his arms.

Then he said softly to her, "Little Geer, wait here for a while, I will arrange the things inside, and then I will deal with other things in this training tower with you. Regarding your ability to set up formations, I've always been curious. If possible, I want to learn this formation. I just don't know if you are willing to teach it!"

After speaking, when Ouyang Huang was about to turn around and go back to the martial arts arena to leave, Feng Range reached out and grabbed his arm.

Regarding his request to learn how to form formations just now, Feng Range gave him an answer immediately after being slightly taken aback.

She said softly, "You want to learn, then you can help me set up the formation together later! Originally, I have to work a lot by myself. With your help, it may be completed sooner!"

Hearing Feng Range grabbed his hand and said these two words, Ouyang Huang's emotions jumped up in his whole body.

He felt that this kind of cold, but cute little song inside was so interesting!
He couldn't put it down for her like this, and he didn't want to leave her for a moment.

Subconsciously, he reached out and stroked Feng Range's hair like he was treating his own treasure.

He said softly, "Wait for me!"

Then, he turned around and walked into the martial arts arena.

When Ouyang Huang turned and walked in, Feng Range was still a little dazed.

She was still a little dazed about Ouyang Huang's sudden stroking of her hair just now, and didn't react.

But after standing outside for a while to react, her cheeks turned slightly red.

Ouyang Huang's actions towards her were very gentle and intimate, just like the infatuated man on the Continent of God in the previous world treated his beloved wife.

With such a warm and beautiful gesture, Feng Range couldn't help comparing herself to Ouyang Huang's future wife, and Ouyang Huang is such an infatuated man.This kind of imagination made her suddenly realize that she was a little frivolous, and her cheeks blushed immediately.

Even when Ouyang Huang walked out of the martial arts arena again, she could clearly see her shy expression.

He didn't know what happened to this little song?However, he didn't ask like Feng Range.

Then, he just said softly to Feng Range, "Xiao Ge'er, I will leave all the matters here to Chen, now let's do your business!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range's thoughts were a little distracted at first, but after being disturbed by him, he immediately came back to his senses.

Seeing Ouyang Huang who was already standing in front of her, Feng Range twitched the corner of his mouth in embarrassment.

Seeing Feng Range's indecent action, Ouyang Huang just pursed his lips and smiled indulgently.

As the so-called beauty is in the eye of the beholder, his favorite little Geer, no matter what kind of movements or behaviors he makes in front of him, he always thinks it is cute and good-looking!
Now, Ouyang Huang has arranged for Wen Chen to take care of everything here.

As for the following matters, when Feng Range came up, he also heard that Ye Xing was in charge.

Therefore, she and Ouyang Huang didn't intend to delay any more time, and the two walked one after the other and left the area on the third floor.

The two came to the fourth floor together, where there are two martial arts arenas on each floor.

At the beginning, there were two martial arts arenas on each floor of the design, and there was such an intention.Which one is the biggest martial arts field here? It is prepared for all the disciples to practice and improve their own strength.And the other small martial arts arena is for them to challenge each other and fight against each other.

The cultivation in the big martial arts arena depends on their own efforts!

However, the challenges in the small martial arts arena, after each challenge is successful, there are pills to reward.

Especially, every time Fengrange sets up the strength ranking competition of the whole sect.The disciples who made the top ten will have more generous rewards waiting for them.

Similarly, for the bottom fifty disciples in the ranking competition, she will use more brutal methods and methods to train them in the future.

With such a plan, Feng Range just didn't want some unmotivated disciples in the ghost gate to hinder the entire ghost gate one day in the future.

However, such predictions are still a bit early!

Now, the main task for her and Ouyang Huang is to set up a few more spirit gathering formations in all the martial arts fields between the fourth floor and the twelfth floor.

Originally, the aura of this ghost gate was more than ten times stronger than that of the outside world under the gathering spirit of the Five Elements Evolution Formation.

With the current level, there is no need to set up a spirit gathering array in this martial arts arena.

However, she still needs to set up this formation now, which has the same effect as the superimposed formation.

If one formation is stacked on top of another, the effect of gathering spirits will be multiplied even more.

Just like the aura produced by the gathering spirits of the Five Elements Evolution Array, it is now more than ten times that of the outside world.However, if Feng Range and Ouyang Huang set up another spirit-gathering array in the martial arts arena, then gather the aura generated by the five-element emanation array again, and the concentration of immortal aura in the martial arts arena will be dozens of times that of the outside world .

With dozens of times the training in the martial arts arena, the cultivation progress of the disciples of the ghost sect must be several times faster than those of the cultivators of the hidden sects outside.

Maybe, in such a superior situation as Guimen, let alone a few years.Even after five or six months, the strength of all the current people in the ghost sect may be comparable to the strength of those outer disciples in the hermit sect.

For this point, although Feng Range has not experimented.However, he is quite confident about his attainments in formations and Ouyang Huang's methods of training people!
As for whether they can achieve Fengrange's expectations after a period of time?Fengrange still has to wait and see!
Now, at Ouyang Huang's request, since Feng Range wanted to teach him how to arrange the formation, Feng Range first roughly told him the key points of the formation.

"The success of this formation is that it works. The most important thing is that there are two points. The first point is the spirit stones used to arrange the formation. This is it!" After speaking, Feng Range took out a few pieces of spirit stones Stone, pass it to Ouyang Huang.

Then, You continued, "The second point is that when arranging a formation, you need to find the right bases and eyes. The bases are a must for every formation, but the formation eyes are arbitrarily arranged and have little effect. , but it can be omitted. Now, let’s find the most suitable position here in this martial arts arena! The search for this position is very particular, and the connection of these positions requires its rules... "

Afterwards, the more Feng Range went on, the deeper Ouyang Huang listened.

At the same time, without Feng Range noticing, Ouyang Huang's eyes gradually became darker, and his brows frowned...

(End of this chapter)

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