Phoenix Dance

Chapter 369 Invitation from the Hidden Door

Chapter 369 Invitation from the Hidden Door

Just when Ouyang Huang wanted to get closer to Feng Range, his cell phone rang untimely.

For this sudden interruption, Ouyang Huang looked at Feng Range with an annoyed look.

When Feng Range saw such a vivid expression on his face, he chuckled.

Ouyang Huang originally didn't want to pay attention to the call, but the phone kept ringing, so he finally answered it helplessly.


Ouyang Huang only opened his mouth to say a word, and then he listened to the person on the other end of the phone.

After Ouyang Huang was silent for about ten minutes, he said again, "Got it!"

Then, hung up the phone.

After Ouyang Huang hung up the phone, his face became gloomy.

Seeing him like this, Feng Range asked, "What's wrong?"

Hearing Feng Range's question, Ouyang Huang turned to look at her.

Then he restrained the expression on his face a little, and said, "Let's go back! I'll tell you as I walk."

Hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range nodded, and then went back with Ouyang Huang's sword.

On the way back, Ouyang Huang spoke again.

He said to Feng Range, "Little Ge'er, the call I just received was from an outer disciple of the sect, and asked me to go back to the sect tomorrow! In a few days, the younger generation of the sects will be here." Zongmen Dabi, I am the Young Sect Master of Shadow Moon Sect, so I naturally want to participate. Also, Xiao Geer, I have mentioned you to the Sect Master. This time, he specially asked his disciples to notify me so that I'll take you back together! What do you think?"

When Ouyang Huang told him about the news he had just received, Feng Range was stunned.

She really didn't expect that Ouyang Huang would tell the head of his sect about her.Moreover, the sect master of his sect even invited her to their sect!
Feng Range still couldn't digest the news at this time, and she didn't understand what Ouyang Huang's sect master was thinking.

For Ouyang Huang, Feng Range naturally believed absolutely, he was reliable!
But the sect that Ouyang Huang belongs to...

Feng Range believed in Ouyang Huang's vision. Since he was able to tell the head of his sect about her, it meant that that person was reliable.However, the establishment of a sect does not depend solely on a sect master or a disciple!

At this moment, if Feng Range agreed to Ouyang Huang to go, she really didn't know what else she would face!

However, just now, after hearing Ouyang Huang's last words asking for her opinion, Feng Range had a faint feeling that Ouyang Huang seemed to be looking forward to her going.

For Ouyang Huang's rare expectations, Feng Range still didn't want to disappoint him too much.

So, after a long time of contemplation and silence, Feng Range nodded slightly and agreed, "Aren't you going tomorrow? Then let's go together!"

Seeing Feng Range's sudden agreement, Ouyang Huang jumped up and down like a child.

To be honest, the last time he met Feng Range, he missed her very much after he separated from Feng Range.This miss made him feel a little tormented, and he didn't want to experience it again in his life.

But now that Feng Range agreed to go back to the sect with him, Ouyang Huang's previous worries were resolved.

While the two were discussing this matter, the entrance to the cave at the Ghost Gate base arrived.

Feng Range undid the formation, and the two went in.Afterwards, the formation at the entrance of the cave was restored again...

 Recommend my friend Jiu Dian's article "This Demon Belongs to Me", link:

  The article "The Heroine in Power" by Xue Xue in July, link:

  Orange Yue's article "The Indifferent Army Less Lays on Me", link:


(End of this chapter)

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