Phoenix Dance

Chapter 370 To the Hidden Door

Chapter 370 To the Hidden Door
After entering inside, Ouyang Huang told Feng Range that Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun would also be there when they went back to the sect tomorrow, because they were also disciples of the Shadow Moon Sect!
For this reason, after the two arrived inside, they went directly to the thirteenth floor of the training tower, preparing to enter the martial arts field to find Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun and inform them of the situation.

At this moment, Gao Jin should have left the ghost gate base, and Ran Yu and the others should have returned to the alchemy room.

So, when the two walked to the gate of the Martial Arts Field, Feng Range asked Ouyang Huang to find Wen Chen and the others!And she went to inform Ran Yu and the others.

After deciding on their respective affairs, the two acted separately.

Ouyang Huang walked into the martial arts arena, and Feng Range continued to walk towards the alchemy room.

Just when she walked into the alchemy room, she heard the small voice inside silently reciting "Herbal Book".

This "Herbal Book" was given to Gao Ying by Fengrange when she first met Gao Ying.

Now, Feng Range heard the three people inside silently reciting the contents of the medicine book.

Feng Range hooked the corners of her lips, showing a satisfied look.

Then, she walked a few more steps and came to the side of the three of them.

The three of them didn't notice Feng Range's sudden appearance, and they were still carrying out the pill book seriously.

For this situation, Feng Range is not only not unhappy, but even more satisfied!
This kind of situation, doesn't it just show that they are all concentrating on their studies!
After that, Feng Range stood beside them quietly for a while, and then coughed softly twice.

"Cough cough..."

Hearing Feng Range's sudden voice, the three of Ran Yu were completely unprepared, and they were startled all of a sudden!
One by one raised their heads in a daze, and when they saw that the person standing beside them was Feng Range who had been away for a long time, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

"Master, why did you appear suddenly without making a sound?" Ran Yu asked, patting his small chest.

Regarding Ran Yu's question, Feng Range just pursed her lips and smiled.

Then he answered irrelevantly and said, "Xiaoyu, Xiaoying, Kayina, I can teach you the basics of cultivation and practice. However, the main effort and improvement in the future will still depend on you. Just As it is now, I am not here, and you are learning "Herbal Book", which I am very satisfied with! Next, I want to tell you one thing, I will leave here for a while, and go to his sect with Huang Door. I don't know exactly when I'll be back, so you can make arrangements for your next cultivation!"

Hearing Feng Range suddenly said that he would leave for a while, Ran Yu and Gao Ying were immediately stunned!Only Kayina was relatively more mature and stable, she was just shocked for a moment, and then calmed down!

Seeing the three of them, they showed two completely different expressions.

Fengrange said to Kayina, "Kayinna, Xiaoyu and Xiaoying are still young, how to arrange daily practice and practice, you can arrange it for them! When I come back, I want to see you Progress."

Hearing Fengrange's instructions, Kayina nodded and agreed, "Yes, sect master!"

Seeing that Kayina agreed, Feng Range glanced at Ran Yu and Gao Ying who were still in a daze, then turned and left the alchemy room.

Until Feng Range walked out of the door of the alchemy room, Ran Yu and Gao Ying still did not recover.

After leaving the alchemy room, Feng Range came to the martial arts field again.

Inside, Ouyang Huang was talking to Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun about Huiyingyuemen.Even Mo Xuan and Ran Yun stood aside and listened.

After hearing Ouyang Huang say that Feng Range would also go with him, Mo Xuan, who had never spoken much, rarely spoke at this time.

"I am coming too!"

Hearing Mo Xuan's sudden volunteering, Ouyang Huang shifted his gaze from Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun to him.

He looked at Mo Xuan quietly, and after two or three minutes, he nodded and said, "Okay!"

Feng Range, who had just walked to the door, suddenly heard that Ouyang Huang also agreed to let Mo Xuan go to the Shadow Moon Gate together, she was slightly taken aback.

Then, just keep going.

Hearing the footsteps of Feng Range walking in, several people turned their heads slowly one by one.

Seeing that they all looked back at him, Feng Range looked at Ran Yun.

Said to him, "Xiao Yun, Mo Xuan will leave with us for a while tomorrow. You are here alone, why don't you go to the alchemy room to practice! I have already discussed some things with them, and there is something next. , just ask them! Cultivate hard and wait for Master to come back, but it depends on your progress!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden opening, Ran Yun was stunned.

Then nodded to Feng Range and said, "Yes, Master!"

Agreed, and then quickly ran out of the martial arts arena and went to the alchemy room.

Seeing Ran Yun's hurried appearance, Feng Range laughed a little.However, she also knew that with Ran Yun like this, she just wanted to see Ran Yu soon.

For Ran Yu's younger sister, it can be seen that Ran Yun loves and cares deeply.

After Ran Yun left, Ouyang Huang continued talking to Wen Chen and the others.As for Feng Range, she just stood quietly and listened.

It was not until more than half an hour later that Ouyang Huang told Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun all the news he had received, as well as his arrangements.

Next, there are still many things in the outside world, and Ouyang Huang needs Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun to deal with them.

Only by arranging these things, then they will be able to carry out the hidden door trip more easily.

Otherwise, when they get there, they still have a lot to do.

After Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun finished listening to Ouyang Huang's speech, they quickly went about their respective affairs.

In the entire martial arts arena, only Ouyang Huang, Feng Range and Mo Xuan were left.

All the things to be arranged now have been arranged, and the three of them are free.

The three of them looked at each other, and then Ouyang Huang said, "Then let's continue to practice for the time being! Let's go straight away tomorrow morning!"

Hearing what he said, Feng Range and Mo Xuan did not object, and each found a corner to practice cross-legged.

In this state, it remained until the next morning...

Ouyang Huang was the first to wake up from his practice, followed by Feng Range and Mo Xuan.

After waking up from the practice, they didn't delay much, and went downstairs to find Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun.

When the three of them got downstairs, they saw Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun were already waiting at the exit.

So, the three of them didn't do anything, they walked directly to them, and set off with them to go to the Shadow Moon Gate.

Along the way, because Feng Range and Mo Xuan didn't know the way to go, they took a step slowly and followed behind the three of Ouyang Huang.

Along the way, a group of five people walked along the road while guarding their swords, looking at the exquisite surroundings...

(End of this chapter)

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