Phoenix Dance

Chapter 371 I was treated coldly

Chapter 371 I was treated coldly (1)

After Yu Jian flew for about two to three hours, Ouyang Huang led them to the foot of the mountain below.

Aren't they going to the Shadow Moon Gate?How did you end up at the foot of a barren mountain?
Regarding this, Feng Range was puzzled at first.However, after thinking about the situation of my own ghost gate, I understood the mystery here!
Moreover, soon, Ouyang Huang's actions also proved her actual conjecture.

A large protective formation is arranged here, and this large formation also has the function of hiding and illusion, covering up the original mountain appearance of the mountain, and transforming it into the scene they see now.

In this regard, after the protective array was slowly closed, the exposed scenery.Even people who don't understand the formation can see it, and then understand the mysterious technique.

After the protective formation was closed, Ouyang Huang quickly entered the range of the protective formation with Feng Range and others.

Then when he turned around, he saw that the protective formation behind him was slowly opened again.

After the protective formation was fully opened, Ouyang Huang continued to take Feng Range and others to walk in.

After walking for about ten minutes, Feng Range gradually saw a huge building complex.

This is the Shadow Moon Gate?Seeing the scale of the Shadow Moon Gate, Feng Range was a little surprised!

The overall size of the Shadow Moon Gate is actually half smaller than the Feng Family where she lived in her previous life!
Then the scale of this sect... Really, it's not enough!
However, although Feng Range thought so in his heart, he didn't show a trace of contempt on his face.

After all, given the situation in this world, there are still a few such sects.It can only be said that these sects are quite powerful in this world.

If it was in the Continent of Gods in her previous life, this sect, which was not even as large as a family, would easily be annihilated by a strong man!

For these, Feng Range only knows in her heart, but she won't tell anyone.

Just when Feng Range was circling a lot of thoughts in his mind, they had already reached the sky above the Shadow Moon Gate with their swords.

Ouyang Huang turned his head and said to Feng Range, "Little Geer, let me take you to meet the sect master first!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang speak, Feng Range nodded and agreed, "Okay!"

Then, Ouyang Huang took Feng Range and Mo Xuan directly to the main courtyard where the master of the Shadow Moon Gate was.

When he reached the door of the main courtyard, Ouyang Huang knocked on the door several times in succession.However, there was no reply for a long time.

Ouyang Huang realized, isn't the old man the door owner inside?
So, he turned to Feng Range and Mo Xuan and said, "Why don't you wait here for a while now! I'll go find that old man for you!"

Hearing that Ouyang Huang respectfully referred to the sect master of Shadow Moon Gate as his master, he suddenly became an old man in the blink of an eye!Feng Range and Mo Xuan were slightly taken aback when they heard this.

However, no one responded to Ouyang Huang with a nod without expressing their opinions.

Feng Range said to him, "You go! Mo Xuan and I are waiting here!"

Hearing Feng Range's response, Ouyang Huang also nodded, then turned and left first.

After Ouyang Huang left, Feng Range and Mo Xuan were the only people present.

Before, just after entering the Shadow Moon Gate, Wen Chen and Yi Shaojun said they had something to do, so they split up.

Now, only Feng Range and Mo Xuan were left standing in this strange place, a little bored.

(End of this chapter)

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