Phoenix Dance

Chapter 396 Recruitment, the master of the ghost gate

Chapter 396 Recruitment, the master of the ghost gate (2)

Not long after Feng Range left Ouyang Huang's small courtyard, she felt several tails trailing behind her.And these tails probably followed Feng Range when Feng Range just walked out of Ouyang Huang's small courtyard!
Before that, I'm afraid they have been lurking outside the small courtyard for a long time.

After Feng Range noticed this, she walked forward without expression.

Originally, she thought that no one would dare to provoke her after she was so arrogant and domineering in the practice field.

But now, the situation seems to be a bit different than what she wanted!

Feng Range couldn't help narrowing his eyes slightly at this situation.She couldn't help guessing that when she was on the training field, she revealed a elixir that didn't exist in this world.Originally, she wanted people to know her background and be afraid of her, but now...

The direction of this situation seems to have deviated from her expectations.On the contrary, many people have put her in their minds, so they want to play with the elixir in her hand!

At least, Feng Range felt that the people following her now should be coming for her elixir!
For this conjecture, Feng Range is extremely affirmative.So, after thinking about it like this, a cold light flashed across Feng Range's eyes again.

Since those people want to provoke her and seek death, she is still very willing to fulfill them!

In Feng Range's heart, she kept guessing and analyzing, but she kept walking without stopping.

When gradually getting farther and farther away from Ouyang Huang's small courtyard, Feng Range used his spiritual sense to check the road ahead.

Now, with several 'little friends' behind her, Feng Range wanted to lure them to a remote and uninhabited place, and then deal with them.

Because of the unfamiliarity with the Moon Shadows, it took Feng Range a little time to find such a suitable place.

Then, after searching for a while, Feng Range found a very suitable place to solve this matter.

So, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, showing a hint of coldness, and she went there.

Feng Range walked in front, and those people naturally followed.

Afterwards, Feng Range and those people who followed, after walking for about ten minutes, Feng Range stopped suddenly.

Seeing that she stopped suddenly, and stopped walking.The few people following her turned their heads to check the surrounding situation.

After confirming that this place is very remote, he discussed with his eyes whether he should go out and restrain Feng Range right now.

Although, the few of them were somewhat puzzled by Feng Range's sudden behavior of coming here.

But there is no doubt that in such a remote place, giving them the opportunity to do it is the best!

Several people pondered in their hearts, and after some contests, they thought that anyway, they were going to show their faces in front of Feng Range.Now, if she had really discovered them long ago and led them here, so what?

Anyway, after a while, after they get what they want, will Fengrange still be their fear?Of course not!
Therefore, after thinking about the key points, those people, led by one of them, emerged from the hiding place behind Feng Range.

"Miss Feng, I have admired you for a long time!" The leader greeted Feng Range.

However, when Feng Range saw them coming out, the expression on his face was as calm as usual.

Regarding their appearance, Feng Range had no doubts or surprises at all.She just looked at them indifferently, without blinking her eyes.

The person who greeted him didn't respond to what Feng Range said to him.At the same time, even when his expression was faint, he immediately guessed that Feng Range should have noticed them a long time ago!
Moreover, she deliberately attracted them here.

Regarding Feng Range, this woman who shined in the Zongmen Grand Competition, she was still a little apprehensive in following the few people who came.

Especially, after seeing Feng Range easily defeated many other sects' proud sons with one enemy.As for Fengrange's true strength, they were still somewhat unpredictable.

For this reason, when they faced Feng Range, although they were full of courage before, they were now a little timid.

However, since they have already done this and came here, they can't just retreat!

So, the person who spoke just now, after seeing Feng Range not answering now, opened his mouth again nervously.

"Miss Feng, uh... That's it, our sect master, let me ask you, have you joined any sect now? Are you interested in joining our Jade Sword Sect?"

Hearing this person who claimed to be a disciple of Yujianmen speak, Feng Range's eyes narrowed slightly again.

Jade Sword Gate?join them?Is this to recruit yourself?
However, they sent such a few young people here, did they look down on themselves?Still insincere?

Feng Range hooked the corners of her lips, and said, "Oh? That's it! What is your identity in Yujianmen?"

Hearing that Feng Range finally paid attention to him and asked him a question, the disciple of Yujianmen almost cried with excitement.

Originally, they thought that if they confronted Feng Range, they would start a fight.But now, seeing Feng Range was still very polite to him, so he answered Feng Range's question honestly.

"I, I am the closed second disciple of the Great Elder of the Jade Sword Sect. Earlier, the sect master and my master discussed about inviting Miss Feng to join our Jade Sword Sect. Hereby, let me come here to inquire about Miss Feng's intentions! Originally , I want to visit Young Master Ouyang's courtyard, but Young Master Ouyang..."

Before, they also wanted to enter Ouyang Huang's courtyard to visit Feng Range.But who would have known that after Ouyang Huang found out about their appearance, he personally came out and sent them away!
For Ouyang Huang, the few of them were quite afraid.

Back then, Ouyang Huang led his Twelve Killing Gods to do things, although they didn't know very deeply.But at some basic level, they, who are disciples, still know a little bit.

Therefore, when faced with Ouyang Huang's dismissal, of course they did not dare to get too entangled.

It is also because of this that the current situation is now here.

Hearing the introduction of this disciple of Yujianmen, he also talked about the previous visit.When Feng Range heard it, her eyes froze.

Huang knew of their existence?And sent them away?
Feng Range understood Ouyang Huang's behavior, but he didn't understand. Why didn't he tell her?

(End of this chapter)

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