Phoenix Dance

Chapter 397 Recruitment, the master of the ghost gate

Chapter 397 Recruitment, the master of the ghost gate (3)

Just as Fengrange was taking a big bag for a while, after the disciple of Yujianmen, someone spoke again.

"Miss Feng, hello! I am Qingluan, a disciple of Xiaoyao Island. I am here to invite Miss Feng to join our Xiaoyao Island. Go find him, and talk further!"

He heard the only woman among several people speak suddenly, and her speaking skills were very dexterous.

Feng Range couldn't help but take a few more glances at this woman named Qingluan.

Qingluan has an elegant temperament and a gorgeous appearance.Especially her pair of extremely charming phoenix eyes, when the flash of aura flashes, it is very effective to seduce people's souls.

In this regard, Feng Range couldn't help but make an assessment for Qingluan. The actual temperament of this woman should not be as gentle as she looks on the surface!

Especially, not as gentle as she is now.

In this judgment, Feng Range will never be mistaken.

Because, although she saw Qingluan's gentle and perverse treatment towards her on the surface, but in her charming phoenix eyes, she saw pride and contempt.

Contempt, is this against her?
After seeing the true temperament in Qingluan's eyes, Feng Range raised his eyebrows.

To her same solicitation, and a glance at several others standing with them.

Feng Range said calmly, "Are you all looking for me and want me to join your respective sects?"

Hearing Feng Rang's sudden question, the few people who hadn't had a chance to speak at first nodded immediately.

They said one by one, "Yes! Miss Feng, I am a disciple of the Songshan School."

"Yes! I belong to Tianyi Sword Village."

"I'm from the Misty faction..."


There are seven sects who came to participate in the Zongmen Dabi this time, and the Moon Shadow Sect is the eight sects.

Now, among the people standing in front of her, apart from Moon Shadow Sect, all the other seven sects were present.

For their solicitation, Feng Range has now established a ghost gate and became the gate master of the ghost gate. Naturally, he did not intend to join, and it is impossible for him to join!

So, her gaze swept over their faces one by one.

Then, he spoke calmly again, "I, Feng Range, appreciate the good intentions of all the sects! Please go back and tell your sect masters, sect masters or elders. The Nine Great Sects have been established, and I, Feng Range, am already a member of that sect. I, Feng Range, feel very good about the sect I am in now, and I have no intention of leaving, thank you for your love!"

It was rare for Feng Range to say so much at once in front of unfamiliar people, with such a polite attitude.

After speaking, she was about to turn around and leave.Anyway, she also knew the purpose of these people following her, and gave a clear answer.

Now, she doesn't need to stay here anymore.

And just when she took a few steps, Qingluan's voice came from behind her.

"Fengrange, stop! You said you joined a newly established sect, hahaha... Could it be that our Xiaoyao Island is not as good as a newly established broken sect? You are looking down on our Xiaoyao Island and want to fight with us Are you an enemy? Don’t think that you are invincible just because you have gained a little bit of glory in the Zongmen Grand Competition! We, Xiaoyao Island, are willing to recruit you, because we think highly of you, don’t be ashamed, bitch!"

At this time, Qingluan's voice was no longer so gentle, it was even a little bit harsh and coquettish.This kind of her is like Yao Tianni that Feng Range met before, is she no longer covering up and revealing her true nature?
Facing Qingluan's contempt and abuse, Feng Range narrowed his eyes slightly at this moment, and then slowly turned around.

She looked at Qingluan with a calm expression on her face, but her eyes were extremely cold at this moment.

If she is like this, if someone she knows is standing by her side, she will know that she is already angry at this moment!

Bitch, are you scolding her?

Suddenly, the corner of Feng Range's mouth twitched slightly, and then he dodged in an instant, and came in front of Qingluan.

Then he stretched out his hand and grabbed Qingluan's slender neck, lifting her up from the ground.

Such a situation was like when she was fighting on the training field, she treated one of the other faction's disciples exactly the same.

In her present, there is no trace of warmth in her eyes, they are abnormally cold!
She spoke lightly, but her voice was as cold as coming from a thousand-year-old ice cave.

She said, "Qingluan? Believe it or not, I'll turn you into a dead bird right away!"

As she said that, Feng Range's grip on Qingluan's neck tightened slightly.

Facing Feng Range's sudden exertion, Qingluan's fair cheeks immediately flushed red.She whimpered and wanted to speak, but she couldn't say anything.He stared at Feng Range fiercely, as if he was warning her to let her go soon, or as if he was going to cut Feng Range to pieces!
Facing her 'interesting' look, Feng Range's lips showed a cruel chuckle.

"You want to cut me into pieces with your eyes? Huh? You think you are the supreme powerhouse on the super continent! Hahaha! Even if you are the supreme powerhouse, if he offends me, I, Feng Range, will still be the same Destroy him! You, Xiaoyao Island, hehe, just a low-level sect! If you want to challenge me, Feng Range and my sect, I don’t mind a fight! Qingluan, go back and tell your island master, I Feng Range is the master of the ghost gate, can you afford to recruit her? Get lost!"

Feng Range said coldly, and after she finished speaking, she suddenly threw Qingluan out!
Qing Luan was thrown out by Feng Range, and when she landed, her body hit the ground heavily, and she immediately spit out two mouthfuls of blood.

Regarding Feng Range's shot, the other six people standing aside and watching were all trembling with fear at this moment.

Before, they thought Feng Range was easy to talk to!But now, fortunately, they didn't provoke Feng Range like Qingluan.

Otherwise, Qingluan's current fate is probably their fate too!

Because they were so afraid of Feng Range at this time, they didn't hear Feng Range telling Qingluan his true identity just now.

As for Qingluan, after spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, when she raised her head to look at Feng Range, her eyes were full of viciousness.

I can't wait to tear Fengrange into pieces immediately!However, her current strength is far inferior to Feng Range.

As for the look in her eyes, Feng Range naturally saw it.

But will she care?

After Feng Range showed her a cold smile, she didn't plan to stay here anymore.

So, he turned around coolly and prepared to leave...

Watching her turn and leave, several people were still a little shocked.At this time, each of them breathed a sigh of relief.

And Feng Range, after leaving there, continued to wander around...

(End of this chapter)

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