Phoenix Dance

Chapter 398 Containment

Chapter 398 Containment
Feng Range is a well-known figure in Yueyingmen.

Wherever she went, many Moon Shadow Sect disciples would look sideways at her.However, it was also because of the last big competition among various sects and what happened in Jiuzhuyuan last time that no one dared to come forward to strike up a conversation with her.

Along the way, while meeting many people from the Moon Shadow Sect, he also occasionally met a few disciples from other sects.

Those people, compared to the obscurity of the disciples of the Moon Shadow Sect, they want to be naked!
Looking at Feng Range's eyes, some were jealous, some were disdainful, and some were provocative.

provocative?Facing the unkindness of some people, Feng Range also looked back, with a trace of coldness in his eyes!
It seems that it is not enough for her to show them off in the Zongmen Grand Competition!
Perhaps, she should be more cruel!Thinking of this, the corner of Feng Range's mouth curled up, revealing a cruel smile!

Because, at this time, with her keen spiritual sense, she suddenly noticed that about a dozen people were coming towards her very unkindly.

So, Feng Range simply stood still and did not leave.

For Feng Range, she suddenly stopped and didn't leave.People passing by all looked sideways and looked at her suspiciously.

And just when these people were puzzled for a while, they saw a group of about sixteen or seventeen people, rushed over aggressively, and surrounded Fengrange in groups.

And just after Feng Range was surrounded for a while, two more came over.

The visitors were a man and a woman. The man Feng Range had never seen before, but the woman Feng Range was very familiar with.

Yao Tianni!Was severely injured by her, and recovered so quickly?He must have taken a lot of healing pills!
Seeing Yao Tianni's appearance, Feng Range raised her eyebrows, feeling a bit clear.

O this arrogant woman!It's really... well, a beauty is a disaster!Some are capable of causing trouble!

It's just, I don't know if she rushed up in such a hurry this time because she wanted to get a slap in the face again?

Even though he was surrounded by people, Feng Range still had a calm expression on his face.

Seeing her like this, when Yao Tianni walked over, seeing Feng Range's face, she wanted to tear it into pieces.

She glared at Feng Range angrily, and cursed, "Bitch!"

Hearing her scolding as soon as she opened her mouth, Feng Range just glanced at her coldly.

Seeing that this woman still didn't behave well, she really came here to ask for a slap in the face!

Feng Range's calm face, she is so neither arrogant nor impetuous, making Yao Tianni want to tear her face up even more.

So, knowing that there was nothing she could do with Fengrange, Yao Tianni began to ask the man beside her for help.

She was usually arrogant, but when facing this man beside her, she became weak and coquettish which was rare.

Leaning down to her ears, she tried her best to seduce the man beside her with her capital as a woman, and said softly to him, "Brother Feng, it's her! It's this bitch who hurt me, You must avenge me!"

Yao Tianni's voice is soft and soft, which is extremely alluring to any man.Not to mention, the man beside her, Qin Feng, the young owner of Tianyi Sword Village, had pursued her many times.

For the woman he pursued, he showed such a seductive demeanor to himself.Qin Feng immediately felt a surge of energy and blood coming up, and he couldn't even suppress it suddenly.

For a moment, I felt that some disobedient little brother under my body also responded.

Regarding this situation, if Qin Feng was not wearing a long gown, he would probably have made a fool of himself by now!
Qin Feng had a slight embarrassment on his face for the reaction of a certain part of his body.

Then, looking at Yao Tianni who was snuggling beside him, he thought in his heart, if he wasn't here at this moment, he would immediately put this little SAO guy under his body and eat it viciously!
This little SAO guy is really tasty, just such a light touch, it aroused his lust.It's just that I don't know how delicious it is after waiting for his SHEN!
For this, Qin Feng had some expectations!

However, before he dealt with this little SAO thing, he still had to think about how to deal with this woman who offended his own woman first.

Just when Qin Feng's eyes moved from Yao Tianni to Feng Range, Qin Feng was stunned when he saw Feng Range's appearance.

Beauty!What a nice view……

Among the Eight Great Schools, Qin Feng is known as a playboy.For women with outstanding looks, like Yao Tianni, he will pursue them.

If the other party's status is very low, he will directly use the means to deal with the other party.Then the troubles that arise, let my father deal with it directly.

And if the identity of the other party is not simple, then he will be exhausted!
Just like Yao Tianni, she was wasted and wasted, so she was just being wasted by him right now!

But now, seeing Feng Range's appearance, Qin Feng felt that Yao Tianni was no longer a problem.The beauty in front of him is his serious business!

For Qin Feng's sudden blankness, Yao Tianni who was standing beside him naturally felt it.

However, she didn't show any displeasure. Instead, she twitched the corners of her mouth, revealing an evil smile that had succeeded.

This Qin Feng is famous for his love of beautiful women, Yao Tianni knew this very well when he was pestering her so much.

At this moment, she suddenly pretended to obey Qin Feng, but it was just to design the current scene.

She wanted Qin Feng to see Feng Range and fall in love with her.And then, it's best to ruin her innocence, so that Ouyang Huang will never like her again!hate her!

Yao Tianni was thinking crazily in her heart, and at the same time, there was a lunatic look on her face.

Feng Range noticed the changes in Yao Tianni and Qin Feng's expressions, as well as their interaction.

Then, suddenly, she didn't want to waste time with these people.

Because, she found that the man named Qin Feng who was standing with Yao Tianni looked at her, which made her very disgusted!Disgusting!
For all the people and things that dislike her, Feng Range's favorite thing is to clear them away as quickly as possible, so that they disappear from her eyes!
But facing Yao Tianni and Qin Feng in front of him, Feng Range now has this extreme impulse.

So, in order not to let herself endure this discomfort any longer, she did it.

She picked up "Missing Steps" and condensed air needles between her fingers, and the two Feng Range were specially added with a little seasoning.Then, she suddenly moved her figure quickly.

While flashing her figure, she directly shot out the air needle between her fingers.

After doing this, Fengrange's people were already standing on the periphery of the encirclement.As for the people surrounding her and Yao Tianni and Qin Feng, they suddenly fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned when they saw this sudden scene in front of them!
However, while they were stunned, Feng Range clapped his hands and left gracefully...


(End of this chapter)

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