Phoenix Dance

Chapter 399 Ouyang Huang enters the gate of ghosts

Chapter 399 Ouyang Huang enters the gate of ghosts (1)

After Feng Range left there, he encountered two troubles one after another as soon as he came out.Even if I want to go shopping again at this moment, I don't have the mind anymore.

So, when he came to a place where no one was around, the one who picked the flowers and twisted the leaves turned into a leaf boat, which flew into the air directly.

In mid-air, looking at everything below, it was easy for Feng Range to see it.Those people who were knocked to the ground by her just now are being rushed by their fellow disciples to carry them back!
Seeing this, the corners of Feng Range's lips twitched slightly. Did they think that her attack just knocked them out?
That would really underestimate her!

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Feng Range's mouth, and then he turned and left.

After leaving, Feng Range made a circle over the entire Moon Shadow Gate.Then, they went directly back to Ouyang Huang's small courtyard!
And just when she landed on the ground, unexpectedly, she saw Ouyang Huang walking out of the study.

Seeing her, Ouyang Huang just smiled faintly, and then asked, "Is it fun to go out?"

Is it fun?this problem……

I seem to have heard from the group of people who wanted to recruit her that when they came here to visit her, they were sent away by Ouyang Huang.

If this is the case, after that, they have been hiding outside, waiting for her to go out, this shrewd fox should also know about it!

Otherwise, why would he show such an expression at this moment, and still come out to block her at this moment!
After figuring out some of the key points, Feng Range shook his head and walked up to him.

Replied, "Yeah! It's fun. It might be more fun in a while!"

"Oh, really?"

"Of course!"

The two talked back and forth, and at the end, both of them couldn't help but narrow their eyes and smiled.

Since Xiao Ge'er said that something interesting will happen later, he can just wait!
Afterwards, because Ouyang Huang still had something to do for the time being.So, Ouyang Huang went back to the study!And Feng Range naturally went back to the room.

After returning to the room, because the last time Fengrange entered the Shihuang space, I only saw Shihuang, Baqi, and Nini, so I want to meet Xiaohuo today.

For her four beasts, Feng Range is quite concerned about them.It's just that I don't know when and when they will hatch.

Thinking that Xiaohuo's state became like this because of her, she couldn't help but feel a little sour in her heart.

Then, with a single thought, she flashed into the Shihuang space.

As soon as she entered, as the artifact spirit of the Shihuang Divine Orb, Shihuang naturally noticed her appearance immediately.

Thus, Shihuang immediately appeared before her eyes again.

However, just when Shi Huang was about to pounce on her, Feng Range slapped her on the ground.

"Master..." Although Shi Huang fell to the ground, he didn't feel any pain, but he still looked at Feng Range with an aggrieved expression.

Doesn't the master catch it every time she pounces on him?What's going on today?The owner not only failed to catch it, but also slapped it to the ground.

For this, Shihuang was both puzzled and wronged.

Hearing its opening, Feng Range gave it a hungry look, and then said, "Xiao Shi, don't make trouble! I'm going to pick some herbs."

Hearing what Feng Range said, Shi Huang, who was still a little bit wronged, immediately restrained his aggrieved look, and then jumped to Feng Range's feet.

"Master, are you going to make alchemy again?" Shi Huang asked while rubbing Feng Range's ankle.

Regarding Shi Huang's question, Feng Range didn't even glance at it, and then went down to the medicine field.

However, he replied, "Well, Xiao Huo needs the power of medicine and fire to wake up and hatch. Recently, I have ignored them too much. After the medicinal materials from several major sects arrive, I will specialize in retreat for alchemy One is to reserve some pills for the ghost gate, and the other is to want Xiaohuo and others to absorb more power of medicine and power of fire, and hatch them quickly!"

Hearing Fengrange's expression was calm at the moment, but when he mentioned Xiaohuo and them in a sad tone, Shihuang followed and fell silent.

As the device spirit of Shihuang Shenzhu, there is also the partner who first knew the four beasts.For Xiaohuo and the others in their current state, apart from Fengrange, Shihuang was the only one who cared about them.

Although, when they were on the Continent of Gods, they fought with each other and were at odds with each other, but sometimes, this is not a kind of intimate relationship!
When seeing the four beasts return to their original state, Shihuang was also very surprised!However, although it is expensive as the artifact spirit of the Shihuang Divine Orb, it is extremely powerful in the Shihuang space.However, it still can't do anything about some things on the four beasts!
After all, those four beasts are not native creatures in Shihuang's space, and Shihuang still cannot control many things about them.

Seeing Feng Range in the medicine field, after bending over to pick a lot of medicinal materials in a short while, Shihuang knew that the master had to refine the elixir for a long time today.

As far as the medicinal materials the master is holding now, based on Shihuang's experience, the master will probably take them with him in the alchemy room for a long time today!
Afterwards, after Feng Range collected all the medicinal materials, she didn't stay in the medicinal field anymore, and went directly to the alchemy room in Shihuang's small courtyard.

Just when Feng Range stepped into the alchemy room, Xiao Huo in Sifang Shending seemed to sense her presence.All of a sudden, he jumped out of the alchemy, which shocked the unprepared Feng Range!
"small fire?"

"Master! Master! You finally came to see Xiao Huo, Xiao Huo misses you so much!"

Saying that, Xiao Huo's balls rolled to Feng Range's feet, rubbing and rubbing!
Last time, when Feng Range was refining alchemy in the ghost gate, Xiao Huo originally wanted to come out.But because Ran Yu and the others were around, Feng Range warned Xiaohuo not to come out.

Since the last time of alchemy, Feng Range hasn't seen Xiaohuo for a long time.

Seeing Xiao Huo acting coquettishly, and telling her how much she missed, Feng Range felt that she really seemed to have neglected Xiao Huo and the other three eggs during this time.

They were always by my side in the previous life, almost inseparable.

But now, because of so many things, she seldom thinks about them.

Sometimes, even as soon as I get busy, I put them behind me.At times like this, after arriving here, it seems to happen often.

Thinking about it now, Feng Range suddenly felt that she felt sorry for these four beasts who had been by her side all the time.

They recognized themselves as masters and guarded them by their side.But I always ignore them.

At this time, Feng Range felt guilty towards them...

(End of this chapter)

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