Phoenix Dance

Chapter 418 Going to Moon Shadow Gate and Entering the Secret Pavilion

Chapter 418 Going to Moon Shadow Gate and Entering the Secret Pavilion (1)

In the silence between the two, they soon arrived at the room where Mr. Fu and the three elders were placed.

Now, the two sides can be regarded as turning hostility into friendship.So, when Feng Range walked in, I heard the four old men inside chatting quite enthusiastically.

"I said, you three old fellows are really serious, why do you listen to the nonsense of your juniors! This Feng girl is a good girl, and you juniors have nothing to do with her, not looking for abuse. Huh! Look at the current situation, not only are your juniors being exhausted one by one, but even you three old fellows, hehe..."

As soon as Feng Range and Ouyang Huang walked to the door of the room, they heard Mr. Fu's gloating voice coming from inside.

And after hearing that Mr. Fu kept berating them, the three elders directly chose to ignore him!
This little old man, whether it was before or now, is so annoying!It's okay, always exposing their pain, and still enjoying it so much.

For the three elders who ignored them, although elder Fu was able to entertain himself for a while.However, after a long time, it became a little bit boring.

So, after accusing him of two, three, and three elders, he also stopped!

He glared unhappily at the three elders who refused to accept his offer, and sat down angrily at the side.

Seeing the situation inside so far, Feng Range, who had paused at the door with Ouyang Huang, lifted his foot and walked in.

Seeing Feng Range and Ouyang Huang appearing suddenly, the four old men stood up.

Because of the previous incident, when they saw Feng Range again now, the eyes of the three elders were a little weird, very unnatural!

Seeing their reactions, Feng Range naturally knew how awkward they were.So, at the beginning, I didn't intend to speak directly to them, so I turned my attention to Mr. Fu.

"Old Fu, that old man Bai Jing asked me to come and ask you for something!"

That old man Bai Jing?Is this calling them the elders of Moon Shadow Gate?

As for Feng Range's title and attitude towards the elder of his sect, Elder Fu couldn't help being stunned when he heard it!
Then, when he was in a daze, he asked in surprise, "Elder Zong? What did he ask me to give you?"

"A token to enter the Secret Pavilion."

"Enter? The token to enter the Secret Pavilion!"

As soon as Mr. Fu heard what Feng Range said suddenly, he was stunned!

The secret pavilion, that is in the Moon Shadow Gate, except for the elders and above, the rest of the people are not allowed to enter at will!There, all kinds of classics since the establishment of Moon Shadow Gate are stored there. Generally, there is no special need, and even he may not necessarily enter it once!
But now, Elder Zong actually asked him to give Feng Range a token, allowing her to enter the secret pavilion.

Regarding this, Elder Fu couldn't help but wonder... Why did Elder Zong agree to her request?

Just when Mr. Fu was puzzled and the other three Zong elders were also a little curious about it, Feng Range smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth and sent a voice transmission to Mr. Fu.

"Old Fu, the elders of your sect are now mine. Do you want to become mine too? There are many benefits to following me! Don't hesitate, give me the token! I have something to do and need to enter Secret Pavilion to check something!"

Hearing Feng Range's voice suddenly appeared in his mind, Mr. Fu was stunned!
This, this, this...

He looked at Feng Range in shock, but saw her smiling lightly
she!He was shocked that this girl could use the legendary divine sense to transmit sound!

After the shock, Mr. Fu was discouraged.

I really didn't expect that this little girl has such abilities!Fortunately, he already knew that this little girl was not simple, nor was she the enemy of the other seven sects.Otherwise, I'm afraid that their Moon Shadow Sect is now in the same situation as those big sects!
As for the little girl who said that the elder of her own sect became her own, and even encouraged him to become her, Elder Fu just ignored it!
Since Elder Zong has already agreed to ask him to give this girl a token, it's meaningless for him to hide it any longer.

So, he directly took out a small, somewhat quaint round token from his bosom and handed it to Feng Range.

Feng Range reached out to take it, and casually glanced at the token.After only seeing the word 'month' printed on it, I put it away.

Now that one thing is done, Feng Range feels that it's almost time to do the second thing now!

Then, the gaze that was originally on Elder Fu shifted to the three elders.

Ren Woxing, Mo Sanyang and He Taiji, the three elders, when they met Feng Range's gaze, the expressions of the three elders froze immediately.

Regarding the changes in their facial expressions, Feng Range noticed the changes in their facial expressions, but remained calm.

Then, he said lightly, "The aura in this world is too thin, and your inattention all year round has damaged your physique. If you stay in this world forever, then your lifespan will soon be approaching. If you want to avoid this catastrophe, unless your strength can be improved to a higher level! For this, I have a way to help you break through your current strength in the shortest time. However, before that, I want you to be obedient Do something according to my words, are you willing?"

Hearing Feng Range suddenly speak to them, especially what he said was about their own situation.The faces of the three elders suddenly became solemn!
Their lifespan is approaching, and the three of them have always felt it clearly.

In this regard, they are a little scared, but also a little helpless!
They also know that if they want to live a few more years, they only need to break through their own strength.

But, at the same time, they also know their physical condition, and even more so, the state of the world in this world.Let them know clearly that this old bone of theirs is so difficult to break through again!
I'm afraid that they may never be able to do it again in their lifetime...

And just when they were desperate, she!What did she say to them?
She said that she has the ability to let them break through together in the shortest time and extend their lifespan!
Regarding her statement, the three elders at the moment didn't bother to doubt whether she was really capable of doing what she said.

Just because she gave them the hope of extending their lifespan, they were also willing to choose to believe in her.

After all, the person who can make that old urchin Bai Jing look at her with admiration should be really not easy!

Where did the old man Bai Jing go now?Maybe it's just for this girl to prolong her life!
As for the vague guesses in their hearts, he didn't expect him to guess!
(End of this chapter)

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