Phoenix Dance

Chapter 419 Going to Moon Shadow Gate and Entering the Secret Pavilion

Chapter 419 Going to Moon Shadow Gate and Entering the Secret Pavilion (2)

It's just that there are some things that Feng Range will not tell anyone when there is still time to do them.

Therefore, after seeing that the three elders seemed to be a little shaken, Feng Range said again, "If you agree, then go back to your own sect first! Arrange the follow-up matters, such as Choose a qualified master of the sect. Then, after you come back, you should stay by my side forever. The affairs of those sects, and everything in this world, will have nothing to do with you from now on! At the same time, I will also Help you improve your physique and extend your lifespan. Do you have any objections?"

Hearing Feng Range speak again, the tone was still very serious, and the three elders were stunned immediately, and then fell silent.

Facing their silence, Feng Range didn't change his expression at all.However, Mr. Fu, who had complained about them before, met him, and now he couldn't stop talking!

"You three old fellows, why are you keeping silent! You are all belonged to Feng girl now, don't you still want to go back to the sect? Let me tell you a secret! This Feng girl and Huang Boy, I'm going to leave here after a while. If you follow them, maybe it will be beneficial! You are really stupid, you three old men! Or do you want to stay here and don't want to extend your lifespan? ? I think you three old fellows probably won't live for five years!"

Regarding Fu Lao's non-stop complaints and suggestions, not to mention Feng Range was stunned, even Ouyang Huang and the three Zong elders were also stunned when they heard the "truth" he said I was taken aback, and the corner of my mouth twitched slightly, showing that I was speechless!

However, although what Mr. Fu said sounds a bit unpleasant, some words are quite useful.

For example, he said that the three elders belonged to Feng Range, and they had sworn oaths, so they would definitely not be able to return to their sect.What's more, if they want to extend their lifespan, only Feng Range can help them!As for others, in this world, even if they have the means to defy the sky, I'm afraid they can't do it!
Another point is that Feng Range and Ouyang Huang, after all, their previous lives were in a higher plane and a higher level of continent. With the talents of the two of them, following them, maybe there will be a real difference. Less benefits!At least, as Feng Range's god-level alchemist, following her, the necessary pills are indispensable!
So, at this moment, although what Old Fu said was unpleasant, the three elders still listened to it.

Then, after some more deliberation, he bowed and agreed!

"I would like to obey the master's arrangement!"

Regarding the agreement of the three of them, Feng Range didn't show any surprise on his face.However, when the three of them bowed down towards her, Feng Range looked at Mr. Fu and raised his eyebrows slightly.

What Elder Fu said just now, although it sounds like he was complaining and teasing the three elders.But in reality, Feng Range could tell that the old man was actually helping her!

Regarding Fu Lao's behavior, Feng Range suddenly wanted to tease him.

So, he sent a voice transmission to him for the second time, "Old Fu, since there are so many benefits to following me, why don't you follow me too! Seeing that you are so enlightened, the master of this sect is very happy to accept you." of!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden sound transmission teasing, Mr. Fu froze all of a sudden.Then, for a while, the bearded and stared, he could no longer speak.

Seeing him like this, Feng Range glanced at Ouyang Huang beside him, and then signaled him to deal with the old man!

After seeing Feng Range's signal, Ouyang Huang also glanced at Mr. Fu, and then nodded slightly.

After that, Feng Range turned his head and said to the three elders, "Okay! From now on, when you are here, you can call me the sect master. When you leave here, you can call me the little lady! Then Come down, take a rest here for a while, and then I will leave with you!"

After speaking, Feng Range turned to look at Ouyang Huang and said, "Next, I will leave the training of the disciples to you! I want Mr. Fu to accompany me to the Moon Shadow Gate again. There are some things that I still need to learn from You can only find out by looking up the historical materials here! Otherwise, even if you have a hunch, some things are not resolved, and it is impossible to do it!"

Of course, Ouyang Huang supported Feng Range's sudden arrangement.However, from his point of view, he still wanted to tell Feng Range a few more words.

So, he said, "Okay! But, Xiao Ge'er, there are some things you don't need to worry too much about finding an answer. Sometimes, the answer may already be in your body, but now is not the time, you can't Just answer!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden and profound advice, Feng Range couldn't help but wonder, did he already know something?
But why didn't he tell himself the situation directly, but hinted himself in this way?
Feng Range was somewhat puzzled by Ouyang Huang's actions, but did not delve into it.She nodded slightly and agreed to him.

Later, because it was getting late, she originally wanted to go to Moon Shadow Gate again immediately.But now seeing the pitch black night outside, she asked everyone to rest here for the night, and go back together tomorrow morning!

With such an idea, Feng Range called Ye Yu and asked her to arrange the following matters.

As for her and Ouyang Huang, when they left that room, Feng Range casually handed Ouyang Huang a space ring.

Said to him, "In it are some marrow washing pills, Yuanling pills and advanced pills that I refined the previous two times. They should be needed for the next training. If you are gone, please tell me! During the period before we left, the strength could break through to the eighth or ninth rank of warriors. After we got there, they could reach the level of Wu Zong as soon as possible. Otherwise, their strength is too weak, and I am afraid they will not be able to survive there. Already!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden analysis, Ouyang Huang nodded and said, "Leave this to me! When the time comes, I will give you a satisfactory result!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's affirmative answer, Feng Range also nodded.

Then, when the two reached the training tower, they split into two groups.

Now, Ouyang Huang is in charge of all the disciples of the ghost gate.So now, he is going to see their situation!
As for Feng Range, because he had nothing to do for the time being, he also thought that Bai Jing's physical improvement in the alchemy room was not over yet.So, when he walked to the door of the alchemy room, he stepped into the Shihuang space in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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