Phoenix Dance

Chapter 432 Trying to Draw a Seal Symbol

Chapter 432 Trying to Draw a Seal Symbol (2)

"Xiao Ge'er, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?" Ouyang Huang looked at Feng Range nervously, his eyes full of worry.

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden voice, Feng Range suddenly woke up from the daze of his memories.

When she saw Ouyang Huang looking at her with infinite worry, she shook her head slightly, "It's okay, I'm fine!"

Seeing Feng Range's recovery and hearing her answer, although Ouyang Huang heard her say she was fine, he was still a little worried in his heart.

So, regardless of Ran Yu's dislike for him, he stretched out his hand and lifted Ran Yu out of Feng Range's arms.Then, he reached out and hugged Feng Range again, and said softly, "I'll take you to rest! You are too tired, you are not allowed to practice during this time, and you are not allowed to do other things!"

Originally, when Shang Ran Yu was taken out of Feng Range's arms, she wanted to protest by acting like a child.

But before he could speak, Ran Yu immediately choked when he heard Ouyang Huang's concern for Feng Range.

Ran Yu has stayed by Feng Range's side since Feng Range took her and her brother out of the orphanage.It's been about a year since then.

Even though Ran Yu is still a child now, he can still see clearly.

During this period, she stayed by Master's side all the time, and she really saw that Master was busy non-stop except for cultivation.

For such a master, Ran Yu admired and felt distressed at the same time.

In this world, apart from her elder brother, only her master is the closest person to her.The master's continuous fatigue, if there is anything else, she will be equally sad.

So, even though she was very angry at this moment, Ouyang Huang dragged her out of Master's arms again.

But, just because he cared about Master, then she should forgive him for the time being!
As for Feng Range, when she heard Ouyang Huang's domineering and firm request to her, she originally wanted to say that she didn't need it.

However, when meeting his worried eyes, Feng Range fell silent.

Then, she nodded slightly and said, "Okay!"

After getting Feng Range's consent, Ouyang Huang's face looked better at this moment.Then, ignoring the eyes of those people standing at the door, she walked out with Feng Range in her arms.

Just when he was holding Feng Range and walking to the door, because the aura on his body was too strong, those people involuntarily let go and let them go out.

And after seeing them gradually moving away, Yi Shaojun, who was afraid of chaos in the world, patted his chest and said, "Young Master Huang wants a beauty, not a brother! How sad!"

Hearing his indecent opening, the rest of the people present gave him blank looks like an idiot.

A strong and beautiful woman like the door master, as a normal man, of course wants a beauty and not a brother!

What is brother?In front of a powerful woman like the head of the sect, that brother is the cannon fodder, the cannon fodder for his own woman!
In the face of the scorn of others, Yi Shaojun has always been as thick-skinned as a city wall.But at this moment, he couldn't help being a little dazed, and his face turned red!

How could he forget it!That woman is so powerful, no matter what is compared with her, if this person has no problem with his brain, he will naturally choose that woman!

This, who made her have so many good things in her body!If you get her, what treasures are there!

After thinking about the key points, even Yi Shaojun couldn't help but patted his head and cursed secretly, stupid!
Now that the master here has left, there is no need for them to stay here.

So, a group of people came in unison, and left in unison.

As for Ouyang Huang and Feng Range who left before them, after Ouyang Huang left the training tower with Feng Range in his arms, Ouyang Huang did not carry her to the living area, but went to the place where they had been. A small bamboo house on a cliff.

After arriving there, Ouyang Huang originally asked Feng Range to come here to rest.Therefore, as soon as he entered, he carried Feng Range to lie down on the only bed besides a small table.

Now, in this small space, there are only the two of them.I don't know if it's because they both have each other's reasons in their hearts, or because they originally cherish each other.At this moment, they suddenly felt that the air in the small bamboo hut was gradually warming up.

Moreover, the atmosphere gradually became ambiguous...

"Little song!"


"Sleep! Have a good rest!"


Because of the change in the atmosphere, the temporary communication between the two has become a little ambiguous for a while.

Although, Feng Range promised Ouyang Huang to take a rest at this moment.However, with Ouyang Huang standing beside him, the air around him was still so ambiguous, Feng Range's heartbeat was really unstable, and he couldn't take a good rest.

So, Feng Range stared at Ouyang Huang again.

And just after staring here for a while, Ouyang Huang suddenly moved.

He reached out and hugged Feng Range into the bed, then squeezed himself onto the narrow bed sideways, and lay down facing Feng Range sideways.

Seeing Ouyang Huang acting like this, Feng Range's eyes widened!
He asked, "Huang, what are you doing?"

Hearing Feng Range's words, he saw her shocked expression.

Ouyang Huang thought such a little Geer was really cute!So, he stretched out his arms, circled Feng Range, brought her into his arms, and said badly, "I'll let you have a good rest. Since you can't sleep, then I don't mind sleeping with you." Get off! Perhaps, with this young master's embrace, Xiao Geer, you can sleep better!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's sudden abnormal opening, Feng Range was shocked!
The degree of surprise was no less than seeing Ouyang Huang climbed onto the bed and lay down beside her.

This Huang, what happened today?
Ever since I met Ouyang Huang, even I have seen Ouyang Huang express his love.However, I have never seen Ouyang Huang appear as frivolous and playful as Yi Shaojun.

But right now, Ouyang Huang suddenly showed such a look, Feng Range really felt that he was more popular in this way.However, for a while, I really couldn't understand it!
So, she pushed Ouyang Huang, and said a little shyly, "Don't! Huang, I can't rest if you hug me like this. Let me go!"

Feeling Feng Range's sudden push and hearing her words, Ouyang Huang did not let go of her, but hugged her even tighter.

(End of this chapter)

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