Phoenix Dance

Chapter 433 Trying to Draw a Seal Symbol

Chapter 433 Trying to Draw a Seal Symbol (3)

Then, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Little Geer, seeing that you can't sleep, let me sleep with you in my arms! Speaking of which, I haven't rested too much recently, and I'm a little tired. Presumably, with Xiaoge With Ge'er's soft fragrance in her arms, this young master will be able to sleep well this time!"

He felt that Ouyang Huang hugged her even tighter after she pushed her.Moreover, he even teased her in an unserious manner, and Feng Range suddenly felt that his whole body became hot.

At the same time, I also felt that something was really wrong with Ouyang Huang today.

So, Feng Range couldn't help asking, "Huang, what's wrong with you today?"

Hearing Feng Range's question, Ouyang Huang originally wanted to tease Feng Range's words.However, being choked by her like this, he suddenly became speechless.

Then, after quietly looking at Feng Range's exquisite face for a while, he said solemnly again, "Little Ge'er, you'd better close your eyes and rest!"

As he said that, in order not to hinder Feng Range's better sleep, he withdrew his hands and let her go, and got up from the bed.

Seeing Ouyang Huang like this, and suddenly leaving Ouyang Huang's arms, Feng Range couldn't help but feel surprised!
Then, he didn't take a rest immediately, but stared blankly at Ouyang Huang without saying a word.

Just like that, the atmosphere between the two of them suddenly froze.

Until, after nearly 10 minutes, Feng Range suddenly said lightly, "Huang, you are also tired recently, so come up to sleep and rest!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden opening, Ouyang Huang looked at Feng Range in a daze before he could react.

Seeing Ouyang Huang in such a daze, Feng Range laughed lightly, and then urged, "Come and take a break!"

Hearing Feng Range speak again, Ouyang Huang really reacted!So he didn't have auditory hallucinations!Xiao Geer really invited him to 'sleep' with her!
So, after reacting, Ouyang Huang lay sideways beside Feng Range again.Then, like before, he stretched out his arms to wrap around Feng Range's waist.

Seeing Ouyang Huang's action, Feng Range did not refuse.

Then, with a slight twitch of the corner of his mouth, he revealed a pleasant smile, and closed his eyes, ready to rest and recuperate.

Next, she still has a lot of things to do, so it is still necessary to recharge her energy at this moment!
Originally, after Ouyang Huang lay down, he still wanted to talk to Feng Range for a while.However, after seeing her and closing his eyes like that, he twitched the corners of his lips and fell silent.

Not long after Feng Range closed her eyes, her breath gradually calmed down.At a glance, Ouyang Huang knew that the little girl was already fast asleep.

Seeing her falling asleep so quickly, Ouyang Huang understood that this little woman was really tired during this time!

So, he didn't mean to make trouble with her, so he hugged her like this, and closed his eyes to rest...

But at the moment when they were resting peacefully, the ghost disciples outside did not stop.

Even though Ouyang Huang was no longer around him during his training, he was still supervised by Ye Xing and the others.In this regard, those ghost disciples who have been trained continuously for half a year are also wailing incessantly!

They want to rest!They really need a rest!However, Feng Range and Ouyang Huang couldn't hear their wailing in the cultivation tower...

In this way, after the two people's peaceful sleep and the group of people's runaway lasted for nearly five hours, Feng Range suddenly woke up!

Waking up with a start, Feng Range turned to look at Ouyang Huang beside him after feeling the arm on his waist.

Ouyang Huang, who was sleeping soundly now, looked much softer.

His eyebrows are straight, his facial features are handsome and profound, at first glance, he looks like a person who is exiled from an immortal!Seeing Ouyang Huang like this, he couldn't help but make Feng Range, who didn't know much about sex, feel his heart beat faster.

Just like that, after quietly watching Ouyang Huang's sleeping face for a while, Feng Range couldn't help feeling that her cheeks were turning red.

Then, in order to dispel this enthusiasm, she also felt that it was time to do something serious.

So, while Ouyang Huang was still sleeping soundly, a thought entered the Shihuang space.

All of a sudden, the whole embrace fell through, and Ouyang Huang, who had been soundly asleep, woke up leisurely.

Because he had just woken up, Ouyang Huang's eyes were not as deep as before, but rather blurred.Such eyes, configured on Ouyang Huang's body, looked strangely charming at this moment.

He lowered his eyes to look at his empty bosom, feeling a little lost!
If he had known that Xiao Ge'er would work so hard, he shouldn't have fallen asleep.In this way, he can take advantage of her just waking up and drag her to rest for a while!

However, right now, it seems impossible.

Since Xiao Ge'er is working so hard, he can't drag her back no matter what!
So, with a light leap, he jumped from the bed to the ground.Then, he looked back at the bed where the two had been lying together before, and the corners of his mouth curved slightly.Then, he smiled and left the small bamboo house.

After Ouyang Huang left, Feng Range, who entered the Shihuang space, also started to get busy.

Because of her inexperience, Feng Range couldn't tell what grade the seal on this ancient book was at all.For this reason, she didn't know whether the spiritual ink she had refined before was suitable for drawing a seal that could compete with this sealing talisman.

So, with the attitude of giving it a try, Feng Range decided not to mention the spirit ink for the time being.Instead, try to draw a seal symbol instead.

With such a plan in mind, because drawing the seal talisman still needs a crystal pen and talisman paper, Feng Range is going to get it from the Treasure Pavilion.

The things in the primordial space are all things from a long time ago.Moreover, everything that can be included here is a supreme treasure.At the same time, there are things in the world, and this place is the most comprehensive.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, there will be no shortage of anything that Fengrange needs.

Of course, except for sometimes there is a little accident!For example, what Fengrange wanted to know, how to leave this world, was not available in this Shihuang space.

Feng Range came to the Treasure Pavilion, walked to the place where the crystal pens were placed, and saw five crystal pens placed on it, which were blue, green, purple, silver, and gold.

Before, Feng Range saw the introduction in the classics of learning the sealing technique, the division of colors, and also the grades of crystal pens.

(End of this chapter)

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