Phoenix Dance

Chapter 451 Healing 2 Birdman

Chapter 451 Healing the Twelve Bird People (4)

Elf?Do elves really exist in legends?How could they suddenly appear here?
Just when they were astonished, Feng Range spoke again and dropped another 'bomb'!
She said, "They are elves, so their current situation is corroded and polluted by demonic energy. Because the original nature of elves is pure, kind, gentle, and pure existence. After being eroded by demonic energy, they It is tantamount to the birth of demons. Therefore, before they..."

Hearing Feng Range's narration, Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing were stunned!

However, soon, Ouyang Huang returned to normal.Then he looked at Feng Range and asked, "If that's the case, what are you going to do next?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, Feng Range smiled slightly at him and said, "Devil energy is an evil force for humans, elves, and mermaids. Whether it's humans, demons, or elves, It is still a mermaid race, once it is corroded by the devilish energy, the body will inevitably be severely injured. Therefore, if we want to effectively solve this situation, then we must get rid of the devilish energy! Only this removal Methods……"


"It's a bit difficult! There is a barrier in the center of their demonic energy. It is not easy to break it. Moreover, if a large amount of demonic energy overflows when this is broken, I don't know what will happen to the twelve Elf, how much damage will it cause. So, this risk... I don't know if I should take it or not?"

Hearing Feng Range's embarrassing words, Ouyang Huang fell silent.

However, when the two of them were silent, Bai Jing asked.

"If this is not removed, it is just sealed? Is it possible?"

Hearing Bai Jing's question, Feng Range was stunned.

Then, he exchanged a glance with Ouyang Huang and said, "The magic energy is sealed in the body? That is equivalent to burying a time bomb in the body. When the right opportunity comes, it will definitely explode. Until then , I'm afraid they are hopeless. Moreover, before that, their minds may also be affected by the faintly overflowing devilish energy, which will also cause certain factors of instability to us. In this way, leaving It hurts them, not only harms them, but also harms us."

Hearing what Feng Range said again, Bai Jing also fell silent.

This situation seems to be much more complicated than they imagined.It's just that, then... what should they do next?

Bai Jing stared blankly at Feng Range, hoping she could come up with a solution!
Elf!And their strengths are not bad, Bai Jing doesn't want to be around Feng Range, because of that damn devil energy, he misses some powerful support.

Moreover, after hearing Feng Range's continuous explanations, he, who is "old and cunning", faintly felt that this girl Feng should have some way to solve the problem she is facing now!
Otherwise, how could she say so many things to them now!
Thinking about it this way, when Bai Jing was about to ask Feng Range for a solution, Ouyang Huang took the lead in asking Feng Range.

"Little Geer, what can you do?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, Feng Range's eyes froze slightly.

Then he said, "Well, but I need your help!"

"What is it? What do we need?"

After hearing Feng Range's answer and confirming that she really had a solution, Bai Jing immediately asked.

Hearing his words, Feng Range walked over to Sakis and Xia Zuo.

Pointing to the two of them, he said, "The condition of the two of them is the most serious now, let's treat them first! Evil things are basically afraid of flames. I am an alchemist, and I am ranked high in the list of strange fires." The fire of spiritual purification. I think this flame should be able to burn and dispel the demonic energy in their bodies!"

Hearing what Feng Range said, both Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing understood what she was going to do.However, she found that after she had said a lot, she hadn't said what they needed to do.

So, Bai Jing said again in a sullen voice, "Girl Feng, you have said so much, but you still haven't told us what we need to do! You said, do you really need me and boy Huang to heal you?" When, what do you want us to do?"

Seeing Bai Jing's eager questioning, Feng Range turned to look at him.

The corners of his lips were raised slightly, revealing a slight smile.Then he said, "Old man Bai, what are you so eager to do? What I want you and Huang to do is actually very simple, all you need is to help me hold them down when I get rid of their evil energy, and let them not Just move!"

Speaking of this, Fengrange paused for a while, and then continued, "My fire of purification, it has the function of purification. At the same time, because it is a well-known existence on the strange fire list, so, Its power is naturally not to be underestimated! So, if they writhe in unbearable pain and come into contact with my Spiritual Purification Fire when dispelling the demon energy, I am afraid that they may be killed Burnt to ashes!"

Hearing Feng Range's sudden opening to publicize her strange fire, Bai Jing was startled in shock!
This touch can burn a person to ashes, what a powerful flame!
Although Bai Jing has the highest status in the Moon Shadow Sect, he still doesn't know much about the real world of cultivation.

In particular, because he is not an alchemist, he doesn't know anything about different fires.

Because of this, he has never seen the true strength of the different fire!

But right now, because of the rescue of the twelve elves, Bai Jing will soon be able to see the strange fire in Feng Range's body!

At the same time, you can really see the strength of the different fire once!
Right now, now that they know what Feng Range is going to do, at the same time, they also know what they need to do.

Therefore, Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing, according to Feng Range's request, first reached out to support Sakis, and supported him to sit cross-legged.

Then, the two of them worked together to support him, in case he struggled later when Fengrange was undergoing treatment!

Seeing the two of them getting ready, Feng Range curled his lips into a faint smile.Then I took out some needed elixir and water of life for later use!
After that, she began to sacrifice the strange fire in her body.

And as soon as her spirit-cleaning fire came out, Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing suddenly felt a burning sensation rushing towards them.

Regarding this momentary feeling, the expressions of both of them were slightly taken aback!
(End of this chapter)

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