Phoenix Dance

Chapter 452 Healing 2 Birdman

Chapter 452 Healing the Twelve Bird People (5)

However, after being stunned for a moment, the two calmed down!

Seeing that Feng Range concentrated his energy, he put up a ray of pure spirit fire, wrapped it with spiritual power and spiritual consciousness, and threw it into the center of Sakis's eyebrows.

Then, being familiar with the way, with this ray of pure spirit fire, he rushed straight to Sakis' dantian.

When doing this matter, others seem relatively relaxed.But in reality, for Fengrange who is doing this, it is quite strenuous!

Wrapped with spiritual power and consciousness, he entered Sakis' body with the fire of purifying spirits.Feng Range didn't dare to let the heat of the strange fire overflow, for fear that if he was not careful, it would burn Sakis's meridians, which would affect his future cultivation.

In this way, under the high concentration of spirit, Fengrange finally arrived at Sakis's dantian with the fire of purifying spirit.

Immediately, I breathed a sigh of relief!Then, prepare for the next steps.

In the next situation, Fengrange needs to concentrate even more.

Because, everything that follows is almost related to whether Sakis will continue to survive, or the key to disappearing into this world!

Therefore, when Feng Range tried to release the enveloping fire of purifying spirits, she used extra mental power to control the flames so that they would not flutter.

In case she accidentally burns Sarkis' whole body before she burns even a trace of magic energy!

And just after her elven fire was gradually revealed, Feng Range's spiritual consciousness staying aside suddenly noticed that the devilish energy that overflowed before was retreating now!
It can be seen from this that what Feng Range wants to use the fire of pure spirit to burn and dispel these evil spirits is feasible.

In this way, Feng Range gathered his energy and continued to prepare for the next action.

In order to prevent Sakis from being hurt unnecessarily, Feng Range controlled the mental power to scatter this wisp of spiritual fire into countless thin threads.Then, I was ready to really start to help Sakis get rid of the evil energy!

She used her mental power to drive these lines of fire closer to the barrier she had hit before, and just when they touched a point, Feng Range saw that the barrier appeared.At the same time, a trace that was not deep and not shallow was also calcined by the fire of Jingling.

Seeing this, Feng Range couldn't help but feel that the fire of purifying spirits should be able to destroy this layer of barriers!
As a result, she tightly controlled the fire of the spirit to burn the barrier.

However, at the same time as the calcination, Feng Range was also dedicated to preventing the devil energy from bursting out at any time.

Because Feng Range didn't know how much devil energy inside the barrier had accumulated.Therefore, in order to prevent an uncontrollable situation when it spreads out later, she raised her guard wholeheartedly.

Just like that, time passed by...

Until, nearly two hours later, Feng Range faintly felt that the barrier covering the devilish energy should be quite thin.Wait a minute, as long as she exerts a little more force with her Purifying Spirit Fire, she should be able to pierce this barrier!
So at this moment, Feng Range temporarily decided to change his strategy.

Instead, she controlled her mental power to weave all the fire wires into a huge net of fire for purifying the spirit.

Then, he directly controlled the fire net with his mental power, overwhelming the black air blocked by the barrier.

In this way, when the spiritual fire touched the barrier again, Feng Range saw that the barrier quickly weakened.

However, within 10 minutes, the entire body was burned up by the fire of Purifying Spirit.

And after this layer of barriers were burned out, the devilish energy inside began to scurry wildly.

At this moment, if it wasn't for Feng Range's foresight to wrap these things with fire nets.I'm afraid, the devilish energy will directly fill Sakis's meridians right now!In this way, maybe it really directly caused his demonic energy to attack his heart, and then he went crazy and exploded!

However, at this moment, because of Feng Range's temporary thoughts, the problem that was almost faced was solved.

Next, the rest will depend on Feng Range's ability to purify the spirit of the fire!
As long as another three or four hours pass, when all the devilish energy is burned out by the fire of purifying spirits, the threatening factors in Sarkis' body will be completely resolved.

As for the follow-up recovery situation, with Feng Range, a god-level alchemist and doctor, there are all problems.

And in these four consecutive hours, Feng Range, who was not only helping Sakis get rid of the evil energy, felt tired!Even Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing, who obeyed Fengrange's arrangement and tried their best to support Sachs, making him immobile, felt a little tired!

After noticing this situation, at the last moment of getting rid of the evil energy, Feng Range suddenly distractedly took out the elixir and water of life that he had prepared before.

He took a few Yuanling Pills and handed them to Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing, and said to them, "Take it quickly and replenish your energy!"

Hearing Feng Range's opening, Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing took it without hesitation, and swallowed it in one gulp!
After swallowing the Yuanling Pill, they felt that the fatigue they had already felt was completely wiped away at the moment when the medicine's power was exerted!
And at the same time they took the pill, Feng Range also swallowed several Yuanling pills and a few drops of water of life in order to replenish his exhausted energy, so as to relieve the pain in these few hours. tired.

After taking the elixir and the water of life, Feng Range specially fed some to Sakis.At the same time, in order for Sakis to quickly repair the damage to the meridians caused by dispelling the demonic energy at this moment, Feng Range also fed him a pill to repair the meridians.

After the four of them took the elixir together, in the last period of time, they all felt a lot more relaxed.

At the same time, Feng Range also found that after she gave Sakis the elixir and the water of life, Sakis' condition was much better than before!

In this way, until Fengrange successfully dispelled the evil energy of Sakis, the three of them never felt a little tired again.

After Feng Range completely dispelled the devilish energy in Sakis' body, and his consciousness and spiritual power were separated from his body.

Feng Range said to Ouyang Huang and Bai Jing, "It took a long time today, let's wait for the next few days to proceed slowly! Let's all go to rest now, and leave it to Ye It's raining!"

With that said, Feng Range looked at Ouyang Huang.

After receiving Feng Range's gaze, Ouyang Huang nodded slightly at her.Then, they left the room together.

Seeing them leaving in unison, Bai Jing twitched the corners of his lips, feeling that it would be pointless for him to stay.

So, he also left...

(End of this chapter)

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