Phoenix Dance

Chapter 504 Han Qin’s Farce

Chapter 504 Han Qin’s Farce (2)

After nearly two hours, Feng Range finally successfully taught Ouyang Huang the "Eight Seals Jue".

At this time, their itinerary was almost in the sky above Jingbei City.

Originally, after comprehending the "Eight Seals", Ouyang Huang wanted to try it.But when he raised his eyes and looked at the situation below, he felt that it was better to forget it for the time being!

So, he said to Feng Range in his arms, "Little Geer, we are here. The wedding banquet is held at the Imperial Hotel, and now I have reserved the venue for three days from today to tomorrow, so I will take you down to rest. ! The wedding will start at [-]:[-]pm, it's still early!"

Hearing Ouyang Huang speak, Feng Range was quite satisfied with his arrangement.So, he nodded slightly and agreed.

"Well, let's go and have a rest first!"

Seeing that Feng Range agreed, Ouyang Huang carried her directly to the direction of the Imperial Hotel.

When he reached the sky, he landed directly on the top floor of the hotel with Feng Range.In order to prevent people from seeing him when he landed, the landing place Ouyang Huang found was relatively hidden.

As for the people who followed them before, Ouyang Huang explained to her that they would land in the suburbs, and then felt this way.

At this time, Feng Range seemed to be asking, so why did he bring her here first?
The explanation given by Ouyang Huang is as follows, he said, "Because Xiao Geer is a bride today, she is very tired! And I, Ouyang Huang, am a good man who loves his wife, so naturally I can't let my beloved wife suffer too much. Naturally, I will bring my beloved wife here first, and have a good rest!"

As Ouyang Huang said, he continued to carry Feng Range to the top presidential suite below the roof.

As for Feng Range, when she heard Ouyang Huang's changing confession, she felt the veins on her forehead twitch violently.

She found that ever since he agreed to Ouyang Huang's marriage proposal, when Ouyang Huang faced her, his words became shameless.

With him like this, he completely subverted the image she saw him for the first time, okay?In this regard, Fengrange was a little speechless!

Feng Range let Ouyang Huang hold her like this, until he arrived in the new bedroom of the suite, he put Feng Range on the edge of the bed and sat down.

For Ouyang Huang, who had been hugging Feng Range for a day, the sudden empty hand made him feel a little lost.Feeling this feeling, his whole body shook suddenly.

Then, he also sat down beside Feng Range, and said softly to Feng Range, "Little Geer, there are still several hours before the wedding banquet, so you can take a rest here! Earlier, my old man had He called me several times to urge me, and I will go to him to deal with it now!"

With that said, he stood up again and stroked Feng Range's shoulder.

After hearing Ouyang Huang's words, Feng Range nodded slightly and said, "Go!"

With Feng Range's consent, Ouyang Huang looked at her with dark eyes again, then turned and left.

After Ouyang Huang left, the whole room suddenly became quiet.

Now that she was idle again, Feng Range took a deep breath under the red hijab.Afterwards, he crossed his legs and landed on Tengda's bed, and started another round of practice with his eyes closed.

This time, the environment here has stabilized.Therefore, when Feng Range was meditating, she controlled her spiritual power, and attracted a trace of strong spiritual energy from the space of the first barren space, and then continuously inhaled it into her body for circulation.

Since the aura in the Shihuang space is richer and richer than the aura in the outside world, when Feng Range was practicing, a thin layer of spiritual mist filled his body.

In this way, temporarily because no one would disturb her, Feng Range's cultivation gradually sank into a deeper level.

This state continued until around 06:30 in the evening.

At this moment, Feng Range is still in deep cultivation.But suddenly, there was a sound of "click...", and the door of the room was opened.

Fengrange was practicing, and she heard a slight voice.However, when she heard the voice, she thought it was Ouyang Huang who had come in, so she didn't pay much attention to it.

She is still caught in serious cultivation...

But just when she thought that Ouyang Huang would come to her to practice together, she didn't wait for Ouyang Huang to come.

At this time, Feng Range noticed that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the room!
So, she immediately withdrew from the practice, opened her eyes, and scanned the whole room with her spiritual sense.

And just under this scan, she was completely shocked!

The people who entered the room were two men in black!She didn't pay attention before, so she didn't know that it was two strange men in black who came in quietly!

who are they?They are not kind, and what do they want to do!
At this moment, Feng Range's thoughts became a little dignified.

After a long silence, she suddenly pre-empted and said, "Who are you? What do you want to do!"

Originally, the actions of the two men in black were very cautious.But at this moment, when they suddenly heard Feng Range's voice, their footsteps paused, a little flustered.

Then, the movements were not as careful as before, and then there was a noise, which really alarmed Feng Range!

Now that the people in the room have been alarmed, they are no longer so cautious, but acted generously.

The two of them walked up to Feng Range in a few steps, and then threatened Feng Range fiercely, "Smelly bastard, tell you, our brother is here to kill you today! Be good to us now!" Don't think about yelling to attract people, or thinking about running away! In the hands of our two brothers, we have not escaped the lives we want to reap!"

As she said that, Feng Range heard the sound of them pulling out knives from their arms.And, then took a few steps closer to her.

However, when hearing their threatening voices, Feng Range didn't react at all, even his breath didn't change.

She didn't speak at this time either, allowing the two people to approach her slowly.

When seeing Feng Range's unresponsiveness, the two thieves who broke in thought she had been bluffed by them.

Unexpectedly, when they were only one step away from Feng Range, they suddenly felt a stabbing pain in their chests, and suddenly they couldn't move.

For this sudden situation, the two gangsters were shocked!
 Tonight, I went to my aunt's house for dinner and watched the twin aunts dance in the square dance. I only started coding two or three chapters when I got home. Chapter 2 is here now, and Chapter 3 will come later!
(End of this chapter)

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