Phoenix Dance

Chapter 505 Han Qin’s Farce

Chapter 505 Han Qin’s Farce (3)

Then, he started yelling, "Fuck! What's wrong? Why can't I move all of a sudden!"

"Damn it! Brother, what's wrong with me? Why can't I move all of a sudden!"

"Brother, brother can't move anymore, how do you know what's going on? ****!"

"Brother... Do you think this bitch did something good? Just now I seemed to feel a tingling pain in my chest!"

"Fuck! Brother, I feel it too! Then... Maybe it's really a good thing this bitch did!"


Hearing them discussing their own situation one by one, Feng Range still sat on the bed calmly.

The sudden situation of these two bandits in black was really caused by Feng Range's attack just now.

She was just one step away from them approaching her, and she used two qi energies to condense into two qi needles and shoot them into their Ding acupoints to stabilize their figures.

As for their dumb acupoints, Feng Range did not seal them.Instead, he wanted to find out who sent them to assassinate her amidst their chatter.

Regarding this question, although Feng Range is somewhat clear now, but still prefers to get the answer she wants from them.

At the same time, Feng Range also believed that this place was arranged by Ouyang Huang for her.Now that someone has broken in here, presumably it only takes a moment for Ouyang Huang to receive the news!
At this moment, Feng Range didn't feel that the time was delayed, so she calmly waited for Ouyang Huang to come again!

Sure enough, just after she had been listening to the two gangsters chattering for seven or eight minutes, the door of the room was slammed open.

Moreover, Ouyang Huang rushed in front of her eagerly, and asked worriedly, "Little Geer, are you okay? How are you doing? Are you hurt?"

Hearing Feng Range's concerned question, Feng Range didn't answer him temporarily.Instead, she found that besides her, Ouyang Huang, and the two gangsters, there were other people following Ouyang Huang in the room.

Moreover, Feng Range is quite familiar with the three people who came here.Ouyang Huang's grandfather, Mr. Ouyang Huang, Ouyang Huang's father Ouyang Chi, and a woman, Ouyang Huang's so-called 'mother', Han Qin!

Just after Ouyang Huang finished asking Feng Range, the old Mr. Ouyang also walked quickly to Feng Range's side, and asked her in a calm manner, "Girl, are you okay? Boy Huang asked this What about you, why don't you say a word?"

When Mr. Ouyang was asking questions, his attitude was quite friendly.At the same time, there was a hint of worry faintly in the words!

For Mr. Ouyang's words, Feng Range could hear his love and concern for him.

So, in order to reciprocate, Mr. Ouyang would not worry about her anymore.

At this time, he said softly, "I'm fine! Here, Huang, feed them these two pills! Wait a minute, if you have anything to ask them, make sure to take them before After these two pills, they will tell the truth!"

As she said that, two pills appeared in her hand, and she handed them to Ouyang Huang accurately.

When Ouyang Huang saw these two pills, his eyes froze slightly, and he reached out to take them.

And just as he reached out to take the elixir handed over by Feng Range, Han Qin, who was standing beside Ouyang Chi, muttered with disdain, "Pretending to be a ghost!"

When they heard her voice, except for Ouyang Chi who was standing beside her and took a look at her, only Ouyang Huang and old Mr. Ouyang ignored her at all!
If she hadn't come with Ouyang Chi at this moment, with the attitude of Mr. Ouyang, I really don't want her to appear here!
As for this restless woman, when she married into Ouyang's family, only a bastard like Ouyang Chi didn't know what she was planning.And Ouyang Huang and Mr. Ouyang have seen it for so many years, so they are naturally the clearest.

Therefore, since they knew her purpose, Ouyang Huang and Mr. Ouyang naturally wouldn't give her a good look.

After ignoring her existence, Ouyang Huang took the elixir Feng Range gave him and walked up to the two bandits.Directly and rudely, he shot two elixirs into their mouths and made them swallow them!

After swallowing the pill, the two gangsters shouted in shock, "What are you giving us?"

"What is it for us to eat? Tell me quickly, or when my brothers can move freely, I will decide not to spare you!"

Hearing that they were not afraid of death at the moment, they yelled at Ouyang Huang and the others.Before Ouyang Huang opened his mouth, old man Ouyang became furious.

"Hey! You bastard, you dare to touch even my granddaughter-in-law of the Ouyang family. I think you two bastards are the ones who are impatient! When the old man finds out who appointed you, you must be together with that person. You can't get into the game and take it with you for the rest of your life! Hmph!"

Old man Ouyang said rough words, and when he was angry, he still leaned on his crutches and smashed the ground several times to show his anger!
When they noticed his attitude, the corners of Ouyang Huang's and Feng Range's lips were slightly upturned at the same time.They all liked the old man's reaction at this time!

However, because Feng Range was still covering her red hijab, others did not see the change in her expression.

As for Ouyang Huang, he didn't pay attention to the threat of the two gangsters at all.

He directly asked them, "Who appointed you to come and hurt Xiao Ge'er?"

"Yes, it's Mrs. Ouyang, Han Qin!"

"It's Mrs. Ouyang!"

When they took the pill given by Xiao Ge'er, Ouyang Huang believed in the efficacy of Fengrange's pill.But now, when he asked directly, the effectiveness of the elixir began to play.

When hearing the two thieves say the same answer in unison, everyone in this room, except for Feng Range who was covered by a red hijab, did not change his face, and the expressions of the rest of them suddenly became ugly up!

Ouyang Huang's complexion became gloomy, Mr. Ouyang was very angry, Ouyang Chi was surprised, Han Qin was panicked, and those two gangsters were even more panicked!

One by one, they never expected that Feng Range's pill would be so effective.All of a sudden, the two gangsters told the truth.

Even if they want to hide their true thoughts, they still can't do it at all!
Then, Ouyang Huang, Mr. Ouyang and Ouyang Chi all focused on Han Qin.All of them had bad eyes, as if they wanted to swallow her alive.

He said coldly, "Han Qin, did you really do it?"

"No! Not me! Not me! They slandered me, nonsense!"

When hearing Ouyang Huang's unkind question, Han Qin almost denied it without thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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