Phoenix Dance

Chapter 521 Taking Ouyang Huang into the Desolate Space

Chapter 521 Taking Ouyang Huang into the Desolate Space

Together, the three followed Feng Range to the medicine refining room on the thirteenth floor.

When he got there, Ouyang Huang looked surprised when he saw the empty refining room.

Then he asked, "Didn't you bring Ran Yun and Bai Lao here, as well as Saranuo and his people. But now, why didn't you see anyone?"

Hearing Ouyang Huang speak, Feng Range's eyes flickered slightly as he looked at him.

Then, he answered, "I sent them to a place to practice. Now I let you come here with grandpa and father, because I want to take you to a better place to practice."

As she spoke, she looked at Ouyang Huang and Mr. Ouyang, and waited for their answers.

Now, although the four of them can be regarded as a family, Ouyang Huang cherishes her, and old man Ouyang also values ​​her, but Ouyang Chi's attitude is a little indifferent.

However, when she suddenly wants to take them to another place to practice, she still has to ask their opinions whether they are willing to go with her.

And when he heard Feng Range's words, Ouyang Huang's eyes flickered slightly.What's more, old man Ouyang also showed a look of expectation on his face.

Seeing this, Feng Range knew that Ouyang Huang and old man Ouyang absolutely trusted her.

As for Ouyang Chi who didn't express his opinion at all, his expression was a little stunned at this time.However, he didn't show any resistance either, he obviously agreed with Feng Range's arrangement!

For this reason, Feng Range felt that Ouyang Chi actually didn't dislike her much, but he was just reticent and unable to express.

So, with the consent of the three of them, Feng Range made them all close their eyes.Then, an idea led them into the space of the beginning of the wasteland.

"Now you can open your eyes!"

Hearing Feng Range's voice, Ouyang Huang and the others slowly opened their eyes.

The moment they opened their eyes, they saw a small courtyard.Around this small courtyard, there is a layer of thick white mist.

This is?When seeing the fog, Ouyang Huang was completely surprised.Looking at Feng Range's eyes, I couldn't believe it!
These fogs are all spiritual energy!The rich aura has all been vaporized!
Seeing this, although Ouyang Huang had many questions, he wanted to ask Feng Range.However, he felt that he should trust her instead of asking all the questions hastily.

For this reason, after the corners of his lips muttered, he didn't say a word.

At this moment, Feng Range said, "Huang, you will live here with grandpa and father from now on! Grandpa and father still need your guidance in their initial cultivation. When grandpa and their cultivation have a certain degree I will take you to another place to practice!"

Hearing Feng Range speak again, Ouyang Huang didn't know what to say at this time.

So, he nodded and replied, "Xiao Ge'er, I understand! You should have a lot of things to do next, right? You should go first!"

Originally, Ouyang Huang wanted to keep Feng Range here.However, he also knew that Feng Range attached great importance to going outside, so it was not easy for him to stop her at this moment, so he let her do things.

Anyway, Xiao Ge'er is his wife now, as long as he doesn't let go, even if someone comes to snatch Xiao Ge'er from him, I'm afraid they won't be able to snatch her away.

But now, he still has one very important thing to do, which is to improve his own strength.

Only when his strength continues to improve, then he will have the ability to truly protect and keep Xiao Ge'er.

Now, the aura here is so strong that it simply provides him with the largest and best cultivation resources.For this reason, how could he not grasp it well!

After hearing Ouyang Huang's promise, Feng Range explained a few words to Mr. Ouyang and Ouyang Chi about paying attention to cultivation, and then left directly.

Now in the Shihuang space, Feng Range left in a flash, but it no longer seemed to teleport, but disappeared in an instant.As far as her hand was revealed to Mr. Ouyang and Ouyang Chi, they were all shocked!
Similarly, when Ouyang Huang saw Feng Range showing his strength, he also felt that Feng Range's strength seemed to have surpassed him by more than a point or two.

For this reason, Ouyang Huang felt that he should hurry up and practice hard.

Otherwise, if Xiao Ge'er surpassed him even more, how could he catch up easily!
So, after a moment of distraction, he immediately arranged for Mr. Ouyang and Ouyang Chi to enter the house, preparing to teach them the basic spiritual practice.

Although this small courtyard looks small from the outside.But when I walked inside and took a look, I found that although the sparrow was small and complete, it had everything inside.

At the same time, because of the proper layout of the space, it feels quite warm for their family to live in.

Because old man Ouyang and Ouyang Chi were going to be taught to practice together, there was also a two-bright sword practice room in the house, so Ouyang Huang took them into one of them.

At the same time that Ouyang Huang took Mr. Ouyang and the others to formally start learning the method of cultivation, Feng Range's figure appeared at the door of another small courtyard.

This small courtyard and the previous small courtyard for Ouyang Huang's family to live in are two small courtyards that Feng Range asked Shihuang to set up later.

Earlier, Fengrange had exposed the Shihuang courtyard to Ran Yunranyu and they knew about it.But now, because Mo Xuan also entered here together, and more people will enter here in the future, it is not good for her to really expose the Shihuang space to everyone.

Therefore, let Shihuang, the spirit of Shihuang Divine Orb, create these two small courtyards.

At the same time, in order not to prevent Ran Yun and the others from seeing that this small courtyard is different from the original Shihuang courtyard, when Shihuang was built, it was purposely built to imitate the original appearance of the original Huang courtyard.

Now, because Ran Yun and the others came in more than two hours earlier than Ouyang Huang and the others, Feng Range had already sensed that they were practicing comprehensively.

Fengrange is very satisfied with this situation!

So, she stood at the door, and in order not to affect their cultivation, she didn't go in to have a look.

However, just as she left the door, she sent a voice transmission to Shihuang again, and confessed some things.

Afterwards, she just flashed back to the real Shihuang courtyard.

Back in Shihuang's small courtyard, she felt that she was almost ready for things like pills.

However, in terms of life-saving means, she has only improved her strength, but has no real achievements in other aspects.

Then, she will start to make preparations in this regard...

(End of this chapter)

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