Phoenix Dance

Chapter 522 Refining Seal Talisman, Materials Delivered

Chapter 522 Refining Seal Talisman, Materials Delivered
As early as the last time Feng Range refined and cracked the seal talisman, she had planned to try refining the seal seal talisman and skill seal talisman.

It's just that at that time, due to many reasons, Feng Range didn't have time to do this until now.

As for her current plan to refine the seal talisman as a means of life-saving for her group when they reach the last plane, Feng Range still has some expectations for the power of the seal talisman.

Now, apart from the crystal pen and talisman paper, the only thing she lacked was spirit ink.

However, as far as drawing the seal talisman is concerned, the most difficult thing to grasp is really the withdrawal of Lingmo.

At the same time, because she plans to collect spiritual ink in large quantities this time, the psychic liquid, the spiritual ink, and the crystal bottle containing the spiritual ink in her hand should not be enough.

Then, before she really wants to do these things, she still has to refine thousands of crystal bottles for backup.

As for whether the thousands of crystal bottles are enough for her to use?

That Feng Range could only prepare to redeem the spirit ink and draw seal symbols to make these thousands of crystal bottles turn around and use them.

Only by doing this, it would be enough for her to refine thousands of crystal bottles!

With this in mind, Feng Range immediately went back to the alchemy room, picked out a batch of top-quality spirit stones, and prepared to start refining the crystal bottle first.

The refining of crystal bottles is actually not easy.It is quite time-consuming to refine more than a thousand of them.

Therefore, after all the preparatory work was completed, she still started to refine it after a delay of one and a half minutes.

And her refining, because of the huge quantity, by the time she refined all the top-grade spirit stones into crystal bottles, more than two days had passed.

In the meantime, because it really took a lot of effort, Feng Range took several pills and spiritual fruits to successfully refine this huge number of crystal bottles!

Now, the preparations for the crystal bottle have been completed.Then, next, she should pick medicinal materials and spiritual fruits to prepare the medicinal liquid.

After the refining of the required liquid medicine is completed, then she can proceed to the next step of extracting the spirit ink.

However, it was also a little frustrating because of refining the crystal bottle.When going to pick medicinal materials and spiritual fruits, Fengrange's movements were deliberately slow.

While picking medicinal materials and spiritual fruits, she was also repairing the mental power and consciousness she had spent.So that, in the next step of refining the liquid medicine, each step can be done smoothly and accurately.

To put it bluntly, drawing the seal talisman really consumes a person's financial resources, material resources and one's own ability in terms of the preliminary preparations.

It is also because, no matter on that plane, such seal masters are really rare!At the same time, it also makes all practitioners respect it!
Especially a novice seal master with absolute strength like Feng Range, or a multi-seal master, in a big family, is an absolute object that will be cultivated no matter what the price is!

It's just that when Feng Range was still in Feng's house in Jishen Dalu, she hadn't learned this skill at that time.

Otherwise, I'm afraid that her status in the Feng family and the status on the Jishen Continent will be higher but not lower!

You know, her original alchemy status is already enough to be flattered.Adding the identity of a sealer, then she is still walking sideways across the entire continent!

Of course, there are other abilities of Fengrange among them.

After she finished picking the medicinal materials and spiritual fruits, a long time had passed.At this time, her mental strength, which was originally exhausted, has almost adjusted her breath.

Then, she shouldn't waste any more time, but was going to refine the medicinal liquid.

The steps of refining the liquid medicine can be regarded as a relatively simple matter in drawing the seal symbol.Especially since Fengrange was originally the identity of the Alchemy God, this step is simply a piece of cake.

However, although this matter is relatively simple to do, it is due to the relatively large amount.It will take a lot of time for Feng Range to refine all the medicinal materials and spiritual fruits into spiritual liquid.

However, this time is thirty times the time of Shihuang Space, Feng Range simply ignored it.

After she sorted and arranged all the medicinal materials and spiritual fruits, she started refining...

While Feng Range was in full swing preparing for the drawing of the seal talisman, news came one after another from Ouyang Huang who was sent to find materials for repairing the altar of advancement.

It is said that all the materials have been found and are being sent here.

Because Ouyang Huang is in Shihuang Space, people outside can't contact him at all, but fortunately, Ye Xing and Ye Yu are still outside.

This situation finally spread to Feng Range through Ye Xing and the others.

At this time, Feng Range also happened to refine all the medicinal materials and spiritual fruits into liquid medicine, and then put it into a crystal bottle.

Then, based on the situation of the restoration materials of the promotion altar, Fengrange is going to put aside the matter of drawing the seal symbol first.Go find Ouyang Huang first, and go outside together, and take over the materials for repairing the Jinshi altar brought by his people first.

Feng Range cared more about the restoration of the promotion than anything else.

So, after leaving the small courtyard of Shihuang, Feng Range teleported directly to the small courtyard where Ouyang Huang's family was housed.

When she got there, she saw the spiritual progress of old man Ouyang and Ouyang Chi, who had already entered the threshold of cultivators.Then, their cultivation would no longer need Ouyang Huang's assistance to teach them.

After seeing Ouyang Huang, Feng Range told him the news he had received.Afterwards, he took him directly out of the Shihuang space.

After going outside again, Ouyang Huang felt that although Xiao Ge'er had set up the Five Elements Gathering Formation in this ghost gate base.But the aura here is really incomparable to the concentration of aura in the space where Xiao Geer sent them to!
However, Ouyang Huang just kept this feeling in his heart and didn't show it on the surface.Anyway, in his heart, as long as it is everything about Xiao Geer, it is absolutely the best!

And in his heart, the one who is worthy of Xiao Ge'er is definitely the best!Who made his little song itself the best!
Not long after the two left the Shihuang space, Ouyang Huang directly received the news from his people, saying that they had arrived.

Then, without further delay, they planned to go directly to these people and retrieve the materials for repairing the altar of advancement.

At the same time, Feng Range was also thinking in his heart, or go directly to Changbai City to restore the Jinshi altar.

However, this thought only flashed through her mind.Then, there is no more...

(End of this chapter)

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