Phoenix Dance

Chapter 529 Prepare to be promoted, leave

Chapter 529 Prepare to be promoted, leave (3)

Feng Range's retreat lasted for a full year!
One year in the outside world, but several years have passed in Shihuang space and the space bracelet.

When the time came, Feng Range came to his senses from his cultivation with Shi Huang's reminder!
During this year, Feng Range repeatedly practiced spiritual practice and martial practice.Therefore, her cultivation base this year has greatly improved in both spiritual and martial arts!
However, because there is no rule of heaven and earth in Shihuang Space, her power is only compressed in her body for the time being, and she can only break through after the Shihuang Space is removed.

But right now, she doesn't have any plans to start a space, she has to go to the other two small courtyards to see everyone's cultivation situation!
Because Ouyang Huang was also practicing in the small courtyard, Feng Range planned to go to visit first, so he might as well be him.With that thought in mind, she acted like this.

When she reached the door of the practice room where Ouyang Huang was, she heard the sound of a fight going on inside.This is probably Ouyang Huang practicing martial arts, fighting with puppets!

In this way, Feng Range knew that the current Ouyang Huang should not be disturbed by her.Then wait a while, she will come to him again!

Leaving the door of the practice room where Ouyang Huang was, Feng Range directly left the small courtyard of Shihuang and went to the small courtyard where old man Ouyang and the others were.

When she got there, she saw something that surprised her!
In just one year, the spiritual strength of old man Ouyang and Ouyang Chi has successively reached the fifth and sixth levels of spiritual masters.It seems that the two of them have also worked hard in cultivation during this year!
Afterwards, Feng Range chatted with them for a while, and after talking to them about her future plans, she was urged by Mr. Ouyang to do business quickly, and left the small courtyard where they were.

After leaving the small courtyard where Ouyang and the others were, Feng Range came to the small courtyard where Ran Yun and the others were again.

After arriving here, after seeing all of them, Feng Range realized that the surprise they gave him was the biggest!

After a year of closed-door training, Ran Yun and Ran Yu's spiritual and martial arts strengths have each increased by three levels.This is also equivalent to saying that the strength of the two brothers and sisters has reached the sixth level of the warrior and the second level of the spirit.There is another person, the eighth-level martial artist and the first-level spiritual master.

As expected of the two of them, one has a body of extreme yang, and the other has a body of extreme yin. This talent and the speed of cultivation are both leveraged!
Apart from the two of them, Gao Ying, who loves to be lazy the most, and Kayina, who is not very talented, have also improved their spiritual strength by two levels and their martial arts by one level in this year.It can be seen that their past year was not in vain.

In addition, Mo Xuan's strength has also reached the second level of Wu Zong and the ninth level of Spirit Master.

You must know that Mo Xuan was only a martial arts practitioner before, and had never practiced spiritual cultivation.In this year's time, he has reached the ninth level of spiritual practice, which shows his dedication!

After that, the strength of Bai Jing and the other old men also improved a lot in this year!
After seeing these situations, the corners of Fengrange's lips curled up in satisfaction.Then, a faint smile appeared.

When they saw Feng Range's appearance, Ran Yun and the others also withdrew from the practice, and then shouted at her, "Master, have you left the customs?"

"Master, are you here?"


"Sect Master!"

"Sect Master!"


Hearing the voices of each of them, the smile on Feng Range's face did not diminish, but became even stronger.

At this time, she opened her red lips lightly, and said to them, "I am very satisfied with your achievements this year! Next, I will take you to a bigger training stage. Work hard! Fight, in decades or hundreds of years, you will become the world-renowned peerless powerhouse!"

As Feng Range said, her eyes swept to everyone standing in front of her.

And when Feng Range's gaze swept over them, each of them looked serious!

Then, within a short while, they all responded to Feng Range in unison, saying loudly, "Okay! Be famous all over the world!"

After hearing their deafening response, the corners of Feng Range's lightly smiling lips split into an arc, and the smile became more intense.

Then, he smiled lightly and said to them, "Then you will continue to work hard, I will go to Huang, and later we will rush to the Qinglong Jinweitan Cave in the suburbs of Changbai City. When we get there, Bai Jing, where are you?" Come out and join us!"

"Okay, girl!" Bai Jing nodded and readily agreed to Feng Range's arrangement!

After getting Bai Jing's consent, Feng Range left this small courtyard again, and then went back to Shihuang small courtyard to look for Ouyang Huang.

When you find Ouyang Huang, although he is still fighting the puppet at the moment, Feng Range doesn't plan to wait for him to finish his training this time.Instead, he just broke in, jumped onto the opposite platform, and stood side by side with Ouyang Huang, ready to deal with the puppets together.

When seeing Feng Range's sudden intrusion, Ouyang Huang's eyes flickered and said to Feng Range, "Little Geer, why are you here?"

"The two-year period has come, I came to find you to go to the cave where the Qinglong Jinshi altar is located!" Hearing Ouyang Huang's question, Feng Range answered him without hesitation.

At the same time, his hands were still quick to help him deal with the puppet.

After Yi Lian shot three times and knocked down three puppets, Feng Range directly shouted at Ouyang Huang, "Let's go!"

The two left the opposite platform, walked to the door, and turned off the mechanism inside.

Then, Feng Range glanced at Ouyang Huang and said, "Let's go!" He took him by the hand and led him to get rid of Shihuang Space.

Just when the two of them first came out of the original space, both of them could feel the spiritual power in their bodies surge up!

This is...the two of them looked at each other again, knowing that they were about to break through again.

In this way, they immediately moved in a flash, and tried their best to suppress the violent spiritual power in their bodies.Fight, wait until outside the ghost gate base, and then trigger Lei Jie, let Lei Jie land!

This is a race against time, but the two of them are very happy to do it!

At the same time, at this moment, Feng Range also took out two divine swords from the Shihuang space, and handed one to Ouyang Huang as a spare.

Next, they will rush to the Qinglong Jinshi altar.As far as the matter of crossing the catastrophe is concerned, they can no longer be let the thunder catastrophe hurt them so badly that they are completely bruised.

So, at this time, when he saw the long sword Feng Range handed to him, Ouyang Huang didn't refuse, and held it in his hand.

When they quickly flashed to the place where Fengrange crossed the robbery last time, the thunder disaster above their heads was almost brewing.

Next, wait for Lei Jie to land and let them break through with all their strength...

 My hand made a mistake and I wrote too much content. I still can’t finish this part of the content today. It seems that it will be tomorrow, alas!
(End of this chapter)

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